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What should I do with Resin from scissors?

I have 5g bubble bags for my trim. Hash look good from there. From my pop corn bud that I am too lazy to trim I make butter out of it.

When I trim I save the resins from the scissor... what should I do with it? SHould I just smoke it? I wanna make it more pure. Doesn't look all nice like the other stuff I make. What would you do? What can you do?

Right now looks like black/brown tar or daggleberries.



Registered Medical Patient
yo man/chic...we call that stuff scissor hash and YES, u should smoke it!!!!put it on a screen or top some bud with it and smoke that shite!!!!It will wreck you...good luck..


- Z


New member
scissor hash....

scissor hash....

Just careful, if you smoke it while your trimming you will take much longer to get it all done.....


LOL for some reason this thread reminds me of a Utube clip that has Jack Herer trimming bud. The guy behind the camera says "Jack you could make hash from your fingers"


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Smoke it? Smoke it? Oh, the humanity noooo!!! Never smoke it ...

Send it to me ... I'll smoke it. :wave:


I started my grow project in Dec. I just cut my first 2 plants. After giving them a rough fan and fluff trim I got to smoke finger/scissor hash for the 1st time!

Finally, some payoff, I'm not the most patient person, but it's been fun, as there are changes everytime I open my Crate. I cut 2 out of 10, I'll do a couple more tomorrow.

Dabney Blueberry flowered 58 days

Super Silver Haze flowered 59 days

Excuse me, I'm gonna go Quick Dry a nugget...hmmmm I think I'll snip bit of both.


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