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Feminized G-13 Gigabud and LEDs


New member
Don't be bashful about dropping that light lower.

As for the footprint. I'd be surprised if you lost 1/2 the footprint of the most intense light. I would think you should at least get the distance from the far LED to the opposite LED. Maybe 20" x 12"? The total footprint you'll lose more of. While your plants are small just slide them out of the way and measure the bright pink center on the floor. You'll see a different color pink outside the most intense area. Yours should be even more pronounced.


Don't be bashful about dropping that light lower.

As for the footprint. I'd be surprised if you lost 1/2 the footprint of the most intense light. I would think you should at least get the distance from the far LED to the opposite LED. Maybe 20" x 12"? The total footprint you'll lose more of. While your plants are small just slide them out of the way and measure the bright pink center on the floor. You'll see a different color pink outside the most intense area. Yours should be even more pronounced.

I didnt mean Im losing half the intense light. What I meant to say is if the 60 degree panel has a foot print of 18x30 @ 12 inches high,then my light should have a foot print 9x15 @ 12in high and be twice intense. Catch my drift?


Love the show!
Nice plants, they seem to grow vigorously. :p

What's the height and width of your 126w LED panel ?
How much it cost to you?
aand ... could you give me the link where you bought it..? or any link where they sell these.


Love the show!
Nice plants, they seem to grow vigorously. :p

What's the height and width of your 126w LED panel ?
How much it cost to you?
aand ... could you give me the link where you bought it..? or any link where they sell these.

Hey caveman, so far I'm pleased with the light. Thats completely open to change though.

Here is a link where you can find all that information you requested because I don't know it all off hand. Good luck.



Lammen Gorthaur

Those LEDs are da' bomb! I can't wait to get a cabinet built large enough to take on the LED option; it will be DEVASTATING!

Continue the mission!



Those LEDs are da' bomb! I can't wait to get a cabinet built large enough to take on the LED option; it will be DEVASTATING!

Continue the mission!
Thanks lurk. I am to pretty excited about mpd, good luck man if you decide to try one out.


Hey everyone,

So when I got home I noticed the first female pre-flower on my mom. The wonders of feminized seeds, start with one end up with tons. I fed them all a small dosage of open sesame two days ago and look who decided to show her nice side! I plan on flowering very shortly here, I'm just waiting on a couple two or tree things.






Pulling up a chair for this one.
I'm very interested in LED's. It must be the pretty colours, hehe :rasta:

Good luck with the grow, Botanist!


New member
This is very interesting. On the overhead picture showing the "footprint" relative to the plants it looks like there are several fans in the back of the LED housing... Do these run constantly? I'm just wondering how necessary this is for such an efficient light.

Also, what light are you using for veg? Are LEDs impractical for veg only because of their costs or is it a problem with the spectrum of light?

I don't know much about this type of light but am strongly considering making an investment based on yours and others results.

Thanks for sharing!
Your not alone in that thought about how much power we waste, I drive through LA and I am blown away by the waste. We could have a nice smoke session and talk about waste and greed. Anyway nice looking grow you have going, I'll be watching, have a good one.


This is very interesting. On the overhead picture showing the "footprint" relative to the plants it looks like there are several fans in the back of the LED housing... Do these run constantly? I'm just wondering how necessary this is for such an efficient light.

Also, what light are you using for veg? Are LEDs impractical for veg only because of their costs or is it a problem with the spectrum of light?

I don't know much about this type of light but am strongly considering making an investment based on yours and others results.

Thanks for sharing!
The fans are essential for the efficiency of the light. LEDs emit their heat through the back side, which is attached to a heat sink. The fans dissipate the heat which give you a very steady operating temperature. Yes they run constantly, similar to the fans inside the CPU your typing on.

Concerning veg, I think you might have your facts crossed. The popular belief right now is that LEDs are superior for veg but lack the power for flowering. This light I have here is supposed to be an all in one light meaning, it can veg and flower. Thats what I am going to find out, if it really can.


Hey I need some advice from ANYONE. I was real high last night smoking out of my bong. I looked down the bong into the water and noticed a beer cap floating around in the water. I was like 'ah fuck', so I went to my shower and dumped out the water for some fresh love, ya know?. well -- WRONG MOVE !!!......now I have resin all over my shower floor and dont know how to get it off. I guess a little bleach and some elbow grease will win this one?

Any other suggestions thought? Thanks in advance ICmag.


Hey I need some advice from ANYONE. I was real high last night smoking out of my bong. I looked down the bong into the water and noticed a beer cap floating around in the water. I was like 'ah fuck', so I went to my shower and dumped out the water for some fresh love, ya know?. well -- WRONG MOVE !!!......now I have resin all over my shower floor and dont know how to get it off. I guess a little bleach and some elbow grease will win this one?

Any other suggestions thought? Thanks in advance ICmag.

Carb Cleaner will end this problem. Or Brake clean.
You could always call CERN....

...Seriously though, olive oil works quite well.
Cillit Bang! degreaser would be the best, but it might disolve your bathroom/house/town/sister's friend's* pet gerbil. And melt the space time fabric...etc.

* Who you've fancied for ages.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, nothing wrong with that. You and I clearly value different opinions though. I'm not arguing your statement about intensity but then again intensity comes down to lumens and lumen(s) is a measure of power and light perceived by the human eye. As I said, we value different opinions and I just cant justify pulling 400w or one kilowatt every 2.3 hours when the plant is only using 20% of that total light. I think the term lumen is slowly going to fade away because its a dubious term when growing plants. I think its more or less a marketing tactic in selling lights. "The more the better, sure why not". Its like going out and ordering 10 plates of food for one person, while you will only eat one and a half. You just wouldn't do that. I think people need to start focusing on (PAR) and not so much lumen(s). A 400w HPS emits the entire spectrum of light, yes its comforting to know but plants don't require the full spectrum, just tailored wave lengths. So where is all that extra light going? You guessed it, same place those extra 8.5 plates are going.

If I wanted HPS I would run my 600w cooltube. Along with the 200+ extra wattage to cool it. Im sick of the noise, sick of the heat, sick of the keep up costs and frankly sick of looking at orange "boringness". I like my pinkish glue, it suits my girls better. Pretty'n pink :smoweed:

i totally agree about par, and i find it fascinating, as well as the color coming of your lights being very very nice for cannabis, but the intensity thing i speak of is what a heliophylic(lumen luving) plant like this one is going to need to perform her best. we shall see though, as u are right about par watts being whats really going to the plant, watts we pay for , lumens we get, but if theese arent in the right wave length then they dont matter, alot of floros putt out their peak output in green which as we know isnt really needed, mix this with the shitty design of a cfls coil and a 42 watter in actuall par lumes is looking to be more like 20 watts if that. i really want to see much more of this thinking in the future technologies. hope your led turns out great-