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Finally did it :)


Active member
Glad to see everything is up and running DANS!!! Looking god man and I wish you the best!!! Bang for buck six hundreds are IMHO the way to go at least in a tent; and on a budget!!! I'll be staying tuned in bc I enjoy this thread:)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
thats the way we like it! nice and smokey!
Yep we like to puff
Thats great to hear guys cuz I do too :smoky::smoke out:

Glad to see everything is up and running DANS!!! Looking god man and I wish you the best!!! Bang for buck six hundreds are IMHO the way to go at least in a tent; and on a budget!!! I'll be staying tuned in bc I enjoy this thread
Thanx Carlos :wave: :thank you:

Majority rules ....... 600's it will be :) :plant grow:

Hey everybody , wassup tonight ? :wave:

I hate killin plants :cry:
But it had to be done ..... 4 5 & 8 are gone . they showed their balls tonight & got the axe .2, 3 & 7 are the only ones left unknown . they'll probably show in the next day or 2 .
1 6 & 9 are confermed females :dance013::dance013:

oh shit ... that reminds me , i gotta pull the cuttings from those 3 out of the cloner .brb :)

also up potted 3 of my B8's into 5 liter buckets & put them in the tent (want to keep the plant count to 9 plants under 1 light in this tent to see how they fill the space . if it gets too crowded i'll just pull them back out .no big deal :) they're just extras i couldn't find a home for . (everybody else here is full up :) )

Well i think thats about it for tonight gang , i'm a bit worn out from cruzin the mall parkin lots with the ol'lady . she goes in , me & the pooch sit in the van ..... no way in hell i'm goin in those places this time of year .. :yoinks:
Have a great night all & i'll see ya soon :wave: :thank you:


Active member
no way in hell i'm goin in those places this time of year .

tell me about it, had to get up at the ass crack and do black friday with mrs. meraxes. shit, if i didn't go in, i wouldn't get booty for a month. got a $400 telescope for $150 bucks. not bad right? i dont want anything but a deep fried turkey and a brew to wash it down. be nice if the Pats played on Xmas. looking good bro


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor

Yeah i've been through that with the wife but now she'd rather have me sit in the truck & wait instead of dealin with my mood after about 5 minutes in those places :)

Hey everybody :wave:
not much going on here just watchin the grass grow :)
#2 turned out male on me so he's gone now too :cry:

well guys , got alot to do to get ready for Xmas . i''l catch ya all later

:wave::thank you:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Not 100% sure yet but it looks like 3 & 7 are gonna be males too:shucks: will give them a couple days to be positive .

1 6 & 9 are defenatly girls so at least i have 3 . #1 looks like its gonna be a Sweetest cindy not sure on the other 2 . I do hope i got 1 of each , hate to think i missed out on a strain cuz of the male population . but it is what it is .... nothin i can do about it . I allready have plans on buyin more DG genetics anyways. maybe i'll grab another mix pack then too if its available :chin:

Well at least we have 3 to watch grow into dankness :) , i have to put a few other girls in with them to try & keep my plant count up but its all good . :dance013:

I'll get some pics up in a couple days (after all the males are gone & the tent is set up to finish out the run )

have a good night guys & m'lady :wave: :thank you:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Mornin everybody :wave:

#6 pulled a switch on me & threw balls out today so he got the chop too (bummer ) so i'm down to 2 females & 1 dunno

I had to change things around here cuz of their being so few females . I put the 3 remaining DG plants (2 girls 1 still unknown ) into the veg room under the 250 watt light to finish out flowering , so they'll be in there all by themselves . should be easier to update & get pics for you guys with them in there . I need a full tent for my perpetual set up & with the DG strains being bigger than my B8's i figured it would be easier to just fill the tent with the B's & grow out the DG's in another spot .
so basicly thats where i'm at now . i wish i could have filled the tent with DG girls but it didn't work out that way this time . i do have clones of all the girls & they will get a side in the tent all to themselves soon but just not now .

i'll get some pics up soon i promise ( maybe tonight or tomorrow ) but things are crazy here now cuz of the holidays as you guys are too probably .
well guys thats it for now , i'll see ya later :wave: :thank you:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
well thats a bummer,im sorting all my plants now...but sorta looking forward to there not being so many of them to take care of...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Yeah it sux Unc but at least i have 2 really nice females maybe 3 ...should know by xmas day . and as long as 1 is a SWC99 i'll be very happy cuz she's what i'm after in the first place & i think #1 is her so ........:dance013::dance013:
If ones a SWC & i do wind up with 2 ... i hope the other is a dieselrella . I luv the deisel :)

don't know if i'll get to pics tonight but if not ..... defenatly tomorrow .

:wave: :thank you:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
sheesh,what do you have a bunch of stuff to do or somethin? oh right,the holidays!
Yeah & this is the worst time of year to try & snag the camera from her clutches :thinking::peek::spanky:

:smoke out:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
ah the joys of being single...if yer wife thinks leaving the toilet seat up is bad(why cant they check?) i bet seeing the tub full of dirty pots would really be bad!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
i bet seeing the tub full of dirty pots would really be bad!
Nahhhh , shes used to me cleanin grow stuff in the kitchen sink :) , but grabbin the camera from her is like tryin to rob a bank fer christs sake ... she holds on to that thing like its her life preserver . :dunno:

will try to get pics tonight unless she brings it to church with her .... but i could do it when she gets back if worse comes to worse .

:wave: :thank you:

Edit ..... just took #7 out of circulation ... he showed his balls tonight ... that leaves #1 & 9 for definate females . 2 strains outa 3 ..... i'm hopeing for SWC99 & deiselrella :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
OK guys ... as promised ...pics :wave:

lets see if i can get this done before Xmas (44 minutes away :) )

I only wound up with 2 females out of 9 plants #1 & #9 . I took them out of the tent & put them in the veg room to flower out by themselves ,they are 11 days into flower as of tonight . they're under a 250 watt MH bulb right now but after Xmas is over i'll go get an HPS bulb for them to grow under . I know the yeild will be compromised by flowering under the 250 but i only need to see their growth patterns & get a few buds to try out before the clones are flowered properly next time .I also took 6 more cuttings off each girl so when they're ready I can have a full 9 plants under 1 light in the tent. not sure what the 2 strains are going to be but i think #1 is a sweetest cindy which is the reason i bought the mix pack for in the first place & i hope #9 is a Dieselrella cuz i loves the diesel :) .

heres a few pics of the girls in their final pots hooked up to my blumats .

#1 on the left & #9 on the right

5th pic is #1 & 6th pic is #9






well guys thats it for tonight . everybody have a great Xmas & i'll see ya all after the holidays & i'll get a pic update every week so we can watch their progress together .

:wave: :thank you: :xmastree:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
i think you may have an ogre and a deiselrella but the buds will tell for sure..
:chin: Hmmmmm , you'd know more than I would . they look almost the same except 9's stems are a little darker & thicker , seems to be a stronger plant than #1 is too , a little woodier . 1's on the left & 9's on the right in the pics .
well Unc .... if ya would , keep an eye on them for me as the buds grow & maybe we can figure this out :)

Thanx for lookin in Unc .....:wave: :thank you:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Thanx weeds , no that was my veg room but for the next 2 months it'll be the DG flower room :)

I am thinkin about buyin a new 4' x 4' tent for a smaller flower room to do some sativas or hazes in cuz they take 12 to 14 weeks to flower properly & i love my sativas :) and i'm gonna have 2 spare 400 watters after i get my 600's for the big tent :)
my ultimate goal is to have 2 4' x 8' tents across from each other with the 600's flip flopped .... while 1 tent is off , the other will be on . :dance013: :dance013:

Oh by the way Dude ..... Merry Christmas :eggnog: :thanks:


kool dan. and I hope you the best luck too. How come you only got 2 fem out of 9..


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Looking real happy in here mate :good:
I think you have 2 slightly different phenos of OGer99 bruz but that's just my guess at this point in time, but old mate unk is right the buds will tell you what they actually are ;)
Happy Holidaze :xmasnut: and thanks for sharing your grow mate, looking forward to seeing them again :plant grow: