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Feds Shutting Down Harborside....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Somehow, this thread keeps getting off topic. SUP WIT DAT?

Anyway, sux about uncle fed messin' with them when they were working within STATE and LOCAL laws. I've been very surprised that more local and state officials, (state Reps to US Senators), haven't raised holy hell about the fed government stomping on state rights. The executive branch has gotten, or been blindly givin', way to much power, I mean, Jesus Christ, we have Czars! WTF is that?
I hope it doesn't come to them having to fall on their swords for the cause, but............ as others have stated earlier though, you throw it up in uncle feds face, his bat is bigger then ours.

I like to think that we can over-grow the gov!
Keep the faith baby! :tiphat:

Well there is a good situation coming up upon which the State sovereignty issue can be brought into debate, although not to do with MMJ. However, soon the Affordable Care Act is going to be pressuring states to greatly expand Medicaid and even though states already accept Medicaid funding from the Feds for medicaid they have had for years, many governors (all Republican) are going to refuse it as government trying to step on state rights. I think they, they states having approved Medical Marijuana should fight for the Federal Government to reschedule marijuana to untie states hands in trying to manage the activities of it's citizens. That way the Federal Government isn't really legalizing it but providing a path where individual states can decide for themselves without fear of the Feds shutting things down.


I personally think they wanted this to happen. While I do think they were in it for the money, I also believe that once they got so big, they realized they really could make a difference if they are ever taken to court and that the case would become so large and widely publicized that no matter what the court ruling, there would be some type of finalized outcome for mmj law. No more grey area. Win or loose we know where we stand and can move on. And worse comes to worse we all know they got get away stacks. just how i see it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

speak for yourself Al !

i don't love obama any more than i did the idiots who came before him

we seem to be forgetting how cool the last bush administration was to the stoners (again ask tommy chong) ..... and we don't even want to talk about the first bush administration

then we forget clinton and what a nice guy his drug czar was

remember reagan and all you can do is shake your head

carter and ford kicked the stoners in the ass pretty hard ........which takes us back to tricky dick, who declared the war in the first place

IMHO it is not the president who is or has been the one fucking us, it is the system. the DEA and the whole anti drug machine count on us for their jobs. firing ALL of them would solve a bunch of problems, but it would fuck up the economy (prisons,courts,probation ,drug testing,etc.,etc.,etc.) and have more people out of work. THAT SHIT WOULD HURT any political career even though it is the right thing to do.

it is the feds in general, and not the whipping boy who are the problem

like hemp said ...... if mitt gets in we are really going to miss obama. that dude just fuckin scares me man ....... got a look in his eye like the future stripper who would suck anything for a line and a four pack of bartle's and jayme's. the only difference is the she actually had her soul taken from her. mitt sold his willingly

who's the bitch

Well what's scary about any Mormon becoming president is that they all believe the president of their Church is a living prophet of God whom God speaks to the Church thru. It's thru these Revelations that the laws in the Mormon Church to not drink alcohol or caffine and to not smoke tobacco were made. Now all Mormons are encouraged to use the "holy spirit" to witness the truth of these prophecies ad of course most do find them to be truth. Now another thing Mormons believe is that the only unforgivable sin is to deny the Holy Spirit which translates to breaking any of the laws since you're encouraged to have the Holy Spirit witness the truth of them to you. What this would then mean is that if the President was Mormon and did not do everything in his power to make those things illegal (tobacco, alcohol and caffine) then judgement would be on his soul for all those people still consuming those things. That's why I say it depends on if he really believes in his religion or not.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
well you are right, the court battle is part of it. but if you look at my posts i never denied that it might be disadvantageous to them. just that we shouldn't be playing that game here. for sure they should listen to their lawyers when it comes to court. although if they chose not to that's up to them in the end. free speech includes free dress lmao. but seriously i'm not arguing about how things are out in the world of non smokers. i'm arguing about how they should be here in our online club.

OKay well then we're in complete agreement. :yes:


i really don't worry too much about mitt being a mormon, and i did not really care about the radical preacher that they were trying to say would control obama because he went to his church

i don't trust either one of them (or anyone in washington for that matter) to run the show

i'm pretty sure our country goes broke again in january unless they borrow more ....... seems like that might be something that was being talked about, at least by someone who was actually TRYING to be a leader


Game Bred
Well what's scary about any Mormon becoming president is that they all believe the president of their Church is a living prophet of God whom God speaks to the Church thru. It's thru these Revelations that the laws in the Mormon Church to not drink alcohol or caffine and to not smoke tobacco were made. Now all Mormons are encouraged to use the "holy spirit" to witness the truth of these prophecies ad of course most do find them to be truth. Now another thing Mormons believe is that the only unforgivable sin is to deny the Holy Spirit which translates to breaking any of the laws since you're encouraged to have the Holy Spirit witness the truth of them to you. What this would then mean is that if the President was Mormon and did not do everything in his power to make those things illegal (tobacco, alcohol and caffine) then judgement would be on his soul for all those people still consuming those things. That's why I say it depends on if he really believes in his religion or not.
Sounds like the same rhetoric they spewed about JFK being catholic...

Romney wont be led by the ghost of Joseph smith.
He will be led by the same people that controled bushie and control the big O...

Ill give ya a hint
look at the top three contributors to all their campaigns.


I am not a hater of the fact that the DeAngelos have their own style... My life has always been one of Artistic Living. With over a decade in the USA's most tolerant City, working in Underground Nightclubs, Art Galleries, and the Travel Industry, I saw it all..

IMO, to sit in Court in a Long Flowery Dress, with a Full Grey Beard - and expect to be taken seriously by Representatives of The Man - while LAUDABLE/BALLSY, is simply counter-productive to the Movement, and Self-Indulgent, to say the least. The Media Circus will Flay Them.

If they want to go out skateboarding in drag, good on 'Em... Not my Cuppa, but......

Might help him later with an insanity defense:) I quite like the dress. All sort of metrosexual I guess.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Sounds like the same rhetoric they spewed about JFK being catholic...

Romney wont be led by the ghost of Joseph smith.
He will be led by the same people that controled bushie and control the big O...

Ill give ya a hint
look at the top three contributors to all their campaigns.

It's not really the same though the Pope isn't the same as the President Of the Mormon Church because there is nothing that establishes the Pope as having any more direct contact with God then any other member of the Catholic Church.

You really have to know Mormons personally to understand what I'm talking about. You wouldn't know it to look at them but they're really quite different then members of other religions. If Romney is a devoted Mormon there would be no way he could run this country the way it's been run for the last several Presidencies without endangering his soul to an eternity in hell. If however he's like alot of people who only use religion to impress other people into thinking he's a good, decent person, then no problem.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
dispensaries are violating federal law by selling marijuana. It cites a federal law that "makes it unlawful to rent, lease, profit from or make available for use, with or without compensation, a place for the purpose of unlawfully manufacturing, storing, distributing or using a controlled substance, to wit, marijuana.

Harborside serves about 100,000 medical marijuana users a year and pays $3 million in federal, state and local taxes annually.

sure is funny, by the looks of it the feds are unlawfully profiting from this as well.

Tell me that our so-called great laywers everywhere can't work with this one? Funny how the laws always seem to turn in their favor??!!
You got to wonder why they pick on ppl that smoke bud? I mean if you really think about that one for one second: ppl that smoke bud are probably the most peaceful ppl there are so why do they go after them? They say it's drug dealing shit but I say that is pure BULLSHIT.. I say ppl that smoke bud see polititions/babylon for what it is liars and thieves that are really the ones making the cash off of your back. headband 707


All the Jury talk around page 7-8 got me stirred up.

I was recently selected for a Jury, a criminal trial although not drug related.

I was thrown OFF of the Jury after having been selected and making it 1/2 through the trial. The man in the robe had the bailiff "summon" me to the court room where the judge told me to take the stand. The judge summarily asked me "Are you scheduled for a trial later on this year"?

I am. It's been almost a year since I've been charged, charges that I am vehemetly contesting; charges that saw a cop pull his gun on me, point the barrel to my head and tell me "if you move, I'll blow your head off" and then subsequently order me to move. I was taken to jail and remained there for (thankfully only) 3-4 hours before seeing a judge over a teleprompter who treated me and talked to me like I'd been convicted of armed robbery and then given a court case.

I almost lost my life because a cop thought I had a gun, I didn't, and charged me with resisting arrest with his gun pointed at my head and his finger on the trigger after telling me "I'll blow your head off". The worst part about this is that in my state it is LEGAL to have ANY legal gun in your car, even if fully loaded: so long as it isn't concealed in any way.

For this, I have this judge ask me if I'm scheduled for a trial, tell me that he thinks my opinion "has the potential to be biased" against the police agency that assaulted and almost killed me and had assaulted this defendant that I was called to Jury duty to try. The judge beats around the bush a bit, asks me if I can perform my duties to which I tell him I can without question, that I am able to judge the facts of the case based on the merit of the evidence and his instructions and that I am completely capable of fairly and without prejudice trying this case. I said that last sentence almost VERBATIM.

The judge sent me back to the Jury room (we'd just returned from lunch and before the defense was about to present its case, having already heard the prosecutor's case) where I waited for like 3 minutes. The Bailiff comes back, judge tells me I'm thrown off, asks me to take the podium, thanks me for my service, gives me a "certificate" saying I don't need to come for another 3 years and they tell me I'm "free to leave".

I leave the court room for a couple moments but return immediately and sit down in the spectator area. The prosecutor gets up and tells the judge that my presence will throw the case and that I may "indicate to jurors" to influence their opinion. The judge "asks me to leave" at which I respond "To be clear, are you requesting, or ordering me to leave" to which he verbatim responds "Well I want to make it a request, but since you put it like that, I'm ordering you to leave."

At which point I left immediately before they hurt me.

This same judge came down to the Jury Pool at the beginning of the day talking shit about how important juries are and how if we were "in some other country" we'd be "screaming" to have a Jury trial. Juries don't mean shit when the judge can select who is on them and who isn't. The judge becomes the facilitator of what is a farce of justice, the illusion of justice with backup provided in case the decision diverges from what is desired.

I've been holding this in for a while and it really got to me the day that it happened. I really couldn't believe it. I'm scheduled for a trial this year at this SAME court, this same court where I've seen that ANYONE that's likely to vote me not guilty may be brought up and dismissed from my case.

The only thing to really do is FIJA - Fully Informed Jury Activism. Let people know about Jury Nullification so that more jurors can actively make the decision they feel most comfortable with and help save some people's lives.

The most frustrating thing was that I didn't see any opinion posted on the trial that was to be on the jury of. It's been weeks and I haven't been able to determine if that defendant (who on the day of the incident was using TWO crutches and in court had a neck brace and two crutches) was found guilty or acquitted.


well that helps explain why they have such high conviction rates nowadays eh? what a fucked up system that allows for such corrupt methods to push the scales of justice in the direction the judge wants.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/

we can take control of our justice system, after all, it's ours, not the govts...


Well-known member
All the Jury talk around page 7-8 got me stirred up.

I was recently selected for a Jury, a criminal trial although not drug related.

I was thrown OFF of the Jury after having been selected and making it 1/2 through the trial. The man in the robe had the bailiff "summon" me to the court room where the judge told me to take the stand. The judge summarily asked me "Are you scheduled for a trial later on this year"?

I am. It's been almost a year since I've been charged, charges that I am vehemetly contesting; charges that saw a cop pull his gun on me, point the barrel to my head and tell me "if you move, I'll blow your head off" and then subsequently order me to move. I was taken to jail and remained there for (thankfully only) 3-4 hours before seeing a judge over a teleprompter who treated me and talked to me like I'd been convicted of armed robbery and then given a court case.

I almost lost my life because a cop thought I had a gun, I didn't, and charged me with resisting arrest with his gun pointed at my head and his finger on the trigger after telling me "I'll blow your head off". The worst part about this is that in my state it is LEGAL to have ANY legal gun in your car, even if fully loaded: so long as it isn't concealed in any way.

For this, I have this judge ask me if I'm scheduled for a trial, tell me that he thinks my opinion "has the potential to be biased" against the police agency that assaulted and almost killed me and had assaulted this defendant that I was called to Jury duty to try. The judge beats around the bush a bit, asks me if I can perform my duties to which I tell him I can without question, that I am able to judge the facts of the case based on the merit of the evidence and his instructions and that I am completely capable of fairly and without prejudice trying this case. I said that last sentence almost VERBATIM.

The judge sent me back to the Jury room (we'd just returned from lunch and before the defense was about to present its case, having already heard the prosecutor's case) where I waited for like 3 minutes. The Bailiff comes back, judge tells me I'm thrown off, asks me to take the podium, thanks me for my service, gives me a "certificate" saying I don't need to come for another 3 years and they tell me I'm "free to leave".

I leave the court room for a couple moments but return immediately and sit down in the spectator area. The prosecutor gets up and tells the judge that my presence will throw the case and that I may "indicate to jurors" to influence their opinion. The judge "asks me to leave" at which I respond "To be clear, are you requesting, or ordering me to leave" to which he verbatim responds "Well I want to make it a request, but since you put it like that, I'm ordering you to leave."

At which point I left immediately before they hurt me.

This same judge came down to the Jury Pool at the beginning of the day talking shit about how important juries are and how if we were "in some other country" we'd be "screaming" to have a Jury trial. Juries don't mean shit when the judge can select who is on them and who isn't. The judge becomes the facilitator of what is a farce of justice, the illusion of justice with backup provided in case the decision diverges from what is desired.

I've been holding this in for a while and it really got to me the day that it happened. I really couldn't believe it. I'm scheduled for a trial this year at this SAME court, this same court where I've seen that ANYONE that's likely to vote me not guilty may be brought up and dismissed from my case.

The only thing to really do is FIJA - Fully Informed Jury Activism. Let people know about Jury Nullification so that more jurors can actively make the decision they feel most comfortable with and help save some people's lives.

The most frustrating thing was that I didn't see any opinion posted on the trial that was to be on the jury of. It's been weeks and I haven't been able to determine if that defendant (who on the day of the incident was using TWO crutches and in court had a neck brace and two crutches) was found guilty or acquitted.

shit that is nothing, in the city I'm in the crown (prosecutor) got some bad press because they had the PD run background checks on everyone in the jury pool and bouncing anyone they didn't like BEFORE jury selection
thats how you win when you have your fingers on the scale :moon:


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
If only those mean old white republicans would allow obama to CHANGE America... After all it was the republican congress who messed up his healthcare and jobs and this and that right? It must have been the republicans who made it so he couldn't legalize weed as well LOL.

I wonder what excuse they will use for him not actually following through when he gets re-elected?

I am so done with this fake ass two party pony show

we need our state to go red!
we need our state to go blue!
its all FUNNY to those actually running these puppets

I watched the DNC tonight and I swear the way people were freaking out over electing obama reminded me of a 100% dictatorship and I swear there are a ton of Americans more than happy to bow and kiss his ring ( among other things odds are ).

The same exact sentiment can be said about the republicans bitching at the dems for not allowing our country to go back to god ie: blowing the hell out of any country who believes in anything OTHER THAN the western version of G.o.D

They can keep the kids safe with the collectives off the street now

The bible thumpers can breath a little easier now that all those evil drug dealers will HOPEFULLY HANG!!!!! for all their evil doing. Trying to grow PLANTS and allow adults the CHOICE to put in their bodies whatever they choose just as long as they don't force others to do the same.

Where the hell are we living in right now?

Just remember that WE THE PEOPLE can stop this at any time just as many before us have. The issue is, people want their social security, free health care, welfare, blowing up other countries, nation building AND a federal reserve to print OUR MONEY at interest when we could do it ourselves ( I would prefer removing the paper dollar OR at least allow competing and LOCAL currencies ).

I can't wait until the internet is as free as our own backyards LOL, here in my city we can't even GROW WEED as MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENTS outside because some dickhead chased rippers down the street and tagged one in the head. For one, you don't chase people down the street especially while shooting a fucking gun and TWO while I don't believe in rippers rights no one deserves to DIE over a fucking plant.

Now the above sounds biased on all fronts which it is. If someone came to steal my weed they wouldn't really be leaving but they would have been shot due to me being in fear of my life NOT a fucking plant so I think I would win that case.

We can BAN are ALLOW anything we want the only thing is to get idiots out of the mindset of

1. go to work but before work watch some tv
2. get home and watch tv
3. go to bed while watching tv

no one lives anymore and unless it actually hinders THEIR RIGHTS everyone sits on their hands with their thumbs up their ass WHILE STILL shouting that obama is for the middle class, patient rights and a ton of other FLUFF. Also just as irritating the republicans thinking obama is destroying the country when BOTH PARTIES are PRO WAR and PRO WELFARE STATE.

The democrats want the government to OWN everything in America
The republicans want the government to MANAGE everything in America

sorry for the rant but California makes me want to fuckin ROLL OUT of this shit hole.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If only those mean old white republicans would allow obama to CHANGE America... After all it was the republican congress who messed up his healthcare and jobs and this and that right? It must have been the republicans who made it so he couldn't legalize weed as well LOL.

I wonder what excuse they will use for him not actually following through when he gets re-elected?

I am so done with this fake ass two party pony show

we need our state to go red!
we need our state to go blue!
its all FUNNY to those actually running these puppets

I watched the DNC tonight and I swear the way people were freaking out over electing obama reminded me of a 100% dictatorship and I swear there are a ton of Americans more than happy to bow and kiss his ring ( among other things odds are ).

The same exact sentiment can be said about the republicans bitching at the dems for not allowing our country to go back to god ie: blowing the hell out of any country who believes in anything OTHER THAN the western version of G.o.D

They can keep the kids safe with the collectives off the street now

The bible thumpers can breath a little easier now that all those evil drug dealers will HOPEFULLY HANG!!!!! for all their evil doing. Trying to grow PLANTS and allow adults the CHOICE to put in their bodies whatever they choose just as long as they don't force others to do the same.

Where the hell are we living in right now?

Just remember that WE THE PEOPLE can stop this at any time just as many before us have. The issue is, people want their social security, free health care, welfare, blowing up other countries, nation building AND a federal reserve to print OUR MONEY at interest when we could do it ourselves ( I would prefer removing the paper dollar OR at least allow competing and LOCAL currencies ).

I can't wait until the internet is as free as our own backyards LOL, here in my city we can't even GROW WEED as MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENTS outside because some dickhead chased rippers down the street and tagged one in the head. For one, you don't chase people down the street especially while shooting a fucking gun and TWO while I don't believe in rippers rights no one deserves to DIE over a fucking plant.

Now the above sounds biased on all fronts which it is. If someone came to steal my weed they wouldn't really be leaving but they would have been shot due to me being in fear of my life NOT a fucking plant so I think I would win that case.

We can BAN are ALLOW anything we want the only thing is to get idiots out of the mindset of

1. go to work but before work watch some tv
2. get home and watch tv
3. go to bed while watching tv

no one lives anymore and unless it actually hinders THEIR RIGHTS everyone sits on their hands with their thumbs up their ass WHILE STILL shouting that obama is for the middle class, patient rights and a ton of other FLUFF. Also just as irritating the republicans thinking obama is destroying the country when BOTH PARTIES are PRO WAR and PRO WELFARE STATE.

The democrats want the government to OWN everything in America
The republicans want the government to MANAGE everything in America

sorry for the rant but California makes me want to fuckin ROLL OUT of this shit hole.

The most discouraging/frustrating thing is we as in "We The People" actually can still do something about it all and take our country back but it would require more effort and determination then the average voter is able to muster.

I say that because it's never going to be about having the right balance of blue vs red but that's really about all we have to work with. So until we can get more options on the table party wise we'll have to vote people into office not because of their party affiliation but their ability to recognize the wants and needs of the people they represent and the willingness to pursue that over the Party's Agenda. Not only that but we would have to hold them accountable when/if they fail to serve the will of the people they represent. Further to make it really have any impact and to serve as something politicians would fear, we'd probably have to do it for at least two maybe three generations, consistently and in numbers greater then we have ever once turned out in our entire history as a nation.


so can someone share the latest news, i guess harborside is closed now right? what happened with the landlord getting his property stolen by the feds? anyone have an update on this situation?
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