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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


In my empire of dirt
i guess ive always been kind of a loner so the isolation isnt that big a deal to me
i ahve mrsChicky and we have gone to visit friends, we just dont go out
i think the fines are mostly for the people who dont willingly comply with orders to not gather in large groups
it sounds like you might have a hybrid style bike, skinny tires but a more upright riding style
most of the ones i see are fixies, they only have one gear up front and in the back
ive even seen them on the main trails in the canyon but i dont know how the thin rims would hold up to a proper rock garden
looks like you are stocked up and in it for the long haul fiddy
be sure to stock up on the kibble for ego too
hope you all are hanging in there and making the best of things guys!


Active member
i guess ive always been kind of a loner so the isolation isnt that big a deal to me
i ahve mrsChicky and we have gone to visit friends, we just dont go out
i think the fines are mostly for the people who dont willingly comply with orders to not gather in large groups
it sounds like you might have a hybrid style bike, skinny tires but a more upright riding style
most of the ones i see are fixies, they only have one gear up front and in the back
ive even seen them on the main trails in the canyon but i dont know how the thin rims would hold up to a proper rock garden
looks like you are stocked up and in it for the long haul fiddy
be sure to stock up on the kibble for ego too
hope you all are hanging in there and making the best of things guys!

Good afternoon pop_rocks.
I would say that on the sociable scale I'm more on the loner side as well. It's usually live music that gets me out of the house. But I know a few people that are way on the other side of the scale and they must be really restless. Some people go to the same bar on their way home from work everyday and socialize with the same people there every day. Those folks must be missing their peeps.
I think your right that the road bike I've been riding is in the hybrid category. It's a 21 speed (3x7). It's good on the road and even on those smooth packed gravel bike paths but I wouldn't take it on a mountain bike trail. I think your right that the rims wouldn't hold up to rough terrain very well. Good think I have a bike that is good on the rough stuff too!
I'm pretty well stocked but I would get bord if I couldn't go to the store and get fresh ingredients a couple times a week. Eggo is stocked with about 6 weeks of dog food so he is pretty well set.
I'd ask if you have any exciting plans for the weekend but I guess I already know the answer. It's supposed to be rainy and cold all weekend here so I'll be hunkered in and should make a nice batch of chilli or something.
Take care and have a good weekend brother!


In my empire of dirt
happening my man!? hope you are having a great weekend
looks like the rain has passed here and it was a really nice day outside
blue skies and temps in the low 70s with a nice breeze on it
we went for a nice walk this morning through the canyon close to the house
there were a few families at a park we had to walk through but everyone seemed to be keeping their space around them
making chili sounds awesome, its still cool enough outside so a nice bowl would hit the spot
have a great start to your week fiddy!


Active member
What's up jungle mates,

Shit has been crazy lately, hope everything is not to disrupted for you guys. I have been working, my wife is having a hard time being stuck in the house. It really sucks her sister had a baby a few days after the stay at home order went into effect. She's having a hard time not being able to see our new niece, hasn't even held her.

On a lighter note, harvest went down Friday night.

My mephisto autos are coming down in 3 weeks. They are doing really well. They have really taking off the last few days.


Active member
I've been doing ok ......look what I found amongst the green Boreal ladies.....


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Well-known member
Hey sunshine nice plants. I don't know that strain you grow it before? What kind of soil and nute system do you use? Glad to see you posting .:tiphat:


In my empire of dirt
happening fellas! hope everyone doing their best and raising hell when they can

hows it goign p'man? hope you and the kids are hanging in there
that sucks about the lady not being able to see her new family member but it sounds like the parents are being super cautions
who know brother and maybe some people are being over cautions but im not one to tell someone how to live their life
/me and the mrs got into it about me going to a friends house the other night
hey keep us posted on how your autos turn out
how did those lemony plants turn out when you pulled them?
i ended up losing the cuts i got but i could tell they had a nice funky to them
so im going to crack into some of those beans you gave me the other day for my outdoor run this summer
i talked to my friend about it the other night and he seemed excited about the upcoming season
you take care of yourself brother

those are the same plants sunshine? in the close ups the flower looks really elongated
it looks nice in the voerall shot, like it has a lot of indica in it
what can you tell us about it?


Active member
happening fellas! hope everyone doing their best and raising hell when they can

hows it goign p'man? hope you and the kids are hanging in there
that sucks about the lady not being able to see her new family member but it sounds like the parents are being super cautions
who know brother and maybe some people are being over cautions but im not one to tell someone how to live their life
/me and the mrs got into it about me going to a friends house the other night
hey keep us posted on how your autos turn out
how did those lemony plants turn out when you pulled them?
i ended up losing the cuts i got but i could tell they had a nice funky to them
so im going to crack into some of those beans you gave me the other day for my outdoor run this summer
i talked to my friend about it the other night and he seemed excited about the upcoming season
you take care of yourself brother

those are the same plants sunshine? in the close ups the flower looks really elongated
it looks nice in the voerall shot, like it has a lot of indica in it
what can you tell us about it?

I harvested the lemon og Friday. There are some pictures in my album if you want to check them out. I am keeping that cut around. Let me know next time you are up my way and I will get you another cut. A few more days and I should be able to test them out. Can't wait. :dance013:

Autos are blowing up. In the last week the Buds have doubled in size. With 3 weeks to go, I think they are going to yield nicely.

I hope you get some fire from the beans.

@ Fiddynuts, how are those blue dot x irene doing?


Active member
Greetings friends.

I hope all is well with you and your family. It dosent look like things are going to be getting back to normal for a while but we must remain positive and try to find a little joy in life where we can. For me that means getting out and getting some exercise on my bike or taking a motorcycle ride. The weather has been pretty miserable here the last few days with rain, wind and cool temps so those outdoor activities are a bit of a chalange. The forecast is for better weather by later in the week so I'm hoping for that.

@pop_rocks. I'm really jealous of your nice weather buddy. It's been around 40 here with lots of wind and rain. I guess I really don't expect it to be nice here this time of year and should be happy that it's not still snowing and cold.
My chilli turned out good but I made too big of a batch and will be eating it all week. But your right about how a nice hot bowl warms you up nicely on a cold day.
I'm sorry to hear that your cuts didn't make it. But you have a great climate for outdoor down there so it sounds like a great plan to wait for that season and make the best of it.

@Packerfan. I really cant complain much about the disruption. It's had minimal effect on me and the wife so far. I really miss the live music scene but can live without it for now. I know a lot of people out of work and going stir crazy at home. Someone in my family had a baby a couple weeks ago and is some family members are going through the same thing as your wife with not being able to see the baby. We also have some family in their 80's, 70's and recovering from cancer. Because my wife and I are such high risk we arnt seeing any of the young or old or high risk family members even though some are having birthdays and other things that we usually celebrate with them.
Congrats on your harvest buddy! I hope that lemon OG is fire! Your autos sound great and I hope those are bomb as well. I will check out your pics for sure.
Funny you should mention the blue dot Irene. I just put a few rooted cuts in soil a coupe days ago and will pot them up in a couple weeks and flip them a couple weeks after that so we will see.

@Sunshineinabag. Are those balls on your plant? If so was that a male because I've never seen them way up high on a femail before. I've had some hermies in a few runs and they are always on the bottom buds for me. They have a really nice green color!


Active member
Here we go

Here we go

Two that are further along I rescued fully flowering are my creations.....one obviously is very hungry.....these newer are Boreal seeds semi autos.


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In my empire of dirt
im a big fan of chili and one of the nice thing about chili is you can have it so many different ways
a nice hot bowl with some crackers or bread, spooned over a hot dog or potatoe or even in a corn bread pie crust, man you can go wrong
if you fall into a high risk group you are smart to avoid social contact as much as possible for now
its tough when you feel like you are missing out on once in a life time events, but its better to be safe than sorry
i tihnk san diego has some of the best spring time/ fall seasons of any place
its starting to feel a little warmer outside now that the rain seems to have passed and things are really starting to spring

checked out your pics pfan
nice looking plants my man!
good sugar coating and you can almost smell the dank
have you had a chance to sample any of the smoke yet?

nice plants sunshine
how big are the containers you are using?


Active member
im a big fan of chili and one of the nice thing about chili is you can have it so many different ways
a nice hot bowl with some crackers or bread, spooned over a hot dog or potatoe or even in a corn bread pie crust, man you can go wrong
if you fall into a high risk group you are smart to avoid social contact as much as possible for now
its tough when you feel like you are missing out on once in a life time events, but its better to be safe than sorry
i tihnk san diego has some of the best spring time/ fall seasons of any place
its starting to feel a little warmer outside now that the rain seems to have passed and things are really starting to spring

checked out your pics pfan
nice looking plants my man!
good sugar coating and you can almost smell the dank
have you had a chance to sample any of the smoke yet?

nice plants sunshine
how big are the containers you are using?

Greetings pop_rocks.
Your right about chilli being a versatile meal brother. I'm a big fan of bowls of it with corn chips or crackers or chilli dogs or chilli burgers. I haven't tried that corn bread crust chilli pie you speak of but I'm quite interested in that and will have to try it someday.
I don't mind being in a group that's more likely to get this but I don't want to give it to anyone who could be high risk for having complications from it. I am starting to wonder if a better strategy would be to quarantine the people a thigh risk from complications and let the rest of us get back to work and life but I'm no expert.
Your right about how nice your weather is in SD. I wish it was half as nice here. I njoy some warmth for me brother!


In my empire of dirt
happening fellas'? hope everyone is doing well and having a great week
im a big fan of chili and will eat it with or without beans
so how are thigns going for you this week fiddy? hope you and the fam are nice and healthy
that goes for the pup too and i hope the two of you are able to get out for walks
me and the mrs are hanging in there and now she is working from home
its nice thoe because we can go for our night time walks and not have to worry about waking up in the mornings
im going through some seeds and setting aside the ones that look interesting
i have a few feminized seeds im going to run for sure and im going through the rest of the beans
especially the ones our man p'fan gifted me recently
they seem like new strains to me and i wold like to see what they hold in store

hope everyone is safe and doing well
spring is just arnoud the corner and we will all get through this crazy time
keep on kicking ass brothers!


Active member
happening fellas'? hope everyone is doing well and having a great week
im a big fan of chili and will eat it with or without beans
so how are thigns going for you this week fiddy? hope you and the fam are nice and healthy
that goes for the pup too and i hope the two of you are able to get out for walks
me and the mrs are hanging in there and now she is working from home
its nice thoe because we can go for our night time walks and not have to worry about waking up in the mornings
im going through some seeds and setting aside the ones that look interesting
i have a few feminized seeds im going to run for sure and im going through the rest of the beans
especially the ones our man p'fan gifted me recently
they seem like new strains to me and i wold like to see what they hold in store

hope everyone is safe and doing well
spring is just arnoud the corner and we will all get through this crazy time
keep on kicking ass brothers!

Good afternoon pop_rocks.
Eggo and the wife and I are in good health and can't complain too much. The weather has been better the last couple days and I've been getting some nice bike rides in. I really don't enjoy riding on the street or bike paths nearly as much as a good mountain bike trail but I have to do something to exercise the legs. In fact it was sunny and close to 60 degrees yesterday and it felt great. Some of the early flowers are peaking up from the ground and the grass is starting to get green. Eggo and I have been walking the long neighborhood route and I'm hoping to get him to the dog park this weekend.
That's great about your Mrs and you being able to sleep in the mornings. Working from home must be kind of wierd. I don't know if I'd have the discipline for it. I hope you two are enjoying your walks.
Keep us posted on what you decide with the seeds and this year's grow brother and stay healthy!


In my empire of dirt
you know it my man! i still have a camp fire story or two to tell also
i tihnk because the mrs was doing all of that studying from home she made herself a little work space at home
thats where shes been going to do her work in the day
thats great that you guys are able to go for long walks!
man, i really miss having a dog right now and how fun it would be to take the dog out and just walk around and see the neighborhood
sometimes i feel like a creaper just walking by myself , but if i had a dog....
i am narrowing down the seed selection and have a couple i think are definite maybes and a couple more that are on the fence
im also thinking i might be able to run a couple auto seeds between now and the 4rth and see how they do under good summer sunlight
/plus i could run a second string and get dbl the smoke
thatnks for the well wishes and you take care too brother!

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