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FIM Technique Help


Can anyone please show me (with pictures) how to do the FIM Technique. I have tried many times and do not get any kind of multiple tops. I am assuming I'm doing it wrong.

Many Thanks,



Good luck with trying the FIM technique DHarvester. I tried to do it this time around and didn't quite cut it low enough, I left a little more than I should , probably around 25% rather than 10%, which just left me with some deformed leaves once it grew out. I'm going to try it again though because one my buddys did it successfully and ended up with 10 new stalks coming out of the FIM site. Pretty impressive sight. Good luck


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its normal to get a few sets of deformed leaves when FIM is done correctly. happens every time i FIM


I FIM my plants for the first time and noticed by the next day, new shoots are forming out of the point of cut. But the majority of them seem to take 3-6 days for new shoots to be formed. I think it has something to do with the humidity, maybe misting them right after helps expand the glands of the stem?
Any thoughts?


Pirate: thanks for the help. Basically, I have the same photo. Mine is in the Jeorge Cervantes book. I seem to have the same result as spyvspy I just get some deformed growth. I guess it's like he said, and I'm leaving too much behind.

MDT: If you have access to a digital camera, would you mind showing us a few pics? I'm more of a visual learner. I get the gist of it from the illustration in my book, but some actual photos would be very helpful


The ones i fim is already in flowering, but I will be fiming another crop in a week or two, will post a pic then.
Here is a illustration pic in the OG FAQ, hopefully you'll get a clearer idea of where to cut.
MDT said:
The ones i fim is already in flowering, but I will be fiming another crop in a week or two, will post a pic then.
Here is a illustration pic in the OG FAQ, hopefully you'll get a clearer idea of where to cut.

That's the one that I used, I think. I cut at an angle, and got one three headed monster and the rest were two's. Gordon Bennett! cutting the grow bud just right is mostly luck with a bit of bollocks for good measure. That pic is a great start! K+


Thanks MDT for the pic, can't wait to see your next set when there ready.

FiveLeggedGoat: Thanks for the illustration, it's clearer than the example in Jeorge's book.

Kinderfeld: Thanks for the link, between your link and also the link to grasscity, I think I got it figured out. If anyone else here is looking for info on fimming, kinderfeld's link is the place to go.

Thanks to all... Peace. D. :smoweed:
overmind1632 said:
Wow very impressive, thats a lot more efficient than topping

Yeah, but not so predictable, at leas not to a novice, which is as far as I got. I am going to try cloning this time around.
And yeah, DJ, I was pretty impressed with that 5er. I think that was one of the most deeply cut plants, so don't be afraid to cut

:bigeye: asdfqwerty420


So I tried your technique over the weekend on one plant and got 3 new tops! I also tried something dumb, (isn't it funny how when your high a dumb idea can sound like the most ingenious idea you ever had) I FIMMED a top that was beginning to flower...duh! Now I have a bud with a flat top haircut! Although, now her main cola (let's just call it topped) is distinctly fatter (wider) than her non-topped sisters...interesting...lol
3 for your first attempt is great!
LOL! yeah, sometimes the herb will give you brilliant ideas ... like turning a lit candle upside down so you can read the label. Damn its hard to get wax out of carpet :)
Take some snaps of that bud! I'd love to see what the effects are over time.


asdfqwerty420 said:
LOL! yeah, sometimes the herb will give you brilliant ideas ... like turning a lit candle upside down so you can read the label. Damn its hard to get wax out of carpet :)

I don't know what's funnier,that you did it, or that I've done that too! :laughing:

asdfqwerty420 said:
Take some snaps of that bud! I'd love to see what the effects are over time.

Will do that, still nervous about uploading. I can't upload through my proxy, so I would have to be visible while doing it...Yikes! I guess I'll just have to go to some public computer to do it or something.

I highly suggest FIMMING lower.. almost to the point of cutting ALL of the new growth tip off.. i used to cut too high and only the bottom branches would reach up getting almost half the effect of TOPPING.. however when taking more of the growth tip off and FIMMING correctly you should get MULTIPLE tops... works great but takes practice..


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