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Finally did it :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Ok ... its day 50 for DG's lovely ladies!!! They're getting flushed with .2 EC of V&B in RO water . PH 5.8 .
I took clones off all 11 plants 2 weeks into flower , got 29 clones total ... all rooted very nicely , so i took the best one from each plant & up potted it into a 1 gallon pot of coco . they'll set in the veg room till each donor plant is harvested & i decide which ones will be kept for moms & then put into 2 gallon pots & put in the mom room for later cuts .the rest will get flowered out once more & then discarded . still have a whole tray of clones left that will either be gifted or culled . i've already got my next 2 rounds set up ... so these aren't needed right now .

heres some shots of the clones & the future moms , everything is well marked so i know exactly what each one is .... have made that mistake before !!! can't depend on memory .... it never works :)

kept 10 moms out of 11 possible , but have the 11th if it turns out nice .... doubt it ... but ya never know .the rest are same strains still in cups ,

a few more of the clones but these look like they'll take awhile to reveg cuz of the buds that were forming when i cut'em .


& the seedlings i have left from the last round of 25 seeds popped . only 1 laughing tiger made it out of 10 DG beans ....... they don't like wet feet !!!! keep that in mind !!! not in cups of coco anyways .
the LT is the biggest one in the pic ...

thought i'd throw a pic of the mom room too . there are 6 on the right side that are going into flower as soon as DG's are done .including my last 2 freaky magenta's (front middle in the pic )


be back later after i get some pics from the flower room , just added a 3rd light to the room & noticed a couple magenta's need to be staked .... again !!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I'm back .....

i took a couple pics of the last 2 magenta99 seedlings that haven't been flowered yet but will go in about 2 to 3 weeks . they were my best 2 freaks outa 5 that i started with , 1 was a crinkled mess that eventually started putting out good branches . the other is a heavy sativa leaner .... unc was saying maybe 12 to 16 weeks .... we will see :)

the crinkle ....


the sativa leaner .....


as said .... these 2 will stay in flower as long as they need , i'll leave them in the corner & harvest everything else around them as they finish .

next page ....... killers !!!!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
KQR ...... i've got 6 of these in that mess of a table , they weren't topped , i just let them grow natural . there are at least 4 different phenos that i can see . the trimming & final smoke test will tell me more about how different they all are . i took pics of 2 different phenos ..... its all i could get off the table for pics without a big hassle .
pheno 1 .......




Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Now the Magenta99
i only got pics of the one plant . i will get more of these mag's later after the killers are harvested I can space them out a bit .

she is a big floppy purple bitch !!!! buds are so heavy they're falling over !! the smell from her is unfreakin real !!! sweet berries ...... yum !!!!






if this plant tastes as sweet as she smells & stones me like i hope ..... its gonna be killer !!!! can't wait to try her !!!!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
heres a few more from in the room with lights on ..... then i'll call it a night & move on . I hope ya all enjoyed them ... i know my pics ain't the best but they give ya a decent idea whats happenin here . thanx for lookin in & the kind words from everyone ..... TY

i'll be back in a couple weeks as the killers are about to be harvested ... if they're ready .





Had to throw up a pic of my 6 biesels next to them in flower ... they're around 2 weeks in .


see ya guys


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
The last round of seeds that i put into cups didn't fare well for me . out of 5 brain freeze & 5 laughing tigers ... i wound up with one laughing tiger seedling that actually lived . the rest all died off from a mix of too much water & too strong of a feed .
so i'll try again :)
this time i have 10 of each in cups of straight canna coco . 10 BF & 10 LT's . just put them in tonight so it'll be a few days before i know how they did this round .

i will keep it updated as i go along .... for my logs & to show you guys how i'm doing .... good or bad .


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
the moon cycle musta been bad for seedlings huh? i cant ever recall losing that many at one time..
the rest of the room is looking good,never seen a kqr go past 70 days,i always chopped at 63 myself,the mag99 i have had go to 90 before...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Thanx Unc :)
I have them planned for 63 days on the killers & 70 on the Mag's ... but the trichs will be my final judgment . I have 1 of each that look damn near done . both have mostly cloudy but 0 amber yet . & they've only had a few days of flushing ... so they'll be in for awhile yet anyways . i'll check again around mid week cuz next friday is day 63 for all of them .

will be back then with pics & tell ya whats coming down .
thanx for lookin in guys :thank you:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Gotta remember the camera when i harvest each & everyone of the these . I have 1 pheno of KQR that leans toward the cindy side with long branching a few more but smaller buds compared to the killers that lean towards the G13 side . It looks like i have 5 different pheno's of KQR that lean to the g13 . one is a much frostier & faster finishing pheno than the others & 1 thats putting out a few foxtails & is more golf ball shaped . the others come to a pear shape .

The Magenta99's out of 5 i have 3 different pheno's that i can see . most of the mags are in the back & i can't really get a decent look at them except for the tops . i will get a better look & pics after the killers are harvested & I can space these out for they're last week or so in flower . one pheno leans toward the DTC with its long branches & bit of stretch but has tight buds with tons of purple from the pck . 2 of them have the stretch & looser buds of a sativa (dtc ) 1 with some good amounts of purple & 1 green pheno . & 2 have a smaller stature like an indica with a pretty good amount of purple bud set .

the way the buds came out on a few of the magentas ( the fatter but looser structure ) may be from the strain as i've never grown it before & everything else is a nice dense bud set . or it could be from my lighting (hot spots ) cuz i've seen it happen this way on buds that shouldn't have grown like that . its happened to my SSH & my Ogre99's . i've been thinking about light defusers to see if they help . but when i get some decent pics of the affected buds . maybe you guys can tell me if this is a strain trait or my environment .

thanx fer listening to me babble guys ... i'll get some pics up late in the week .... before harvest :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Friday was day 63 & today is 64 days sense the lights were flipped to 12/ 12 . I pulled 1 magenta99 & 2 KQR's out last night & got pics of them . tonight i pulled 3 more KQR's out & trimmed them up . i didn't grab pics tonight cuz the 5 pheno's of KQR were all pretty much the same as far as growth patterns go . they do have some slight veriations in bud formation & smells but you can't really see to much difference with my shitty pics .

The one Mag99 that i pulled was the fastest finisher of the 5 that i have , it was also the purplest & densest buds . not really sure which side of the cross it leans to , cuz i've never grown either parent . the other 4 that are still in grew completely different as far as bud formation goes ..... and i'll get pics of those as they get chopped in the next week or so . Also have 1 more KQR in that wasn't done yet & its alot branchier & more cindy leaning than the others .

I'll show a few pics of the 3 i harvested last night . please excuse my photo skills .

the Magenta99 ... early finisher & big purple bitch !!!




killers next .
Last edited:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Killer queen redux #7




rest of the pics of her are blurry & not worth showing .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
& the last killer for tonight .....KQR # 8




weird how this one started throwing out new growth on just the top of the main cola as i started flushing .... had me wondering if it was done yet , but i had at least 10 to 15% amber on her ... so she got the chop .

the other 3 i took tonight were all pretty uniform with the others ... so i didn't grab pics . i will get pics next week of the last 5 that get chopped . sittin here smokin a dry nug of the kqr ...... & forgettin what i was writing so i think i'll call it a night. :biggrin:

thanx fer lookin in & the kind words ....& sorry for the crappy pics .:tiphat:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Its got a nice smoothe very tasty smell & taste to it . i'm not getting the pineapple on this one ... but i've got 5 more to test out :biggrin:

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Looking nice dansbuds! Got me a KQR in flower at the moment. Mine is of the pineapple variety. Hoping it yields well enough this time around to keep. Still have 5 beans in the vault.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Thanx guys :tiphat: :biggrin:

The killers were grown unmolested & yeah not a big harvest off them ... i'll know better after they're dried . but topped & given some veg time i'm sure they'll do much better . the clones i took off them were 2 weeks into flower & are just coming out of reveg & the branching this round on them looks insane .... so i'll see what happens with them done this way . should be interesting :)
The mags i tied down to get more branching & it worked wonderfully :biggrin:

now to test each one & decide whats getting kept & whats getting gifted & culled .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I've got 1 laughing tiger that going to be put into flower soon to see what she can do ..... any suggestions as what to do with her ... top it keep it tied down or just let her go naturally . it seems like its got a pretty stiff stem & wouldn't take to being tied down to well without snapping the stalk . but looking at Uncs tiger lilly thread .... it can get unrully pretty easily .... so any suggestions would help . thanx again guys :)

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