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Finding A "Friendly" Landlord: A Brainstorming Session

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I see what your saying and agree with that if your going to grow in a tent or just a few lights.

Personally I wouldn't want the karma of possibly ruining someones investment by doing a larger grow in a rental. I also would not tell a landlord I did not trust 110% or who was not relying on me to pay the mortgage. Everyones situation is different, but there are definitely cool landlord that exist.

Hey Greenmango...

Yeah, this is going to be a small grow, one light in a fairly small tent. Nevertheless, I still would prefer to lower the stress level if I could by renting from a very cool landlord. I agree, I would need to trust them to a high degree. I'm a pretty good judge of character, and would need to get some very positive vibes before entering into a lease with somebody who knew about my love of gardening.

No situation is going to be perfect for me until I get a house with much more considerable privacy, but really, the potential pitfalls of having a landlord know about my grow are equaled by the pitfalls of the landlord not knowing (electric outage, there goes the odor control, landlord finds out, I'm out on my fucking ass in the street.)

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I've presented this situation as a hypothetical for now. I have no idea if there is a good way to do this, it very well may be impossible to find a landlord who would be cool with this. But, ya gotta have an open mind to consider the possibilities, because if you don't you'll never really answer the question.

Somebody who posted in the first few posts suggested that the local mmj organizations might have knowledge of these landlords, that's a great suggestion and I can see how they may have already figured this problem out.

A damn good idea. I'm going to make some calls tomorrow.

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
I would not consider telling the landlord anything first of all.

Keep it small, 400wts will create alot of meds.

Grow tent for easy tear down, with great odor protection..

A plan for inspections - cardboard boxes, rental trucks, the trunk of your car, etc....

Write down everything that can go wrong, and come up with a solution before it happens. Proactive countermeasures. This will help the stress level.

Lock the grow room door, and lose the key for surprise inspections. Oops...Play dumb.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I just finished living in an apartment. I spent 3 years there, and I grew there for the last 2.

I'm in a NON-med state, and I did NOT inform my landlord. What I did was build a stealth cab (check my sig) and keep my mouth shut. If you keep it stealthy (no smell, no tell, no sell) and you are careful, you will not have a problem. After a few months, you will get more comfortable with the idea and you won't stress so much about it.

When you first start growing, every sound outside is "THE COPS FOUND ME!" But, think about it. You smoke now, right? The smell of cannabis is permeating your living space when you burn one. If nobody's kicking down your door for that... they aren't likely to do so for your small, personal grow.

Most people get busted for running their mouths or stealing power or carrying weight on them when in public.

Closet growers with small amounts rarely get busted.

Oh, and my landlord was a nosey bitch who showed up unannounced and actually CAME INTO MY APARTMENT when she thought nobody was home. I was in the room with my cab when I heard someone walking through the apartment and I stuck my head out the door of the room and saw her there. She said she was coming in to measure the filters for the furnace and didn't think we'd mind. We stood there next to my cab and had a 5 minute conversation and she left clueless. (She also never came by unannounced again.)

Hehehehe...got a point there fattie! The main problem with finding a slumlord to rent from is....I would rather not live in a slum like neighborhood. I'd much rather find a sensible, pro-ganja landlord who runs a tight ship.

"A pro-ganja landlord who runs a tight ship?" I think your expectations are a little too high, Wiggs. I'm a landlord myself, and as much as I love the pretty little plant, there will NEVER be any found on the properties, or in my house, EVER! The reason? I'm not about to take, (and certainly not allow any tenant), any unnecessary risks to sacrifice what I own, to the pig scum state and feds. Any landlord out there who knows of a tenant growing is just begging for trouble.

Besides, why would you tell them anyway? That alone is more liability for you, and in my state...that will probably end the conversation 99.99 times out of 100. I'm not saying it's impossible Wiggs, just saying that bringing up a topic like that...prepare to get dissapointed more often than not.

I'd go with the earlier advice from Caveman. A drama-free tenant who pays the rent on time, keeps the landlord happy & away.

Zen Master

And, lets remember...I am talking about a legal grow, with my med card from the state. No worries about LEO being called in.

Damn dude, whats this about knowing what city I live in? Do you really think mentioning that I live in a city of 600,000 people on THIS forum is going to put me in any kind of danger? Thats preposterous man. It seems to me that your response forgets that I am talking about a LEGAL grow, sanctioned by the state.

Regarding stress? Dude, I've grown before in apartments, never in mmj state, done it in the SE US. I don't need to be lectured about "don't like the stress, you shouldn't be growing." I'm just trying to minimize the stress level as much as possible, and now that I live in a mmj state, that seems more doable than ever.

if you've got a lil 600w personal tent, you probably dont have much to worry about with any leo anyways, I dont see how telling your landlord reduces your stress, its just one more person that knows about your grow.

Thinking you're safe just because you're "legal" is asinine, if there is no worry about any LEO interest in you, why bother informing your landlord in the first place?

I guess I just don't get why telling your landlord is making you feel safer... its a stupid risky and completely unnecessary move.

Pros: you feel morally satisfied that you are a 'good tenant' and informed your LL of your grow

Cons: the list is endless. worst things being LEO and/or a robbery, its nice to think those things dont happen, but they do.

I just keep asking why? I dont see a reasonable risk/reward factor here.... I mean you can be a great tenant that doesn't fuck up the house and grow... just... dont tell your landlord.....

oh and the city comment I guess is because you seem to be very cavalier with your personal information, dont assume every person has good intentions, much less the ones on the internet. Hence why my admission to the 'brainstorming' is: grow on, just zip your lips and keep it that way.

Guest 150314

To clarify I don't think you should tell your landlord if you going to have a light or two, as long as you don't have a nosey landlord that should be pretty easy to hide.

What I meant if that if your going to make a larger investment say over 8 lights I would feel a lot safer putting the money/time/energy into it if I didn't have to be worried about the landlord freaking out and having to rip everything down and leave. Obviously you have to work something out so your both happy at the end of the day.

I am not here to tell anyone what to do, but would you rather have 2 places you split with the landlord then 1 you are constantly worried and stressed out about? Your landlord probably won't fuck you over if your keeping them happy...



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Don't TELL


Don't SELL

These are not really negotiable no matter where you live & grow at. If you are going to do any of the above it needs to be somewhere other than your grow or things are bound to go wrong because anyone you tell will always have that info to hold over your head and it won't ever be level even ground with you and the landlord it's automatic disadvantage in any and all future situations or dealings.

Take my advice, get legal and keep it to yourself man just better all the way around. I am not saying to lie to your landlord but just keep your personal business private that is the way it belongs. It not only protects you it protects them too. Most importantly it protects your plants! :canabis:


Active member
you wouldnt tell your landlord about your small brewery would you?

none of their effin business.

the laws are insane and they need to change by us changing our thinking.

as long as you arent damaging your rental, whats the landlords concern about it?



Sorcerer's Apprentice
What I meant if that if your going to make a larger investment say over 8 lights I would feel a lot safer putting the money/time/energy into it if I didn't have to be worried about the landlord freaking out and having to rip everything down and leave.

If you're going to run 8 lights, why not run 4 lights first and then use that money to put a down payment on a "rent-to-own" property? Those guys are going to be much less interested in your business because they know that people who intend to buy a property are much more likely to take care of it than people who are simply renting.

After you've been there a couple years running your 8 lights, you should have enough cash to buy it outright and then move your grow to another location and start again.


Bent Member
Most warehouse/strip mall landlord, have some sort of type of business disclosure because every industrial landlords want a cut of your profits. And the ones Ive been honest with have gauged me for the most and have seen me as a bank for loans and such.

I the worst landlords are private individuals, Property management is the best(Specially if they're lazy). I had a landlord whose son was part of their leasing business and he broke into our house under the supposition of maintenance, I caught him in the back of the head with a 5 iron, broke all four of his limbs and crushed his orbital socket. They tried to give me a 3 day notice. I was already moved out but continued to occupy the premises for 9 more month till we settled their law suit against me - I won $28,000 for my counter suit for their breaking Tenant/landlord laws in my state.

Best idea for a Start (Ideally not long term), find open rental land hopefully with sewer/septic and water/well but not necessary (cattle grazing). Then get yourself a shipping container or two and bury 4-5' under the surface (Like Military does)them run your grow, live in a Camper trailer (Few Hundred) , then grow your show and move on.

Guest 150314

If you're going to run 8 lights, why not run 4 lights first and then use that money to put a down payment on a "rent-to-own" property? Those guys are going to be much less interested in your business because they know that people who intend to buy a property are much more likely to take care of it than people who are simply renting.

After you've been there a couple years running your 8 lights, you should have enough cash to buy it outright and then move your grow to another location and start again.

Because you can walk away from a rental if it gets busted or the heat is on you. Lease and bills are in fictitious names, if you choose to live at the grow don't have any personal documents or anything that can tie you to the house, get a PO box.

I would never want to grow in a house I owned, not even if it was federally legal. Not when I can rent and feel no pressure to walk away if anything were to happen, LOW STRESS.


in the thick of it
not to be argumentative, but correct me if I'm reading this wrong. You want a low stress, easy to walk away from op all the while doing so under an alias? That seems contradictory to me, though I've never lived that way, it may be easy to someone who has. It just seems to me that you never have to remember the truth, so no alias', no stories, no undue stress. I agree with the several other folks who suggested to keep the landlord happy....pay either up front or on time, never late. Read the lease agreement very well. Don't allow yourself to be caught up. If I had to rent a space, I'd be sure I could have a dog there. Let the dog run loose and keep a room for your grow. I doubt a landlord would brave a dog mauling to see what you've got going on if your rents on time. Best wishes bro. Stress is a killa!

Guest 150314

So your telling me it would be more stress full for you to lie about your name over the phone to the utility company than grow in a house that is legally tied to you and your have invested tens of thousands of presumably cleaned money into? No thanks I'd rather pay cash and be anonymous, its sort of like using a burner phone but with houses...

My landlord might know my name but I am not stupid enough to put it on a legally binding contract like the lease.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Stress is a killa!

Ha! Thats what I'm talkin 'bout!

Jeez....this thread has veered considerable from the original intent. I was trying to discuss finding an apartment for a small medical grow, now peeps are talking about strip mall warehouse mega-grows. Thats ok though.

This was supposed to be about brainstorming ways of getting me an apartment that would be free from the stress of hiding the grow from the landlord. I guess not enough people understand that brainstorming sessions are about accepting all ideas and not judging them.

I think the transition that's happening now with medical marijuana in some states is a whole different landscape regarding growing weed. If you have a card, you are allowed to legally grow a garden. This new fact opens up all kinds of doors that were impossible just a few years ago.

Most of us who grow weed are still of the mindset that we have lived under our many years, which was "don't tell anyone. Period." This was smart, still is, but things are starting to change, new doors are appearing. I'm just trying to explore some of these new doors, peaking inside to see what's there. I'll let you guys know what I find out when I talk to some of these ommp organizations, a few posters said that these groups will help a card holder find rentals that allow growing.

But, in the meantime, continue talking about larger growing in strip malls.

Guest 150314

sorry dude I didn't mean to steer it in that direction but people don't get it and I had to explain my attitude and mantra towards it all.


Registered User
So your telling me it would be more stress full for you to lie about your name over the phone to the utility company than grow in a house that is legally tied to you and your have invested tens of thousands of presumably cleaned money into? No thanks I'd rather pay cash and be anonymous, its sort of like using a burner phone but with houses...

My landlord might know my name but I am not stupid enough to put it on a legally binding contract like the lease.

How do you get the landlord to take a fake name, knowingly? Unless he's down & willing to take part of the bite...?