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Finding FatDandy..


Mate im just happy there is going to be a cross after her name so no worries there i look forward to try what ever you make in her name :)

Purple russian will be nice mate though cheers :)


THAT is exactly the way I was reading it WAMEN..

I have seen the snow in them there Afghan mountains..
on the news..
and it made me wonder if it could be her .. :chin:

Means she is going to appreciate my conditions ATM..
and thrive..
like kenzlers WR male...and the JEMS.
High afghan %..

kenzler..don't worry..I was joking...

but I didn't say it wasn't possible... :headbange

The WR male seems to be sharing his sprinklings... :yes:
Just waiting for one of the girls to sneeze..
(to let me know they have had enough pollen.. :smoke: )


mate it's crazy how much pollen those males can give off i found it hard to understand how something so small can give of shit loads of yellow dust lol

Time is pushed today mate so i will get back on ASAP with some updates :)

I cant see the fat white and purple going 2 weeks though there bulking right out and getting close to finishing
I will get some pics later on this week and you can let me know what you think as you know this strain better than anyone else :)
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No probs kenzler... :yes:

I had to put the AK male outdoor..he isn't going to like that..
but he looks as if he is going to split pods in the next 48 hours..
and I cannot afford the cross pollenation..
so he takes his chances..in the cold.


Just had a call off my old man and he thinks one of the AK's is a hermie.
Now i have never had a harmie in all my time so i will have to check.
It's a shame i dont know the background of these AK's but if it's a chick with D*cks it's up for the chop !!!!


Now that IS something I associate with the LR crosses.
Any possibility that the lights dropped to 10 hours or less..?

white JEM males..

Darcey mother.
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still not had the time to check them but you would say it's a lowryder thing them mossy??
Plants would have been kept at a steady temp so i dont think that would be it but i need to check them first just incase.
The old man's eye's aint the best :muahaha:

i assume im looking for a male looking plant with hairs yes?


The first time I saw one..it was in my Original Lowryder.
Second one I saw was in the maz/lr..
but not until f3..where all your anomolies
come out.

Saying that..
some of the things that I DID associate with the LR side of things..like the hardiness..
may come from the afghan dom..
So may the hermie.

It is very hard to be definite..because canna has such bastardised genetics.

but if you have a look back to the 70's..a few of the main breeding stock lines had the problem...so it is going to be well integrated now.

AK-47 has distant relatives in commom with my Maz..so maybe it comes from that end of the lineage.

Pipe had a pistilate male on one of mine.
I will see if he has a photo.
I only got a female hermie.


ICMag Donor
Gosh, you guys are flyin.... I love it! :headbange

Not enough time to read through this morning.... Sorry I haven't been around... I've been busy trying to get things organized, as I have just moved.... A fancy girl whom I dated a decade ago has come back into my life.... Not a whole lot of "free" time these days.... I'll be back to review this evening....

Boy its wet around here.... Spring must be on the way! :woohoo:

I'm not getting my hopes up though.

I saw a bright shiny gold bug out a couple days ago! Looked like a lacewing, only 3/4 inch long and shiny as gold in the body.... Pretty early I'd think for around 40 N....

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Spring makes a young mans fancy turn to Love.. :smoke:

so you could be right pipe.

Best of luck in your endevours.

:listen2: Just beware..this month has a 29th in it..
and ladies can Propose to men in leap years..so be careful.. :eek:

Good to see ya m8... :wave:


ICMag Donor
Wow, I didn't know that! thanks for the word of warning.... :bigeye:

Trying to get my veggie/flower garden plan in line too.... So much to do, I am the best procastinator.... :D

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Me too..I even forgot my tomatoes last year...
this year I hope to be better prepared.

Certainly looks as if I am going to be...with the girls.

Hope this lady friend knows that you like an odd smoke..
or the guys will never Approve her.. :muahaha:


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
hi m8s!
if we were at elementary school i will scream to Pipeline "innamorato, innamoratoooooo" eheheheh good that spring is arrived there :D


ICMag Donor
Managed to get away from me love for a few to visit the black indy... :bigeye:

Doing very well! One has some mutations... No sex showing yet... They're getting hardened off little by little to withstand the HPS.... 4 or 6 hours tomorrow... :woohoo:

Transplanted them this evening into 5 gal containers with very good organic amended soilless mix (frog soil or somethin???:chin:) and less than the recommended rate of 0-12-0 guano~! :yummy:

Did a little mossy training as well.... Fingers crossed.... Hope they don't cry too much with the transplant at the same time.... I tried to explain the supercrop technique to my buddy, and he ended up kinking the petioles!!! :bigeye: First time grows are so fun... :headbange

Also, 10 chunky mix were put in a paper towel this eve... Looks to be a great season! :canabis:

Hows this for a supercrop, mossy? :wave:

mutant... He said the top points extremely toward the light, and moves as you turn it.... :D Also has some funky leaves.... :confused:



Excellent super-crop that m8... :yes:
most first timers find it hard to be that brutal..but..once you see the difference it makes..you will find it hard not to.
Plus..you realise that they Love it.
5 gallon pots are what I used for them..

My b.indy have not showed AF..so they have gone in the tent for 4 days..to see if they suddenly flower.
I will let you know what happens.

:eek: :wallbash:

I KNOW that Afghan is a Sati..I have been checking it out in the botany book..
(and we were right about that tapered head and pointy ears.. :yes: )
within the Sati typical "Type"...can you get an Indy dom..
or would that just indicate a move away from the genetic line.
(A percentage of another set of genetics in there.)

looking at the overheads..they are V similar..everything there screams afghan..on Both

looking here..I would say I have an indy..and a sati..structually.

The Maj Botany book says structually..the one on the right..is the typical Afghan...ATM..

I THINK..I have got to the bottom of my germ problems.
Fingers Crossed.

I THINK being harvested and dried in the dank..then stored in plastic bags may have kept them slightly damp.
I put mine on the radiator for 4-5 days..re-germed..and they are away like rabbits.
Of course..because I had probs..I over germed..they are all sprouting..and now I have another problem..
I am OVER-RUN..... :eek:

The FAT white has germed too..which was the one giving HK and me probs..
so I am hopeful.. :yes:
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I know the feeling of over run
We have 20 seedlings and 3 adults in our space.
I feel stressed lol

Nice pis though lads
Speak soon baby needs to get ready for the day lol


kenzler..I have got 17 white JEMS in 1 pot..
and that was just the first ones to sprout..there are more.. :eek:

even losing half to males..I am in trouble...

Lets hope the weather is kind..I forsee a few taking their chance outdoor when they sex... :D

Plants..you cannot win...huh..


ICMag Donor
I hope she likes it, I have good reason to believe she will.... I kinked it as nice as I could..... I guess my buddy didn't fully understand how these plants develop, kinking petioles.... :bigeye:

Will the nodes after the kink develop into much?

Thanks for the sativa/indica thoughts and comparisons, it helps.... I love the little pot full of seedlings.... Yikes! :eek: May not want to sex them all in there... I'm sure they'd take it though.... :bigeye:

Love being overrun.... Almost guerilla season! :woohoo: If oaks is what you're growin, now is the time to start..... :yes:


Joint Date: Today.
talking about afghans and talking hermies

all these plants come from CULTIVARS that have been around indoor and outdoor grows for several decades over and over always OUT of their original country.. this mean the % of original traits and resistance and such have changed from generation to generation. far away from the orginal... plus
During all this time of human manipulation of these natural genetics happened that we infected their DNA with hermie (intersexed) genes , mainly for breeding needs. For example all the clone-form strains that produce seed with no males around :chin:
Nowadays the cultivars are full of intersexed genes.

On the other side we have to consider that some pure landraces for example Thai have the natural tendence to hermie to keep the plant growing on and on , in wild conditions.
dont know about the Ruderalis :chin:


Evening lads
Not the best of shots but these are deffo hermie's im sure of it...

Uploading the last pics of the Purple and the Fat White as i think there ready to come down tomorrow :)