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Finding FatDandy..


Lads stunning pics going in over the last few days for me my girls are looking shit.
I think they have nute lockout but past helping them really.
Funny enough only on the BlueStreak the AK's are fine and they all got fed the same.
Im ashamed of sticking pics up to be fair i aint never had a bad one like this..

Also im trying to get a idea going with some of the boys about going to the dam for the cannabis cup this November but i dont really know what goes on myself..
I understand the coffeeshops enter the strains etc but for the standard stoner going there what do we do?? are there rooms etc for us to go to and see what's what??
Sorry to sound a twat on this one but thought i would ask as the cup cropped up on this thread the other day..
Mossy i will be stuffing some of our Purple Russian up my ass to take over though and get someone to smoke it for us to see what they think :)
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Mossy i will be stuffing some of our Purple Russian up my ass to take over though and get someone to smoke it for us to see what they think :)

Man..kenzler..I just nearly choked on my tea..
what a thought for a Friday morning.. :yoinks: :D :D :D :D

I have not been to the Dam yet..but..
I have the feeling WAMEN might have an idea.
Methinks he has friends in that area.

Remember me talking to the 2 lads from 'Dam down here.
One of them was the largest seed seller on the net..
and according to him..they don't like the coloured bud in Dam..
they think the white bud is stronger...
then again..they never tried ours..

with the Maz @ 19% THC..and the WR @ 21% THC..we maybe could persuade them to change their minds.. :joint:

How did you fare with the big storm..everytime it comes in from the west Wales gets a Tw*tting..

Bad..bad...news on the bluestreak.. :nono:
you think it could be a fert problem this late in the grow.
What happened..did they just cowp..
is the bud salavageable..you aren't far off harvest...

I treated myself to a new grinder two weeks ago..the old one had two chambers.
You ground the buds directly above the mesh..
the new one has 3 chambers..it has a drop..before the bud hits the mesh. The new one seems to produce more..much more..chuff...
2 weeks worth.. :yes:
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Friday Feast.. :canabis:

when you have coloured girls as beautiful as this..it tends to catch your eye..because they are stunning..but sometimes beauty can be quiet too..

This is a Whore Coddle..in silver.
She is the colour of a silver coin..and..I have the feeling that she is going to be the pheno with the tric banks..so I am watching closely.

This is the BeAn..look into her centre.
Last incarnation..she had the unusual shaped pistills..and the early pale blue colour..that I WANT..
I am hoping..looking at that centre..because it is not circular..that she is going to do the same again..fingers crossed.
WAMEN..it hasn't AF'd..but strength and beauty say go for it...she is going to be a producer... :yes:

This is one I forgot to post yesterday..the JEM's..
17-24 inch plant..3 inch long buds..

and this says I only have a week before I hit 12/12.. :jump:
the sun is setting just off Mossys mountain..wey hey..
it's starting to feel like Spring 'round here..

Just as well huh...these poor little buggers are finding it a bit nippy on a night.. :eek:
I think I am going to change the name of the male to Lucky B*stard..
with a harem like that..

Have a Fantastic Friday everyone.. :rasta:
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morning mossy ya sorry for that I was pretty wasted last night LOL could have thought of another way to move bud over boarders LOL
I have been over 3 times before bit never at cup time so I don't know if they hold a venue etc but I would like to go over and see what its all about.
we were pretty lucky in the south of wales mate where I live but the wifes parents had part of the house next door in there front garden. Drains went in the lot.
Spring Its far away from us right now. I was going to start my chili seeds off next week aswell
Regarding my plants. They have been dying off for a while now (leaf) but the bud is okay mate just the plant don't look the best thats all. As I'm not there I can't do much about it which is a shame as a good flush would have sorted it I'm sure but you live and learn don't you
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but you live and learn don't you
you do m8 you do.. :headbange
and I find you learn more from your mistakes than your triumphs..
still...an ugly plant can produce tasty buds..as long as the bud is okay you are laughing.

As far as I am aware..
when the cup is on there is an itenerary telling you which parts of the judging is done in which cafe..so you just turn up and watch.
I have seen the judging passes..where you get to join in on the tasting..on US sites..
but they always come as part of the holiday package..
I dont know if they are available in the UK.

You can pick up some info in the forums..
especially which places to avoid..
as I have seen some of the cafes being slagged..
I even heard one was selling that Glass Weed.. :yoinks:
so you need to know what to avoid.


If you make it...you better take your camera..I NEED photos.. :muahaha:
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I too my camera last time but was to stoned to use it mate.
buts will be ok just can't understand whyvthe micro pheno is looking ruff and the larger ak's are doing welland there all in the same soil having the same water and the same food!!!!


:listen2: I have heard you feed an indy..starve a sati..
apparently satis are much more sensitive to ferts..
but those BS looked indy dom to me.... :chin:

ah kenzler..those WR x Masterlow..where they at F-wise..are they hybrids..?
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wow mossy i missed alot in the past day lol

looking great i wish i was a fixture on your balcony
great work and good job


me and kenzler yapping this morning have nearly filled a whole page... :biglaugh:
you know I have an ambition to Own that canna cup... :muahaha:
I wouldn't mind a trip to the 'Dam anytime..
but doing the kitchen will mean no hols this year.. :puppydoge


Mossy those ML x WR are F1's mate just me playing about.
I have gorwn some out and you will get a lovely frosty plant but with a sweet taste :)

That WR x Ak looks lovely mate and i really look forward to try ing the Purple Russian im 110% sure it will be a smashing smoke :)

Sorry i aint been about most of the day Darcey has been a complete pain in the arse :spank:


no probs m8..I couldn't remember what you said about them..but waste nowt want nowt..it looks like a regular mid pheno..so I will fit it into something..never know when we might want them.

:listen2: I don't want to worry you in advance....But..
if you think she can be a pain is the bum now...
just wait until she is a teenager.. :biglaugh:


mossy you sound like my wife......

Yes your right on the size issue with that cross I found them almost to short.
I can see where the bluesteeak I'm growing gets his structure feom now


we are in the Enviable position of having first Grandhchild..
and I tell you..that job is much much easier.. :smoke:
The only person who warned me how hard a job being a parent is..
was me Dad..
and it must have taken him a while to cotton on..
'cause there are 7 of us.. :biglaugh:

I have just been up to Benidorm for a few hours.
My Brother is over..with about 40 of his m8's... :yoinks:
I had made myself a few smokes.. :joint: for the journey..

I only got one..
my Nephew is sitting with the other three in his pocket..
and a huge smile on his face..
It was a family mugging.. :headbange

Benidorm with a sea fret coming in..10 am this morning.
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The way the UK is going mate i would love to move out to spain!!!
My way has a trade but we speak no spanish at all.
One day though im sure i wil make the move this country (UK) is going to the dogs.

Welsh match is on so have to say see you all later !!!!!!



mossy I just been looking about in the auto beans that are out there for the public to try and came across fem LR2. Now people might find that okay but you can't take cuttings no way of seeding your girls and you get charged £60 or €78 for the pleasure to grow out Ten plants.
Your growing out lr2 I found it unstable myself I had some nice plants but from my stock i found them very un uniform myself. I just think this is a pisstake myself charging that amount for some thing you will have to buy again in well what they say 60 days which should be 74 days from what I found. I just think if anything fem auto beans should be cheaper and if you like the plant pay your money for the standard auto version.
I'm lucky I done buy my auto nor do I sell them.



kenzler..maybe they Had to fem LR#2..because it is the only one I got a crap male/female ratio on.
6 seeds..only 2 females...maybe their ratio sucks... :chin:

I kinda agree with you on price..maybe..
if they were legalised..
and we were allowed to play with them openly..they would be cheaper.
But every breeder risks prison every time they produce.

Can you imagine what the patio would be like if it was legal..it would be like a jungle..spot the Mossy.. :D

You are right about Spain..I think the kids especially have a much better quality of life.
The problem is..the jobs.
The only sucessful people are the ones who set up their own businesses.
Not bars..people are losing fortunes on bars.
Casual work is long hours and crap pay...usually no contract...not enough to support a family on.
At one time..you could always get work on the buildings..but even that has dried up ATM.

Good news..the sun has got his hat on..
I got up this morning to 16 degrees at 8 am...
from 0 to 16 degrees in 4 days...way to go.
I have checked the long-range forecast and I am into high single figures for night temps for the next 10 days..
come on the girls... :headbange

I am getting a nice little buzz off the finger trim..but I think it may have a bit anxiety with it.
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which girl is that one mate you got chopped there. Sorry for short reply just about to feed baby

Baby is fed now and sleeping.
I understand and agree with the law issue but can not agree on a 100% mark up on something you can't clone or get seeds off IMO I think they should be cheaper for those reasons.
Just my views as um sure people will pay the money for them but would it make sense to buy two packs of standard and get your smoke and your seeds in one?????

Last part my uncle lives in spain on some fancy golf course buy he don't have to work anymore. Lucky ba*tard :rasta:
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The AK-47 has rolled in at the exact weight of one of my JEM's from last year.
Now on the JEM at this cut down weight..I got 18 g's dry.
This is going to be an interesting comparison.

Does anyone recognise this little lady from last year..?

vertical pheno..extra deep grooved stalk

excessive tric coverage..infact..she gets tric crusts..


Would it help if I said she gets her build..tric coverage..from her Mother..one of the outcrosses...
and her colour from my Maz..
which is exactly what I HOPED to get from the cross..

and it has only taken me to F2 to get EXACTLY what I wanted..looks and frame wise..

Except..she is non AF...on this pheno..

Last years photos..jog any memories

Whores Coddle..and she looks like her Mother..my #1 Miss Mud from JLP.
She has now been given pride of place next to the Fat B*stard Jem..
for a 50% dose of AF lurve...

Fingers Crossed.. :smoke:
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I remember her mate very slim lined but very frosty looking :)
She has a very nice Pink hit on that Top Pic mate :)

I will be interested to see how the AK comes in dry that's for sure and also the russian :)

I have checked on mine today im sure a large Percentage of the AK pheno we have is more Sativa dom and this is why they take a liitle longer to finish would you agree???


kenz..the AK-47 has me puzzled...I think it is just because she is so different from the JEM's in growth patterns.

She didn't LOOK as if she was finished..she hardly looked seeded..
but I took the WR off the other day..she was ready..
the AK was pollenated at the same time..so I took a few to test..and she was ready.
If I had relied on my eye..I would have said at least another 2-3 weeks.
I think a lot of it is because she has pointy down leaves..so she hides things..

where the WR and the JEM's flash their wares..so we can see them changing.

She has come off at the same time as the WR..

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