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Finding A "Friendly" Landlord: A Brainstorming Session


Bent Member
i guess i misunderstood. go with a remote/offsite property management, run a clean grow, live a monks life and you'll be good, Shit i know of six 18 year olds with apts and tents running in the Bay area, since there are no jobs.
Remember, this would be a legal grow, there wouldn't be any liability for the landlord.
Growing Cannabis is federally illegal. If the landlord knows you are growing, they are culpable and can lose their property. Landlords who know you grow are going to want more for rent. Usually quite a bit more.

Guest 150314

How do you get the landlord to take a fake name, knowingly? Unless he's down & willing to take part of the bite...?

You know what PM me if you really want to know how it works, This is how everyone does it in BC to be honest I am shocked you guys are trying to tear this to shreds even though I have logical answers to the questions.

And to the guy above me, you might be surprised if you can find the right situation where the landlord is relying on you not the other way around. If I told you what my overhead was for my place you probably wouldn't believe me.


Active member
Having been a landlord I can pretty well say unless you were hugely lucky, no sane property owner is going to risk his investment going for a total loss because of fire or Feds. Those good hands of Allstate would slap you in the face if you tried to collect due to a tenants grow-show cremating your property.

Fed Law= illegal. Insurance will not cover illegal activity. Why pay?

A 4x4 tent is not going to cover the vig it would take to make a investor look the other way.

Maybe Co-ops can help out putting people together, but it still doesn't make any fiscal sense to a landlord unless he's truly desperate for some smoke.
It's about like inviting someone with a flamethrower on his back into your home.

"Well, he seems like a nice guy...I'm sure he knows what he's doing with it."

I'm not saying you would be unsafe, but convincing a guy who would be out tens of thousands (or more) of dollars if he's wrong about you is most unlikely.
Ask any landlord...They KNOW all about 'Shit happens".

I think you're going have to do it on the low down or wait until you buy.
I've never seen a grow-show 'pet' deposit on a lease yet.

Anyway, Good luck on your search but don't be surprised if the offers don't come flooding in.


i was going to recommend looking for a slumlord, possibly one that is showing signs of drug abuse, (its pretty damn easy to spot a addict), but than that has huge potential to blow up in ur face. so id say ur safest bet is to meet as many landlords as possible and hope that u come across an old hippy or a pot head. maybe think of some questions to ask them ahead of time, casually bringing up certain things in conversation, and than keenly observe their reaction.

you might want to say u have glaucoma,maybe try to joke around about smoking an occasional joint. good luck !


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Because you can walk away from a rental if it gets busted or the heat is on you. Lease and bills are in fictitious names, if you choose to live at the grow don't have any personal documents or anything that can tie you to the house, get a PO box.

I would never want to grow in a house I owned, not even if it was federally legal. Not when I can rent and feel no pressure to walk away if anything were to happen, LOW STRESS.

Just saw this.

In a rent-to-own scenario, the home stays in the name of the original owner and you are renting it from them until you can find a bank to take YOU on for a mortgage. At the point where you secure a mortgage, a percentage of the rent you've paid is usually (but not always) considered a part of the down payment on the property.

If you're growing in a rent-to-own they are expecting someone with bad credit, low cash reserves (because people with good credit and lots of cash for a down payment don't rent-to-own, they get a mortgage from a bank.)

So in the scenario I describe, you are renting, just like any other rental situation, except the landlord is more likely to mind his own business as long as you are keeping the property maintained. He is rent-to-owning his property to someone (rather than renting it) because people who are rent-to-owning think of it as "their" house and take better care of it since they plan to buy it. People who are just renting take less care of the property because they have nothing invested.

If you had to walk away from the rent-to-own, you could do so just as easily as you did from a regular rental, assuming you were using false names, etc.


Active member
yea, what he said^

Option: "Land Contract" or "Rent-to-Own" a property.

Dilemma: Rent under a false identity or not?! If you pay off the property with grow funds after x# of years, alias joe smith would own it, not you.

Using your true identity will allow you to have clean money/assets after you pay off the property, but is riskier.



renting under a false identity seems like the best way to go, if u have the means and know how to pull it off without a hitch... if u dont you could end up getting busted for identity fraud and for growing pot...

Guest 150314

yea, what he said^

Option: "Land Contract" or "Rent-to-Own" a property.

Dilemma: Rent under a false identity or not?! If you pay off the property with grow funds after x# of years, alias joe smith would own it, not you.

Using your true identity will allow you to have clean money/assets after you pay off the property, but is riskier.

It's more complicated than that, you need a semi legitimate business to clean your cash if your planning to pay off the property.

It's not worth the risk and I'd rather treat houses like a throwaway phone. Keep it all separated, if your house gets busted or broken into or you sense any heat you can move on without having to worry. You want to own a property and set up business to clean your money, do that somewhere else or you risk losing everything. Don't shit where you eat.


I grow in an apartment in a med state and here is my $.02. Look for an apartment on the top level, try to be as far away from any main egress as possible. A carbon filter would be a good idea, but I got away with my first flower session by knocking a whole in the sheetrock roof and venting into the open attic. All the heat will go out the peak of the roof along with the smell. You could get a whiff of it occasionally, but it was always in a different place and it was hard to pinpoint. Run your lights and fans at night when maintenance and shit isn't around. Also look for a place that has thick, well insulated walls. The girls that live next door to me don't seem to notice the fan that runs from 7-7 at all lol. Any supplies you need to carry up, do it at night and cover it up with a sheet or something.

As for finding an isolated house for rent, in my area the best way to go about it is just driving around. I hardly see any ads in the paper or on craigslist, but I see quite a few decent rentals just cruising around. We have a lot of older model house trailers and mobile homes in rural areas that would be perfect. In the event that you did burn one down, who the fuck cares it's a 1972 trailer lol.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Thanks OG...

What did you use to cut the hole in your ceiling with? And how did you patch it back up when you vacated? I'd be worried about the smell without the use of a carbon filter, but interesting you got away with it without too much trouble.

I hadn't thought about venting into the attic...I have a top floor apartment right now, could do this if it isn't too difficult, or too damaging to the ceiling. Seems like it could be a problem when apt inspections get scheduled...my apt complex has them about once a year, they say to inspect the smoke alarms, but probably just to keep tabs on their property.

Thanks for your input.


micro cabs come into mind along with cammoflauge , foot lockers ,maby an old chest freezer with loocking lid you can revamp . i have used old dishwashers,dryers, and washing machines,depends on how much you want.hope this will spark inspiration and goodluck.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I just finished living in an apartment. I spent 3 years there, and I grew there for the last 2.

I'm in a NON-med state, and I did NOT inform my landlord. What I did was build a stealth cab (check my sig) and keep my mouth shut. If you keep it stealthy (no smell, no tell, no sell) and you are careful, you will not have a problem. After a few months, you will get more comfortable with the idea and you won't stress so much about it.

When you first start growing, every sound outside is "THE COPS FOUND ME!" But, think about it. You smoke now, right? The smell of cannabis is permeating your living space when you burn one. If nobody's kicking down your door for that... they aren't likely to do so for your small, personal grow.

Most people get busted for running their mouths or stealing power or carrying weight on them when in public.

Closet growers with small amounts rarely get busted.

Oh, and my landlord was a nosey bitch who showed up unannounced and actually CAME INTO MY APARTMENT when she thought nobody was home. I was in the room with my cab when I heard someone walking through the apartment and I stuck my head out the door of the room and saw her there. She said she was coming in to measure the filters for the furnace and didn't think we'd mind. We stood there next to my cab and had a 5 minute conversation and she left clueless. (She also never came by unannounced again.)

+1 on the stealth cabinet. this is the answer... i grew for 3 years in rental property before owning...

Had apartment maintenance men, apartment manager, family and friends around this... the maintenance guys were in my apartment when i wasn't home. odor control is key ;)

no one ever discovered it...




Thanks OG...

What did you use to cut the hole in your ceiling with? And how did you patch it back up when you vacated? I'd be worried about the smell without the use of a carbon filter, but interesting you got away with it without too much trouble.

I hadn't thought about venting into the attic...I have a top floor apartment right now, could do this if it isn't too difficult, or too damaging to the ceiling. Seems like it could be a problem when apt inspections get scheduled...my apt complex has them about once a year, they say to inspect the smoke alarms, but probably just to keep tabs on their property.

Thanks for your input.

your ceiling is probably just drywall. they make drywall saws and theres a tool called a drywall circle cutter that will help you measure a even circle before you cut with the saw.

patching the hole after you leave can be a pain in the ass but totally possible.

i did an apartment grow and cut 4 8in holes inbetween bedrooms
and an additional 4-4" holes. when i moved out i apparently patched all the holes well enough that no one questioned it and i got my full deposit back.

be sure to save the drywall slabs that you cut out as you will use these again when patching the holes.

i cant find a good insturctional video with a quick search but im sure if you look around youtube, you will find videos that will show you how to re-secure the drywall inserts, you cut out.

i would strongly recommend using a carbon filter!!!
and really think this thru...

ive lived in an aprarment before where they did "regular maintenance" i could not imagine constantly trying to hide my grow and related materials everytime!

good luck!

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Fuck my computer! Just typed a fairly long response to your post Meow, and I hit a key on my keyboard and my response dissappeared!

Anyway, I'm definitely using a carbon filter, bigger than I need just to be extra safe. Probably won't be cutting any holes in the ceiling...too paranoid that I wouldn't be able to smell the air being vented into the attick and know for shure that the filter is doing its job.

Thanks for your help Meow!


In Beaverton down the road from the sunset terminal there are some apartments that are large enough to do what you want to do.I grew some there with out any problems . Its been some time now but at the time it cost about $600 for a two bedroom with a backyard.


Active member
lease to own is better than renting......especially when its owner carry and under the table. you can wash your grow money into the property by having your subleased tenants pay them, my friend was audited by the IRS for almost 300k in cash deposits over 2 years he hired a tax lawyer and claimed it was rental income from his 4 tenants, he got his tax penalty reduced by 90%.

at a owner carry house if things ever get hot, you can always just move out and sub-lease to actual tenants...and use their rental payments to cover your mortgage payments.

with renting, your basically throwing money away that you wont have any chance of getting back....at least with a mortgage or OAC, you are taking the gamble that you wont get busted, etc and hopefully at the end of all the fuckery you have a nice property at the end of things that you can sit back and collect monthly rental income off....also when its owner carry, unless the DEA is into real estate speculation, they would have to pay off the balance of the loan to the owner in order to seize the property...

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