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Finished Indoor - 3k w, yield 12oz dry... whats wrong?


were you and your buddy splitting the grow? maybe he lied to you and told you he only got 12oz total, but really got a shitload more? I have seen it happen in real life in more then one account with more then 1 person...

just a question to ponder.. .

I am sure it was 12... :wave:


if you want Great Quality Seeds & i mean Top Notch Quality at affordable cost, then check out Nivarna, they'lll ship to you too. You'll get something you like that yield V-well & is good for beginners. Aurora Indica, Ice, White Rhino, they will all give great yields, majority of their strains do if not all & you wont bust the bank. Get Top Notch Genetics for next to nothing to practice on, then when you get it dialled in buy some of the Big Guns genes to play with if you fancy! You wiont go wrong with Nivarna mate! Have a look at running simple Hydroponics like NFT, its so easy to do its unbelievable, easier than any soil grow!Good luck.

Your telling me you think NFT is a better bet and easier then soil? I stuff with soil for the sheer reason it's cheap, and easy (or so we thought). Not to mention, since we are having two rooms a flower and veg, I can easily drag the vegging plants into the flower room , etc...

Isn't that what most people do when they flip ? Or do they mean they use HPS/MH ballasts and just "flip" the bulbs?

Also, how common is it to see flir choppers? Worried about running a 4k flower room and 2k veg room... seem to much? 2500 sqft home.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
It's true that genetics are first consideration in just about any part of growing, including yield. Genetics set the limits, it's up to us to provide an environment that lets the genes do their thing. Environmental limitations to yield obviously start with light, but it sounds as if you have plenty strong lights. Next parameter is water. After that, rootspace. A distant fourth; Nutrients. People tend to consider nutrients too high up on the flow chart, when actually the plants need for them depends completely on Light, Water and Rootspace. I would recommend sticking with your methods rather than switching, because skills count for much more than equipment in the long run. Stay with the containers and next time around, pay closer attention to watering.


The target was 3000 g+ correct? 3000 g/20 p = 150 gpp/28 g= 5.36 oz.pp. 12 oz.*28 grams = 336 g/20 plants = 16.8 gpp. The gpp of this grower is a problem since he's only growing 20 plants.Outside of other factors(soil, nutes, strategy, training, genes, etc.) yet to be improved upons since these already have been discussed and we know how they will improve the yield, the plant density has to be increased substantially or increased enough that the target gpp is easily attainable without exorbitant veg time. In layman's, grow more plants or get larger yields pp. Let's say next round the dude improves to 3/4 oz. p p with his new genes, soil, strategies, and touch-ups. So 3000 g/21 g = 142.86 ~= 143 plants needed. Or lets say that he starts scrogging in an aero with 50 sites, and we'll say he doubles the 3/4 to 1 1/2 oz so 42 g * 50 sites= 2100 g. He'll still need 20 more sites to reach that but with one more grow under dude's belt maybe he can reach a 56-57 gpp, then he can remain with the same number of sites. But then again maybe he should keep trying to get 5.5 oz per plant. Seriously the experience of giving it his all would probably benefit him so he could pull larger yields later on with small numbers of plants. But then again he could always learn that while he pulls in great yields because of high density.


Power Armor rules
That is an awful yield for 3 kW in lighting. My last run I got 11.5 oz from a 600w light in a tent. I run a lot of Mandala seeds products and they are too easy to grow and have massive yields.

Start with some fresh genetics and give them 3-4 weeks of veg time. Under 3 kW you should have a forest in flower. Be sure you have plenty of air exchange because that is the one thing I've found that make plants go bonkers.

Best of luck to you,



love machine
ICMag Donor
High ya'll

Something went terrible wrong here, i read the tittle and i could not understand it was even possible to get 12 oz with 3k.

I had a friend who just started to grow, he knows nothing about weed, and wanted a simple way to grow with his 1k.

I mixxed him my organic recipes that only needs plain watering each time, he still manage to over feed them, burn them with heats and all the other stuff a noob would do, somehow he still manage to get almost 16 oz dried ( 8 plants total, each yield almost 2 oz dried.

Now i run my tent with only 2k, given that i ran a shitty strain this late grow, i still manage to get 4 + with 2k, i kept every thing simple to the T.

The first thing went through my mind is that your friend ( cut you short ) this happened in many many cases. ( i hope thats not the case )

If you want, i can shoot your my dirt recipes, and run that 3k again, this time if you dont get over 2lb i'll quit growing.

Just really hate to see people put in lots of work with litttle return,



Active member
Very low for the watt but if genetics and grower know how are not in place then I can very well see this happening ya gotta learn he just got a lot of watts and room to learn in and it will cost him more to learn in a larger setup... but it it green and safe


Active member
Well you did give him a great start with the mix, general mix or not we tend to take the evident of what we do and think all do it when some can't or do it their way and then decide to read.When I didn't know I did research just my .02


Active member
i bet heat!

hey Pure: even with heat problems we both know that 10 zips are infants play I use to get 10 zips of bubba kush in a 2x4 box in my garage I called her my Moo Moo's no A/c hot ass fuck in Ca. .:tiphat: oh forgot cheap ass mailbox wing reflector no cooltube straight exhaust with dayton 265 into a back pressure homemade carbon scubberback into the garage nonthing was right. so I don't know
I certainly can't give KC Brains enough props for their quality genetics. I ran T.N,R and KC 33 both were amazing. Heavy yields and lemony fresh. If you want some no b.s. strains definitely check out some of what KC has to offer.


I certainly can't give KC Brains enough props for their quality genetics. I ran T.N,R and KC 33 both were amazing. Heavy yields and lemony fresh. If you want some no b.s. strains definitely check out some of what KC has to offer.

yep i will second kc brains for first grows,my first one was mindbender in hydro with no pens temp control nothin apart from a light and circulating fan,got 9 ounce from a 400w.
and my latest kc 36 got 17 ounce from a 11 ltr wilma pot,
very hardy plants whhich can take loads of abuse and they are cheap.


Like I said temps were like 75... but it was very stale air in the room, fans circulating, but still stale used up air.


bagseed- made that mistake years ago. definitely not worth the time, especially for indoor. ordering seeds is ok, but growing out plants, flowering to determine sex, and then establishing mums and clones- well, that that can be a ~5 month timeframe to first harvest depending on stock.

i would personally find a friend/contact in Colorado or Cali or the like, fly there and ship back a few high end clones from one of the reputable dispensaries. or if you're tight with them, have them send you a couple high end clones via fedex. could probably do it in a weekend for $400 or less if you book in advance. worth the $ for a really good yielding, high end indoor strain. you'd shave off a couple months, and be working with a known quality producer.

if you're running 3kw, a halfway decent grow (with ferts- try fox farm to start) you should be able to pull down 12oz per light minimum. if you're good, a couple grows down the line you could pull down double that number.

if you go this route, i'd say use Fedex over UPS. definitely not USPS.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
This is getting pretty funny. Well at least you have enough ideas to go with jr, lol. I'll
take my guess. Overwatering & PH. With no pics and not actually talking to the person
who grew them I'ma gunna go with overwatering. Never saw'em dry, yellowing from the
bottom up and wilty. Also some unsolicited advice jr, I've seen some suspect advice in
here and I would advise you to check out albums/galleries of members to see if they
actually grow. I rarely listen to anyone who can't/won't prove their skillz with pics but
thats just me. :)
Good luck dude! I'm outa here. U wanna talk anymore leave me a visitor message on
my profile page. :) ns

Had to edit and add this conundrum I just thought of...
Am I growing good with bad genetics or am I growing bad with good genetics?
Or bad with bad genetics, lol.
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