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Feminized Seeds EVERYWHERE, why?



i just DON"T see a point in growing a plant and throwing away so much potential...so if you don't want males you do what most people do you cut them down lol....why f....k with a good thing( NATURE)

Well, growing your own and breeding is fucking with nature isn't it?
Otherwise you would be smoking some lame ass hemp growing wild in a field somewhere.
I don't want to waste time growing males just to cut them down.
If you don't like fems, just keep doing your thing.
Not everyone has to do things the way you do.
Seems too easy, eh?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Well, growing your own and breeding is fucking with nature isn't it?
Otherwise you would be smoking some lame ass hemp growing wild in a field somewhere.
I don't want to waste time growing males just to cut them down.
If you don't like fems, just keep doing your thing.
Not everyone has to do things the way you do.
Seems too easy, eh?

I agree but this really isn't a debate that needs you to defend fem seeds. You are taking a defensive on an open ended topic. Just getting people's thoughts and not saying they are this or that.

You have your points and I get them, makes sense. Why deal with males if you don't want them but not really the point of the topic.

My question was more of, what do you think their underlying reasons are for the over average amount of fem seeds versus regular seeds. Do you believe it is to weed out the "male removal" part of regular seed growing or is it more to make sure that more seeds are bought versus people doing their own crosses.


My question was more of, what do you think their underlying reasons are for the over average amount of fem seeds versus regular seeds. Do you believe it is to weed out the "male removal" part of regular seed growing or is it more to make sure that more seeds are bought versus people doing their own crosses.

Well, people buy less seeds when they are buying fems, and the prices are often lower than standard seeds, so.....


ICmag's Official Black Guy
Personal think for me fem seeds are easier for me i'm a med user in a non-MMJ state


Feminized Seeds EVERYWHERE, why?

Why easy no breeding needed no skill needed just get hold of a half desent clone self it and sell the seed.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
But what are your thoughts are for developing fem seeds. I can see from a business standpoint making it common place to always buy new seeds to being beneficial. So your general thoughts are they are doing it to help out the average grower who doesn't have the time to weed out the males and to make it easier versus the monetary aspect?

Either way, I hope both continue to be offered and they work on continuing both fem and regular strains versus moving 100% to any one type. Like the auto flowering seed developers, many only offer that specific type versus offering fem or regular options as well. I know they are trying to target specific markets but wanted thoughts on it all together.

I am just happy about this new bill that we need to get passed to legalize marijuana in california. If we can get cali and new york then we can get the rest no problem.


Registered Med User
Im bout ta make some fem seeds using silver water, hope it works out! one good thing about makin fem seeds is you already know what the would-be-male side of the genetics looks like as a female, makes for less guess work choosing good males.


So your general thoughts are they are doing it to help out the average grower who doesn't have the time to weed out the males and to make it easier versus the monetary aspect?

If a company is successful, they are doing it for both reasons.


I personally think alot of it has to do w/ convience .
The seed breeders prob. love the fact they appeal to the average lazy highon too .
1st pack I ever bought was after getting 19 males outa 30 plants .
Pissed me off bad , = alot of wasted time , electricity , nutes , soil , and my hard work . Im way tore up physically and it takes alot more effort for me than most to grow .

Alot of peoples problems w/ hermies and femin. seeds is from enviromental problems and outside factors . Light leaks , heat stress , larger than normal temp. swings , NOOBS , etc... Your room / enviroment has to be just about perfect - I had been tweeking my grow for 14-15 yrs. before ever fuckin around w/ feminised seeds and have had almost no issues same as Dongle69. I just recently got a bad bunch of femin. seeds / or selfed seeds and got 2 bad bad hermies - Vulkania seeds - White Fya from GSA BTW = Beware .

I've had good luck w/ making additional femin. seeds from existing femin. genetics by torturing a single plant quarentined by itself until it gives me naners and using the pollen on a dif. plant of like genetics . I think doing this reduces hermie tendencies by 50% verses using seeds from a self pol. plant .

To each their own , but get used to em being around because there's a market for them .


Indica Jones

Active member
I've had good luck w/ making additional femin. seeds from existing femin. genetics by torturing a single plant quarentined by itself until it gives me naners and using the pollen on a dif. plant of like genetics . I think doing this reduces hermie tendencies by 50% verses using seeds from a self pol. plant .

Isn't this stressing the plant? Are you not creating a hermie? Think about it................

Hermie begats Hermie..............PERIOD
dongle69 :) i got fully respect for your work, and for some days ago i saw some of your grows and where thrilled too see it, and you doing it very nice.. I started with 4-way and went for the Fruit Spirit from Royalqueenseeds and that went very well, good up-high and made a stack of clones to my freinds who never tried to grow before, they went even better and my freinds chose allso to make clones of em and ended up with better harvest than i had.

But feminised seeds is a more moden thing firms make cause ppl. buy em :)
But the landrace seeds will never die out..

Cant even remember the forum tread ;) sry..


But feminised seeds is a more moden thing firms make cause ppl. buy em :)
But the landrace seeds will never die out..

Cant even remember the forum tread ;) sry..


This fem seed thing has been a topic in my mind lately, and the conclusion I came to was rather surprising!

Initially, a steadfast anti fem seed mindset was obviously the route to go. With these crazy people making fem only seeds, they are bottleneck the genepool! Then to even have the audacity to make crosses with them, and so forth!

Males have just as much importance, don't they? How can we so quickly dismiss their roll, without even giving them a chance to prove their worth?

That is just it. For growers, they are worthless. They use up costly nutes, space, and light that could be more efficiently used for flowering buds. For others they hold great unlimited, undiscovered worth. This is like debating sativa vs indica. Its nothing more than a preference. We are not to be so self centered.

There is a place for everything, and female seeds def. have a place. As the market shows, a great place indeed.

My new found surprising stance on this issue is to let them be. Heck, let them make crosses with them, and crosses with them. Incourage it! So long as it is labeled, or lineage is known; who cares? It's a fact some great/some of the best smoke comes from them. No denying that one bit. They makes things/life easier for many. Who are we to judge.

The landrace will always be available.

whats the topic again coloritgreen? lol :dueling:


There are some big advantages for the breeder to make feminized seeds. You don`t have to grow and breed many generations to create a stable line. So the breeder can save alot of money and time and doesn´t need a lot of breeding skills. The problem is, there might be individuals that are weak, slow growing or suffering from a genetical defect due to the inbreeding. Also theres always the risk that plants can turn hermaphrodite. I was told in Amsterdam, that SOMA had serious problems with hermaphrodism in some batches of his feminized seeds.
i don`t want to say that feminized seeds are bad in general, cause for some people with a small growing space or a lack of expierience they might be the better choice. But i personally prefer regular seeds, because i like to chose from different phenos to select a stable, healthy motherplant.


i don`t want to say that feminized seeds are bad in general, cause for some people with a small growing space or a lack of expierience they might be the better choice. But i personally prefer regular seeds, because i like to chose from different phenos to select a stable, healthy motherplant.

They are also great for people with large growing spaces and lots of experience.
There are also pheno variations with fem seeds.
They can also make stable, healthy mother plants.
Just because Soma fucked up doesn't mean others don't know what they are doing.
I'm guessing many here have never tried fem seeds.
Seems fear has taken over logic.
Not surprising given we are dealing with stoners here, but damn.
If ya don't like 'em, don't buy 'em.
Sooooo simple.


There are huge advantages to using only females -at least for a while- in breeding programs. That they produce female seeds is a coincidental advantage imo. The breeder can look at more female potential selections in a given space, and that is priceless. I can not think of a more reliable or efficient way to create true breeding plants for wanted traits. Returning males to the line is always an option.

It is very intensive breeding, but it's not like we are comparing it to massive open pollinations that we're all doing? lol

When you compare this type of breeding to the painfully common "I used the best male" (in the absence of progeny testing) it compares quite favorably actually. At least with the all female cross the breeder has a clue as to the potential of both parents in regards to the finished product.

This is not to say that everybody using reversal techniques will use them equally or to great advantage, but the same can be said for selective breeding in general.


Active member
If a company is successful, they are doing it for both reasons.
Any time you want to see what's driving an industry, follow the money.

People may have 'ideas' that leave their mouth on why they're doing what they're doing but in the end it always comes down to the money.

Same thing with politics. Govt.s are so corrupt internally that there's no way for a non-corrupt person to get involved with it and NOT turn into a fuck-wad.
It's all about the money.


The prospect of femmed seeds seems to polarize people to some extent. It seems like there is a group that just hates them and a group that loves them. I used to think poorly of them until I grew some out. I grow outdoors and they are just a god send for us outsiders. Clones just dont perform the same as seed plants do and the old addage " Just cull the males" is a lot easier to assert if you havent dug and carried and hauled and watered to find out you can kiss half of your back breaking efforts off because they turned out to be males. Males are fine for breeders but i dont want seeds i want smoke. I agree with everything dongle69 has said

Im not sure where the assertion began that there is less phenotypical expression in femms, but I havent found that to be the case for the strains Ive grown.

I also believe the seeds perform much better outdoors. I never see a seed in the femmed strains and Ive grow standard seeds for years always to find a few seeds here and there. I also think that the may be a bit less stable indoors as you see so many reports of hermies. I sware, Ive never seen the first male flower on a femmed plant outdoors.

They're also convienient in states such as mine where a person can only grow a very few plants. Its almost impossible without femmed seeds to remain in the "misdemeanor" category.


Active member
ICMag Donor
The only reason that a fem bean will produce a hermie plant is the very same reason a non-fem bean will create a hermie plant.

I highly doubt that the gene pool is being hurt by fem pollen chuckers any more than it gets hurt by the non-fem pollen chuckers.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Long live the King!! :jump:


Mangobiche :)
Come on folks...STS a colombian sativa...

