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Finally did it :)


Seed Killer No More
ICMag Donor
Everything looks great. It'll only keep getting better! Can't wait to see what happens with the netting!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Evenin Knights & my Queen :wave:

Ok , lets spark a bowl of the Dieselrella & see if I can get a smoke report done . :)
Again I'm not sure of which Pheno of her i have , but was suggested by Unclefishtick that cuz of the big fan leaves (dinner plate size ) that i may have a NYCD leaning pheno .

Upon the first hit (green hit ) ...frack !!!... need a new lighter ... ok now i'm ready . upon the first hit ... i'm thinking Unc was right cuz its pure fuel !! very expanding .. to the point it makes ya cough if you over do it . second hit (not so much as first one, so no coughing ) the fuel taste is very evident but theres something else there too ... a slight sweetness & a leafy taste .the sweet is probably the cinderella popping through . but i can't really tell what the other taste is .
by the second hit ... i can feel it in my forehead & behind the eyes . not blasted yet but defenatly buzzin .
upon finishing the bowl ... I'm nice & baked :) its a nice behind the eyes buzz ... will make ya try & focus your eyes often . its not a lazy buzz its more of an up & confused type of high . wouldn't want to be doing anything confusing or complicated, like writin a smoke report :) cuz i'd put it off till later & laughing cuz i can't deal with it at that moment . I know this buzz well cuz i'm a SD lover & have a few crosses of her . so its very comfortable to me .
The behind the eyes feeling lasts for about an hour then your just relaxed & happy ... & i find myself looking for something to do . kinda bored & energetic . good time to work in the garden :)

The buds are nice ... they're not huge (again my fault , not the strains ) but they're dense ,even more than the Oger . theres no airyness to them like a true SD .the hairs are a nice deep red & lots of them . not as frosty as the Oger but still has a nice coating of resin .
the smell is weird ... i can smell the fuel . but the only other smell i get is like a chlorophil smell . maybe they need a good cure to bring out the true smells & rid the leafy smell . I will know in about 2 weeks if thats true & will edit this then .

As i said i'm a diesel lover so this is one for the keepers list :)
on a scale from 1 to 10
the smell is a 7, could be better after a good cure , theres a lot of chlorophil left in the buds now .
The taste is an 8 , if the leafy taste goes away it could be easily a 9 or 10
bud density is an 8
bud size is about a 6 cuz i know they can get bigger than i did this round .
trich coverage is an 8
& bag appeal is a 15 :)

Can't wait to see what happens after a nice cure . the diesel smells & taste should come out more & hopefully some of the cindy sweetness too after the chlorophil taste is gone . will come back & edit this then .

heres some dry pics of her Dieselrella




Thank you again Dutch grown for breeding such great genetics for us to smoke & share :thank you::thank you:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
As I mentioned earlier today, i bought a blockbuster 6' hood today & got it mounted just before lights on , but just not quick enough to get a lights off pic :) but i did get a few with lights on .
this new hood is defenatly 1000 times better than them shitty cooltubes i had in there . check out the spread from this thing in there ,its gonna be sweet :)




brought the front 3 buckets up to match the height of the 6 in back , will give me a better even canopy .I always wind up with a runt , but this time i had 3 so i kept them out front to get to them easier & move them up into the light if needed . prolly gonna have to tie a few branches down eventually too but thats fine :)

gotta go feed these girls ..... thanx for lookin in guys :wave: :thank you:
Last edited:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Thanx guys for all your support & kind words :)
I have a few more upgrades to do in the next couple months then i'll be happy with the rooms .
The D'rellas that were effected by the salts build up have perked back up & are takin off nicely .The ogers this time are really takin off , their stems are twice as thick as last time . better environment better plants
should be a nice full screen of buds in a few weeks :) once the Bees on the right side are harvested , i'll get in under the net & defoliate the bottom half of the DG girls , clean up any branches that aren't above the net & just generally clean things up in there .

I wish i had room to move this tent out away from the wall abit , theres another set of doors on the backside & it would make it a ton easier getting to the back rows of plants .

see ya all next week with another update :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
evenin everybody :wave:

Thought it might be time for a little update as the ladies are startin to put out some decent bud sites now . i've been cleaning out some under growth in the last few days . i have the 6 in front mostly done , the 3 in back will have to wait till the right side of the tent is harvested next week . so i can get in the back of the tent .

the ladies are at day 21 & lookin pretty good :)
heres some qiuck shots ....






the ogers are in the back & they're really puttin out some fat stems this time :) & they're taller than the rella this time too .... weird .


Thats it for now guys .... thanx for lookin in :wave: :thank you:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Took another 13 clones out of the cloner tonight & got them in the cups of coco. 7 ogers & 6 Drellas . think i'm gonna run 6 ogers by themselves next time . i have 5 weeks to give them a good veg time , maybe some topping & tying down to get decent bushes .A week in the cups .. maybe less the way these things throw roots & then 4 to 5 weeks in the 2 gallon buckets should give me nice start :)

day 25 on the ladies in flower , gave then their first dose of hydroplex tonight . they're fillin out nicely . can't wait to see the ogers this time ... their stems are twice as fat as last time :)

I've got enough diesel crosses here to last me a lifetime , so i'll keep a mom of the Drella here & run her again later this year . Shes very nice but i think i like my biesel a little more cuz of the hazey spice to her .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
it hasn't happened yet ... i'm waiting patiently though :dunno:

Thanx for lookin in guys :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Evenin Gang ... time for a day 33 update :)

just a few pics to look at ... they're just chuggin along & lookin sweet for half way there .





Thanx everybody for lookin in on my grow , the kind words are really appreciated .


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
how about unkind words? j/k pretty soon i will have the monster swtc99 in her cage to show you my scrog!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
how about unkind words? j/k pretty soon i will have the monster swtc99 in her cage to show you my scrog!

I can take critisizms too :)

not that i would call mine a scrog this time but ..... can't wait to see ya scrog the beasty Sweetcindy :good:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
first the post wouldn't show ... then it double posted .... i dunno


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
well then, YOU SUK lol
Nah your doin a fine job no major hiccups and gettin dialed in nicely

Thanx Galahad .... glad i finally made it to the YOU SUCK list :thank you:

Originally Posted by unclefishstick View Post
the d'rella comes from soma's nycd diesel which as far as i know isnt related to the ecsd...
you're kidding right..lol.

Thanx for lookin in buddle ..... if you can prove otherwise .... it would be appreciated . :thank you: