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Fingerprints on pics


Active member
Than do it, find a pic of somebody's finger and give us a detailed finger print made from the pic. I'm not talking about taking a zoom of your finger now in high detail mind you (haven't seen any pics like that on a grass site).


Active member
Because you're paranoid? Seriously I'm just asking a simple question, has anybody heard of this being done? Is there any info out there?


Cannabis 101
This is an important issue actually, I know of people who has gone down because of it... There's a difference between being paranoid and smart ;)

any proof? I never take a pic of my finger prints im way to paranoid but wonder if leo took the time to get some1


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Because you're paranoid?

Not since I blurred the prints. Your question has been answered several times. An image is an image is an image. When they match, they match and that match is acceptable as evidence in any court in the world.

Would they bother? Who knows. Could they? With ease.


Active member
An image is not a finger print and I'm not sure that police could or anybody for that matter could get a finger print from the kind of pics that we see around here. Most people take pics of plants, not their hands in a dish of soapy water with the finger pads up. So no, my question wasn't answered in the least.

An assumption is an assumption is an assumption.


Active member
Police love to brag about how they catch people, be in from left-over pizzas to cell phone tracing or whatever. I have never heard of fingerprints being produced from on-line photos so till I do I'm calling bullshit on this. I'll keep an open mind though.


Green is Gold
I remember reading a thread on here one time and the OP had taken close up pics of his buds and his fingers were clearly visible in the pic and one of the comments was something to the effect of "oh good nice clean clear fingerprints bwahahaha" Shit noided me right on out. Best thing is to not have any identifiable pics on here with any parts of your body on there. No telltale newspapers in the background or house hold products that you can only get in one part of the country, stuff like that. Yeah you're probably not gonna get caught that way but why take the chance?


Active member
ICMag Donor
yes they can get the fingerprints and probably get a warrent and then bust up your house , meanwhile a good lawyer should get u out of anything having to do with your hand full of buds you posted , but what about the other 3 felonies found while "investigating " what could have originally been nothing but fake posting of hollywood props that look like weed/buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Its the people with their tattoos in the pic that get me,,,,
Just saw one the other day.
Thats just giving it away.
Dont know about you but leo's got pics of my ink .


New member
i like a good dose of paranoia but this is a little out there, unless your big enough to put a FEDERAL agents boss on the news for the bust they just aint going through the trouble(and no one logging on to pot growing websites is, and if you are god help you), local law enforcement doesnt have the budget or just plain time to go trolling for fingerprints that the odds that he as juristiction are like winning the lottery. no ones just sitting around pulling prints and feeding them into afis not happining. do i on the other hand think its completely plausable for this to be used if someone is specifically being targeted after say your house is busted had set up an cable account with net acesss(dumb) and even worse had pictures on computer containg prints(but your prints are all over the house anyway because if you had a computer at a stand alone op you were not wearing gloves at all times anyway) or they pulled your records from your isp and you visited this website and what not if they have your computer or just your login and your plants but (the first smart thing you did) rented house under alias you better fucking worry about your prints in pics
but other than circumstances that i cant imagine
no way buuuuddd this would fail on myth busters i think

also on tattoos there is no database to automaticaly find matches for those so again would only be a risk if they are already on you and are just putting evidence together
say like your really stupid and you unknowingly tell your new buddy a eager young undercover leo come check out your cool pics on ic or something equally stupid

myth fail
Without a doubt fingerprints can be linked by photos. Without a doubt photos can be linked to the video noise of any camera, without a doubt photos have been linked together by a spec of dust on the lens. It's a real concern.


Overkill is under-rated.
Ok, I know some of you are gonna call me crazy, but I'd like to test just how LEO is integrated into this site:

What if you posted pics of a grow, along with the address, and maybe a pic of the outside of a house? Doesn't have to be matching, hell post pics of your neighbors house (if you dislike your neighbor) and HIS address. See if he gets raided. If so, we will know if LEO is here and acting on it. If not, then we're all being paranoid for nothing.

BTW< question for Gypsy: Ever gotten a subpoena or request for info from any government agency about a user? If so, what country did it come from? I'm sure they are roundly ignored, but I'm curious to hear if any stupid agency has ever even attempted it.


TinEye is a reverse image search engine. It finds out where an image came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or if there is a higher resolution version.

Can be a very powerful tool. http://www.tineye.com/.

I guess this can be considered as a electronic fingerprint.


But again; don´t get TOO paranoid people !!!