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FF Ocean Forest+ FF Light Warrior = stress


Thought Id change things up and try sumthin new this time so I mixed some Ocean Forest with Light Warrior and the results werent so good.

The same strains that I been doin on and off for years looked worse then ever. Im wondering if anyone else on here has had a bad experience with this combo.I got almost no root growth for over a week once I transplanted into this. The funny thing is that I started them in the same mix and they seemd ok until I moved them into the buckets.

So I took some of the other plants that were started in the same mix and transplanted them into buckets with a pro mix+perlite+Ocean forest mix and no problem at all. They showed almost no sign of shock. So I can def say with full confidence that this stuff is a no go(Lightwarrior). From now Im gonna stick with maybe 1.5 bags of Ocean Forest per 3.8ft bale of ProMix premier HP, then add some perlite, vermiculite and maybe two 20 pound bags of EWC. If anyone has had good or bad experience with Light warrior I'd like to hear about it.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Dunno what your talking about. I just mixed 1/3 perlite, 1/3 light warrior & 1/3 ocean forest for my seedlings. I have to water every 1.5 days and they look all great.

Light warrior isn't bad, it just has a low ph. I added 1.5 tbsp of oyster shells per gallon of soil to help raise the ph and add some Ca+ Mg+

I really don't think you should say that light warrior is no go, just because you didn't know how to handle it.

I do like your alternative mix and I hope that it works well for you.


Im simply sayin the two mixed equally is way too hot , thats all. It needed to be cut down with ppenty of promix hp . In all the time Ive been doin this I have almost never had to adjust the PH of my mixes, 12 out of 13 indoor harvs have been a success, and most of them I have used one of a few different mixes . All of them involve the same basic ingredients with the exception of Ocean Forest that I only been using for maybe 3 years now. Then all the sudden I try a 50/50 mix and my plants look like shit. Then I take the other half of my plants and transplant them into a mix with no light warrior and things are back to normal. I just call 'em like I see 'em.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Well light warrior is not hot, what-so-ever. Its got ewc and thats all the nutrients. I believe what you were experiencing was a ph problem. Light warrior has a ph of about 5.8, so I believe the larger volume that you used, lowered your ph to below an optimal level and created a nutrient lockout and your plants could not uptake any nutrients because of that.

Ocean forest has been said to be hot.

My mix has seedling with auto white russian that are about 5-6 days old and I haven't seen one sign of the mix being hot.


you know the only thing i noticed when using the mix was i had to water a whole hell of a lot. light warrior dries out very quickly and that can be stress in of itself. right now ive gone back to using straight ocean forest and i think it is doing better.


Yea dude light warrior has like nothing in it very light. Try mixing it in more like 60/40 ...I don't use light warrior because I think it is over priced, I use miracle grow seedling starting mix which is a very light rich fluffy peat based much like light warrior... perlite for me is underrated...need lots...the results are awsome...

they will get hungry though with the light mix so good ferts are a must as well specially during flower....

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I start my seedlings in in light warrior, and there is no proble at all, just give the plant what they need.



I make my own out of a local/regional potting mix that cost <$5.00/1.5ft3 bag

I mix it with EWC, perlite, lime, and whatever else I want... and there it is. It works like a champ.

Why spend money on FoxFarm soil? Making soil mixes isn't hard at all. I like fox farm nutes but buying their soil isn't necessary IMO.


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I agree with pedro- mixing your own is the way to go. Though I wouldn't use whatever pedro uses...it makes his fingers look funny and causes his thumb to claw inwards. But otherwise, I'd make my own.


I've never had success with Ocean Forest, although I know many people swear by it. I have a small grow cabinet, so I use small pots, so maybe that's the problem, but I always get major yellowing about two weeks into any grow with Ocean Forest.

I look back on all the hassles of soil and I have to laugh at the way I was making things so difficult for myself. I switched to coco coir and I've never looked back.

I know this is an organic soil thread, but seriously, once you try coco, the whole soil mix dilemma becomes a joke.

Coco coir + Algoflash nutrients + Truncheon EC Meter = Hassle-free success every time.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Krakatoa said:
I've never had success with Ocean Forest, although I know many people swear by it. I have a small grow cabinet, so I use small pots, so maybe that's the problem, but I always get major yellowing about two weeks into any grow with Ocean Forest.

I look back on all the hassles of soil and I have to laugh at the way I was making things so difficult for myself. I switched to coco coir and I've never looked back.

I know this is an organic soil thread, but seriously, once you try coco, the whole soil mix dilemma becomes a joke.

Coco coir + Algoflash nutrients + Truncheon EC Meter = Hassle-free success every time.

Just because you don't know how to work with something, doesn't make it inferior.

All coco nutrients are essentially the same, it really doesn't matter what you've used. Back when I was on the junk (synthetics; pun intended) I used AN Sensi 2 part with no problems in coco.

I love coco, and you can be organic while using it. Making a soil mix out of coco is quite simple. I buy 2 bags of FF for breeding projects that will last me 4 runs, then I recycle it into my veggie garden. The more important part about making your own mix, is source the ingredients from local sources and being ecologically sound of mind; otherwise its just as bad as buying a bunch of FF soil.

Knowledge + will + organics = Hassle-free success every time.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
IMO FFOF, LW and ProMix won't get you there alone. Any one, or all three need more dolomite lime, worm castings and perlite to be good mixes. To any or all of them I would add 20% worm castings, 20% perlite and to all that I'd add powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tbs./gallon or 1 cup/cubic foot of mix.


Mr Celsius said:
Just because you don't know how to work with something, doesn't make it inferior.

Wow, I'm not sure where your aggression came from, but I'm glad you've found a method that works for you. Best of luck in your growing!


Mr.Celsius I just get the feeling that you think you know more then alot of us. Werent you just inquiring about LW afew days ago on here and now all the sudden you're an expert on it ? I do agree tho that the PH is way to low on it and that def created a problem in my mix. So dont mistake what Im sayin for some kinda hostility and now I think FF sux or something, thats not the case at all. I just thought I'd spare anyone else the hassle who might be about to do the same mix.

Anyhow, I transplanted 10 of my 15 recons/d-lines today and used a 40/40/20 mix of Promix/FFOF/Perlite and I think it will do just fine.Gonna finish the rest tommorow once I move another light into that room.

Now as for my next grow which the seeds are already germinating now for I'm gonna do my old time fave of Promix/EWC/Perlite/Vermiculite . And I havent tried the FF perlite, can anyone who's used hydrofarms perlite compare it to FF's. I have to say that this bag of perlite I used today was maybe the worst lookin perlite I've ever seen from hydrofarm, I think im about done with theyre product.

And as far as the Coco Coir, the only place that sells it by me is too expensive in general so I shop at their competitor who doesnt carry coco coir at all , go figure . Id prolly have to order some so i think I'll pass. Its a shame tho cuz I been wantin to try coco coir for quite a while now. ANd ya know I hear about ppl addin lime but I've never ever done it and had nothing but success with Promix/EWC/Perlite/Vermiculite. Never ever had a PH issue till I used the LW.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Krakatoa said:
Wow, I'm not sure where your aggression came from, but I'm glad you've found a method that works for you. Best of luck in your growing!

Totally not aggressive. Please don't look at it that way. You made a statement, I responded. People don't really like to be put on the spot... like I did to you, but my statement was true. Lets not make some big thing about it. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or something, I take it back (i'm not be sarcastic either).

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
B00st3d said:
Mr.Celsius I just get the feeling that you think you know more then alot of us. Werent you just inquiring about LW afew days ago on here and now all the sudden you're an expert on it ? I do agree tho that the PH is way to low on it and that def created a problem in my mix. So dont mistake what Im sayin for some kinda hostility and now I think FF sux or something, thats not the case at all. I just thought I'd spare anyone else the hassle who might be about to do the same mix.

Hmm, as far as I know, I don't believe that I "know more then alot of us here". I'm sure you know a lot about stuff that I don't know, and if I made some comments about those things, I hope that you would correct me and make me learn.

Sorry if I mistook what you were saying as, "don't use this mix because its all bad". Thats just what I got from what you were saying and I'd rather people not take that statement as truth.

On another note, I'm happy that your mix is doing well now and your upcoming mix sounds good as well. Listen to BurnOne, the old man (intellectually old) knows what he's talking about.

Edit: Forgot to say, ya I asked that question about 2 weeks ago and found the answer. Ask and you shall receive. I've been asking questions and reading others questions on many ganja forums for about 2 years now... I know a little bit.
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Mr Celsius said:
I've been asking questions and reading others questions on many ganja forums for about 2 years now... I know a little bit.
Im aware that you know some things as I was checkin out one of your interesting threads. However I dont think you have enough experience with LW to call it one way or another , thats all. I'd like to see a crop that was done utilizing LW, Im sure some people have had success with it but I personally dont think its worth using after what I saw it do. Something with a PH that low isnt for me. The transplans I did today are lookin pretty good . I'll prolly snap some pics in the next few days once everything in that room is set up. Lookin back maybe I should have used some vermiculite today , I've always had success using it in my mixes. This will prolly be my last grow using any FF soil. Goin back to basics, back to what works without fail
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Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
However I dont think you have enough experience with LW to call it one way or another , thats all.

I don't know how many grows you've watch me grow :D lol

Thats cool, I'm not a FF salesman. I'm glad your mix will work fine. I encourage others to make their own mixes, but FF is probably the best store bought alternative out there.

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