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FIM Technique Help


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DHarvester said:
So I tried your technique over the weekend on one plant and got 3 new tops! I also tried something dumb, (isn't it funny how when your high a dumb idea can sound like the most ingenious idea you ever had) I FIMMED a top that was beginning to flower...duh! Now I have a bud with a flat top haircut! Although, now her main cola (let's just call it topped) is distinctly fatter (wider) than her non-topped sisters...interesting...lol
{ I FIMMED a top that was beginning to flower...duh! Now I have a bud with a flat top haircut! Although, now her main cola }

this method is called crowning done early in flower will force most of the nugs including the lowers to become more dense and larger :headbange


Maj.PotHead said:
this method is called crowning done early in flower will force most of the nugs including the lowers to become more dense and larger :headbange

Cool! I did something good on accident! I have been watching them over the past few days and I don't know if there is a tremendous difference, but the top cola of that plant is still slightly wider than the rest.

BTW: The vegging plant that I fimmed seems to have stopped growing now. The three nubs haven't done anything new in a couple of days. I remember someone saying that you should mist them during this process, but I've been too busy with things and haven't had the time. Think that might be the reason that things have slowed down?

I never misted mine. How does the plant look otherwise? Have you made any changes to your watering/light/ferts etc? I've seen that once when I overwatered.


Wow... have you ever written out your whole response only to forget to post it and then accidentally close the window! :bashhead: Man, I don't want to retype the whole thing... maybe someones trying to tell me something! Keep it short!

Anyway, (some of) what I had written was:

I don't have the best setup right now and because of that I basically window veg. I put them in the window during the day, and put them in the flowering room at lights on. But, like I had said on an earlier post, its been a busy week for me so I missed putting them in at lights on a few times. That's probably the reason for the slower growth. I just gotta get back into the grove.