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Finding FatDandy..



Hey kenzler..everyone is a little JEM... :kissass:

That white pheno has me shocked..
and I am already thinking how to lock that one down.. :chin:

I only got the white in that pheno...it is a new one on me.

Put next to the purple..what colour would you describe her as..?
They look white on some..and red on others..but I am not sure if it is the light.
They certainly look tasty.. :yummy:

The purples..what more can I say.... :kissass:
I just love the colour..
They always appear smaller than the white pheno..but they always look tastier too.

Great job man.. :bow: You have made a damn good job of them.
Pass the praise..and a pat on the back through to your Dad.
I am well pleased with them.. :yes: :yes: :yes:

:wave: WAMEN..pipe..in the morning...
I am getting shouted at for rattling they keyboard when someone is trying to sleep...so I better go.. :muahaha:


She is deffo a white pheno mate but with a touch of pink in the buds
This would show better i suppose outside with the colder weather but i will see the colour more once it'd cut and dried so can answer than ten my friend :)


:D I have been buzzed all day.
I am well pleased with kenzlers results..
the girls are absolutely wonderful.. :kissass:

and Micro mailed..through a bit cloud of smoke...
to tell me he got 14 oz's off his Naz..indoor..
that is some real good growing..IMO.

looks like I need to move my growing up a touch..
just so you don't all outgrow me with my own genetics.. :smoke:

I have been celebrating all day.

WAMEN..yeah..that is kinda what I thought.... :chin:
cheers m8.

pipeline..do I remember you getting a pistilate male..
can you check out that one for kenzler..as I have only seen female hermies.

On your super-crop..the buds forward of the bend will increase dramatically..the ones behind will be better to..
as when you bend..they all rotate..put their faces to the light...so they have much more chance to fatten and ripen.


ICMag Donor
Yes I did get a male with a couple single pistilate flowers at the upper nodes.... Thanks for the info on the supercropping technique...

Got through some readin late last night.... Still workin on it....
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okay there cut and drying.
I have cut them off the stem and placed on paper.
I hang them if i had my way but the wife is kicking off about the smell in the airing cuboard...

anyway here is the Tall fat white mossy hope i managed to capture the colour you needed.
Smell wise not sure yet im better at telling once there dried.



Spectacular colours kenzler.. :kissass:
It looks like you may have the sunset colours on the purple..
I can see a lot of red interspersed in it..so I am thinking..if you bend the bud back you may have a bit peach to.

There are a few purples.
One is block colour..purple only..
one is black with purple..paler..icy trics..
and the sunset.
I think I like the sunset best.

There are two reds.
The taller pheno carried the red/pink..
and I haven't been able to isolate the Red in the shorter pheno..
I knew it was there..
but it was a project for when I had time.
So I feel privledged to get a preview..
IT IS WICKED...:sasmokin:
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Mate im impressed with this so much im giving away all the 400 odd so AK-47 beans i have (Auto version) as im not happy with the hermie thing off this grow and stickign to the White Russian and if im gifted enough some of the White Russian crosses from yourself.
I have about 100 White Russian seeds left and a White Russian x Masterlow cross which gives a shorter version of the russian but with a very fruity smell and taste.
I did note that the purple mate gets darkder and darker and once it's dried it;s going to look almost black i would think with a hint of colour breaking through :)
All the boys are gasping to try these as you boys told me it's a hard smoke :)
Well if mossy had to help his mate home in the car it's going to be a fun weekend once it's dried

I do have a bag of beans in the fridge called Auto Afghan and i have no idea what they are.
PM me if you need to talk more about them.

So if all goes well this year i shold only have

Auto White Russian
Auto Purple Russian or something close as
And if im lucky Darcey's cross witha unknown name right now lol

I need to get hold of a friend who i gave some harijuwana (spelling wrong) F1 beans to as i think that's going to be a good auto plus the lemon sticky Auto
BUT second to my darcey the DC Auto is the killer question lol but im thinking that will be a 2009 edition
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:nono: :nono: Agghh...you cannot do that.... :D

"Mate im impressed with this so much im giving away all the 400 odd so AK-47 beans i have (Auto version) as im not happy with the hermie thing off this grow and stickign to the White Russian and if im gifted enough some of the White Russian crosses from yourself. "

well..you can if you want... :smoke:
but what we are saying is..the hermie is so intergrated into the canna genetic pool..it could turn up in almost any cross you want to mention.
AF or not.
Simply eradicate it from the immediate grow.

I will work on it while I am rolling the crosses.

If I dropped my lights down to 10 hours or less..
I have no doubt that Every plant in the cupboard would hermie out..
it's a self-preservation mechanism.
Clever Canna.

But..at the same time..it is good to know that you are so impressed with the JEM's..you would consider that... :yes:

We should have an absolute Bean feast by spring.
All being well...the WR is reproduced..
plus the AK-47 X WR.

Next up..is the Reds..
so your Darcey cross will be done..the JEM's reproduced..and the AK-47 x maz/lr cross.

I am also thinking of putting a FAT white to the reds..to try to pick out and lock that colour you got.

You are going to have so many to play with..
Your cupboard needs block-booked for the entire summer.. :smoke:
Tell your Dad he is in for the most psychadelic grow season he has had since he started...with colours so bright..
He is gonna need Shades. :smoker:

As soon as I can get some DC pollen..the DC will be ready to roll. I just couldn't run with it until I got my germ prob sussed..
and I am fair sure I have..so it is def a 2008 project.

This is the stairway to heaven..season 08.

In those pots are 5 true varieties..3 different colours..all seperated..
so the combos are limited by our imagination..and space..only.

OMG..there are 17 of these already in one pot..I think we are going to be over-run... :jump:
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Cheers mossy im sure if you spent the time on it you could cut the percentage down on the hermie front but i just dont have it right now so i will give them to local friends to play with and stick to what i kow works best till the crosses start for the summer :)

Funny thing is i was reading on all the Auto's and i have seen many people say the Ak hermies alot and that's from other breeders not my beans!!
PM me mate regarding the unknown afghans if your interested :)

Now it's time to watch Wales in the rugby romp home again
Got the baby her little welsh top on ready to rock and roll ....

Forgot to say i tried to get a smell for you mate but there at the dog sh*t smell stage at the moment so will have to wait till they get in the Jars to find out :)


kenzler..I am watching Newcastle v Aston Villa..I am suicidal.. :headbange

The girls are out of the tent.
Due a warm wash down tonight.
The bathroom has heat..so they should be okay.
Another wash down tomorrow..day on the patio to dry out..if weather permits...then into the lights to gestate..hopefully.
The tent and the plants within have been well wetted down...same again tomorrow.
Just to kill off any remaining pollen.

I have culled the Russian male.
His job was finished and I have more germed.
I have culled the AK-47 male...
and all of the Vertical white JEM males.

In around 4 days time...
I am putting the second AK-47 female..
the red JEM females..(IBL)
and the last White Russian..( :yes: Darcey) in with the red JEM male.

I picked the smallest fattest WR pheno for the Darcey cross to bring down the height from the reds.
She is the Tuftiest pheno.. :yummy:
probably giving me best chance @ the guaranteed oz per plant that you are looking for on this cross.

Point of interest. The AK-47 male has a distinct colour.
Red on the flower stems..creamy flowers..v similar to the one running in my genetics.
The WR male also has a pink..but it is more a blush on the outside of the flower petals.
Both should give me a chance to islolate a strong red/pink pheno in the crosses.

I will wait 'til they settle for the smell..

Enjoy the rugby...have a good weekend m8... :joint: :joint:


:wave: ha ha..Micro..you have surfaced.. :biglaugh:

I make it around...mmm...2 weeks since you harvested... :chin:

must have been good chuff was it... :joint:


:listen2: kenler..you may want to save some of these.
Start your pedigree.

First up is the Mother. White Russian. 100% AF Hybrid.
She is just starting to drop her satellite branches.
She is the pheno I was hoping for.. :yes:

Certainly cannot argue with her density..and she is a glowing/healthy looking girl.

Now here is the Father. Red JEM. Mazar x Lowryder. 100% AF Hybrid.

Like the female..he is very nicely balanced.
ATM..in his head-piece..he is looking distinctly Purple... :jawdrop:
I will see how that develops as he grows.


Here is the happy three-some... :eek:
The JEM male. The WR female..and the other AK-47 girl..in the black pot.

I think it will be a couple of days before the male starts peppering properly..because the soaking I gave them would have destroyed the pollen in the pods that have just opened..
but I need the room..



Sorry mossy mate been one of those days im wrecked and ready for bed.
That male deffo looks purple mate could he be used with a branch of a russian to get some purple russian beans on the go or is that not possible????

Sorry if this is a stupid question but im not running on a full mind at the moment :bashhead:

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