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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


Active member
That sounds like an awesome time at the disc golf course, me and a couple buddies are just waiting for good weather to go the driving range. Glad you were able to meet some cool people. I'm also a youtube guy, what kind of cooking do you watch? I literally watch everything from street food around the world to Japanese wagyu sandwiches lmfao. Green Bay has always been a good team no matter what. I wish the steelers franchise had the brains that Green Bay does lol.


Active member
That sounds like an awesome time at the disc golf course, me and a couple buddies are just waiting for good weather to go the driving range. Glad you were able to meet some cool people. I'm also a youtube guy, what kind of cooking do you watch? I literally watch everything from street food around the world to Japanese wagyu sandwiches lmfao. Green Bay has always been a good team no matter what. I wish the steelers franchise had the brains that Green Bay does lol.
Good afternoon DoloDankness.
I love me some disc golf! I've been playing for over 25 years and it's still a blast every time. It's great exercise and I always get plenty of fresh air when playing. I meet a lot of cool people on the disc golf course. There are always a good mix of young and older players and there always seems to be at least one group that are the hippie/stoner type. Do you shoot disc?
I'm kind of like you with the foodie vids. I watch all kinds of stuff, usually when I'm researching something I want to cook. Everything from BBQ to Brazilian style steak to pancakes to that awesome Japanese A-5 wagyu beef. I'm not a seafood eater but I love everything beef, pork and chicken.
The packers have been a pretty decent organization but the team was really bad for most of the years I was growing up in the 70's and 80's. But growing up here you are sort of born into being a fan of the team. The history and the fact they the team is owned by us here in the state is pretty unique.
I hope you having a great week!


Active member
Good afternoon DoloDankness.
I love me some disc golf! I've been playing for over 25 years and it's still a blast every time. It's great exercise and I always get plenty of fresh air when playing. I meet a lot of cool people on the disc golf course. There are always a good mix of young and older players and there always seems to be at least one group that are the hippie/stoner type. Do you shoot disc?
I'm kind of like you with the foodie vids. I watch all kinds of stuff, usually when I'm researching something I want to cook. Everything from BBQ to Brazilian style steak to pancakes to that awesome Japanese A-5 wagyu beef. I'm not a seafood eater but I love everything beef, pork and chicken.
The packers have been a pretty decent organization but the team was really bad for most of the years I was growing up in the 70's and 80's. But growing up here you are sort of born into being a fan of the team. The history and the fact they the team is owned by us here in the state is pretty unique.
I hope you having a great week!

I don't shoot disc, I play regular golf, lmao. I've never tried disc golf it looks really fun, but I'd need to get good at my frisbee throwing before I take it to a course haha. Do you watch any particular channels on youtube? I love watching this dude with the channel name 'Sam the Cooking Guy'. He makes food that I swear are designed for people who get stoned. I never knew that about the Packers that's a really cool fact. Right back at you man! Hope you're having a good one too!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
thats so funny you mention sam the cookie guy, he is from san diego and i a girl who used to work on his show

its been a little cooler that past couple days, especially at night but i just hoody up and im good to go
got a new spotting scope recently and its been a lot of fun
thinking about making some of those tocino style short ribs sometime this week
hope everyone is having a great day and getting through their week with a smile


Active member
That's so awesome haha! I love watching his videos. Same here though, its been chilly the past few days, below 40F in the evenings. I went to the driving range today with a few friends and had a good time hitting some balls. Those short ribs sound amazing. Same to you pop_rocks!


Active member
Greetings friends.
Happy hump day! I hope everyone is having a great week!

@DoloDankness. You should try disc golf sometime. Grab a couple discs for a few bucks a piece and your all set. I think that the majority of people who play disc don't take it very seriously and are just out for a nice walk on the course and some fresh air, and maybe a joint or a bowl LOL. I get the impression that people take regular golf fairly seriously and I hear that there are dress codes on many courses and you need a lot more equipment. Disc golf is definitely a laid back game where anything goes. I've tryed golf a few times when I was younger and I'm terrible at it haha.
I don't really follow any channel on YouTube but I will check out some of the 'Sam the cooking guy' shows. I'm always looking for something interesting when it comes to food and I love to try new recipes. I mostly like watching jam band and reggae concerts. I just heard about a new documentary on Netflix called 'have a good trip' about celebrities experience with psychedelics and I'm going to check it out tonight and I'll let you guys know if it's worth a watch.
I'm glad you got to get out and hit some balls!

@pop_rocks. Weather is still a bit up and down here but I'm hearing that we should be mostly in the 70's starting next week. Looking back it we usually start getting hot days by the beginning of June so not too much longer and it's going to be boating season. I've been saving my days off since there is nothing to do these days and I can't wait to start taking them and spending more time on the water and the mountain bike too.
Slow braised short ribs sound great! There is something special about that cut of meat. Heat and moisture transform them into melt in your mouth goodness. I use to get great Vietnamese style short ribs at a place in Oakland when we lived there. I really miss them.
Keep up the good work buddy!


Active member
@Fiddynut That sounds like a lot of fun to be honest. Yea people in the golf community definitely take it more serious. I'm not one of those people and am not that great at it either lmfao! Disc golf sounds like a hell of a lot of fun though. Didn't realize there was that big of a community for it, that's really cool honestly. Sounds like my girlfriend would be able to even get into it. Way easier then trying to hit a golf ball straight lol!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
fiddy is right and its easy to get into disk golf
a friend at work let me and the mrs use a variety of his gear and we had a blast
we really dident know what we were doing and just went to a park and threw them around
pretty soon we were trying to hit trees and different markers
it takes some practice but its fun
let us know what you think of the documentary
i will probably start the marinade on friday and cook the ribs sometime this weekend
im also totally in the mood for a pizza for we will pick up a couple of those too at some point

hope everyone is having a great week!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
thats pretty uch what we were doing, just tossing a frisbee
but there are different kinds
like ones made to throw far or would others that would cut left or right; i cant remember how it went but there were numbers on the disks that my friend deciphered for us that would tell you what it would do
/fiddy can fill us in on this im sure
it was fun and soon we were just running around like kids flicking friz


Active member
My friends are really good at hacky sack, we like to play it by the pool or at the beach. I'm not the greatest I can get it around the circle a few times lol.


Active member
Greetings friends.

What a diffrence a day makes. Late yesterday the Wisconsin state Supreme Court found the states lockdown order to be unconstitutional and unenforceable and struck it down. This has become a political issue but for me it's always been a freedom issue. Adults have the right to decide what's safe and what's not. If they decide it's not safe for me to ride a motorcycle should it be made illegal for me to ride one? Should they be able to take it from me? I think not. I'd even say that the lockdown did some good and many of the rules are good to follow for a time, some forever, like keeping your damn hands clean. It looks like there has been a victory for freedom and free thought and that is rare these days. I'm really looking forward to supporting the local businesses that have been closed for close to 2 months now.
I watched the "have a good trip" on Netflix last night and some of the stories were pretty entertaining. I never knew that some of those people were into acid. If you like stories about psychedelics give it a shot sometime.

@DoloDankness. For sure disc is a great time. Not really sure where your at but here in south east Wisconsin on a nice day there are always a lot of peeps out playing. When I lived on the west cost there were always a lot of people playing at this course in Santa Cruz too. I've played a few times in Alabama and its popular there as well. I think that anywhere there is space there are courses. My favorite courses have plenty of trees and some nice elevation changes. My favorite shots are the ones you have to hook shot around the trees. I see plenty of ladys on the courses too! There is something sexy about a chick that can toss a disc!

@pop_rocks. Your right disc golf is easy to get into, and cheap since you only need a disc or two. There are "official" rules but no one needs to follow them, just go out and throw, and of course be courteous of the other players on course. The more you play the more you learn to get accurate and throw farther. Like you mentioned you done really even need a course you can throw at whatever you decide to.
The shape of the disc has an effect on how it flys but the way you throw it is what makes the most diffrence. Leaning forward for a right hand thrower will make it hook left and leaning backwards will make it slice right. There are also overhand and tomahawk throws too.
Those short ribs sound great be sure to let us know how they turned out and what kind of ingredients you use in the marinade. Pizza sounds great its been a while since I had a good one.

@big315smooth. Man, I haven't played hack in a long time. In the 80's and early 90's we use to play all the time. We would skip class in Jr. High and high school and play hack all day. Such a simple game and so much fun. I bet I would be really rusty if I tryed to play these days. Maybe I could find a few peeps and get a game going. I'm sure I pre got a few sacks around somewhere. We use to play with those koosh balls too. Thanks for reminding me of something so fun from my past brother!


Active member
Honestly man, if I try to look too much into the lockdown and covid stuff I'm just gonna end up upsetting myself so I don't read much into it anymore. I just take my simple precautions and the ones required by law. I'm on the upper east coast and I'm pretty sure they just allowed some small businesses to open back up... or else they're not fining businesses that are open, something to that effect. I totally forgot about that documentary lol! I need to get on that. I also need to get on and start looking for some courses around me! Do most courses have discs you can rent?
Last edited:


Active member
I haven't showed any of you guys in here what my garden looks like. Probably no where near as big as your setups but it'll do for now.

Hope everyone's having a good one!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
morning boys!
hope everyone is staring their day off right and i cant wait for the weekend to kick off
me and the mrs have a fun walk planned for tomorrow and a bunch of other fun stuff planned

i commented on your set up in the other thread brother and things look good
/did you change the thermometer from c to f?
everything is in soil and this is where the fun starts

thats great that they are relaxing the restrictions in your area and things are getting back to normal f'nut
here in san diego they are opening up more places every week, but only some places and still keeping social distance
you are so right about how there are some positive changes we can all learn
things like washing your hands more and covering your face when you cough are good places to start
but not everyone is willing to take responsibility for their actions in a lot of cases
you mentioned riding your bike as one of our freedoms, but even that come with certain responsibilities
the gov. can and does take away our rights all the time, but its usually because we have demonstrated we can not handle ourselves safely around others and be cool
/in the case of motor vehicles, people often lose their right to drive because they drive dangerously
but you chose to do bad like drink and drive
unfortunately with a virus like covid, you might not know you are sick at the time and unknowingly get others sick
im all for the good people where you live who want to got back to work and make a living
like i said the protests in socal are a totally different thing where folks are crying about not being able to go to the beach or get coffee at their favorite places
/actually you can get coffee at your favorite places, you just cant sit there
be safe and take precautions where you can brother but live your life!
we are going to a friend house for dinner tonight but the pizza is on for tomorrow!
the mrs likes white pizzas so we will get one of those, im going for something with everything on it!
we might also enjoy a bit of left over "trails mix" from the last time we went camping!thnksp'man
oh yeah, its gon'be on!


Active member
Greetings friends.
After a couple of rainy days we are having our nicest day yet of the year here today. Sunny and mid to upper 70's feels great. If it were up to me it could stay just like this for the next few months. I hope this sticks around.

@DoloDankness. All the disc golf courses I've been to have been at parks and arnt stand alone courses like regular golf. No need for a tee time just show up and play. I've yet to go to a course that had a pro shop on site. As far as finding some discs I've seen them at Walmart and other sporting goods stores. Do a google search and bet you'll find a place that has them somewhere near you. You can also search for the courses and read some reviews. If your local course has a league night there might be people selling discs out of their cars on that night.
Your plants are looking great and have really nice color. I'm interested in seeing how the one that streached grows out with that thin stem she might need plenty of support. Your set up looks good to me! I flower 4 plants in a 3x3 tent and just grow for myself and my bro and share with friends when I can.

@big315smooth. Within just a couple hours of the courts decision there were a bunch of local bars open. After almost 2 months people were thirsty and all that pent up energy people had after staying home had to be released. I'm looking forward to going out for a beer and a burger or pizza but I really can't wait to seeing some live music. I'm guessing that some of the local bar bands will be playing pretty soon. A lot of bars here have larg outdoor patios and people can spread out if they want. I hope that things open up by you as soon as it's safe. Experiments like are going on here should tell us how safe it is to open or if we need to pull back for a bit. We should know a lot more in a couple weeks.

@pop_rocks. The governor here was starting to relax some restrictions but as soon as the court ruled against the lockdown things basically went right back to like it was before the lockdown. Some local governments put their own orders and rules up but many did not. It's now up to people to police themselves in the vast majority of the state. I'm sure that the vast majority of people will follow many of the guidelines that the experts have given out about distancing and keeping things clean and disinfected. It's probably going to be a while before we start sharing joints and bowls like we use to do. Again, this is all an experiment and we should gain valuable information from it.
I hope you guys have a great walk and whatever else you've got planned.
By white pizza do you mean a white (usually garlic) sauce? I really like a nice garlic sauce sometimes too. Not that I don't like a red sauce but it's nice to have something diffrent once in a while.
Enjoy that trail mix and I hope you guys get to go camping again soon brother!


Active member
what is up jungle mates.

It's been a rough month or so. My niece was born with some severe brain related birth defects. They have sent her home from the hospital today, essentially she's on her own. At best she may live in to her 20s. Worst case scenario she won't live past infancy. I have to get on finding CBD to try to stop the seizures that have been ongoing for a month or so. 5 medications, hasn't been able to stop the seizures. We are still praying for a miracle.

The wife is devastated, as is her mom, and sister. A few months ago I never would have thought Corona, would be a minor problem in comparison. Atleast for my family.

Pop Rocks. Hope you have a great trip. I could really use a reset, kinda nervous about tripping with all that is on my mind.

Hey Fiddynuts, how are those Bluedot/ irene going? Glad to hear the courts helped limit the government intrusion, there.

I have 4 deadhead x lbl, and a couple frosted cherry cookies, going. Hopefully I can find a keeper.

Hope you guys have a great weekend.