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This is very sad my friends. Watching that video and seeing those DEA agents smile as they carry all that medicine out. Those bastards know what they are doing and love doing it. That news video with the people yelling at the agents made me cry. Its a shame those people are still saying hey Obama said no more raids. Obama is not the man people, he will not change anything it will take the power of the people to change. We need to start marching all over the US now! We have the spotlight on us why not take advantage of it people? We should all get together as an ICmag family and scedule a day or time here soon where everyone starts marching the streets with signs. Hold on tight my friends and think of some ideas


ICMag Donor
I completely agree with one statement there. It's in the hands of the people; not Obama. If we want REAL change we're gonna have to work for it.

Amstel Light

The economy is in the total tank and people are alrready whining they aren't getting their way.
60 fucking days!! I am DAMN SICK of folks jumping all over the guy because he hasn't solved YOUR particular issue in his first 60 days of this four year job. Yes, it's al about you.....the exact attitude that got us into all this shit imo.
you know what i find hillarious is how (and i am not a subscriber to either party just an observer) big tough republicans turn into snivelling fucking baby's when they loose and have to take they're medicine ...... i recently observed glen beck and another right wing reporter start sobbing and emotionally crying like they were 17 year old PMS sufferers? WTF?!!!


Bush and Clinton never lied? Kush you MUST be joking.

Dear God!! The man (yes, man not god) has been in office for 60 days people!! The economy is in the total tank and people are alrready whining they aren't getting their way.
60 fucking days!! You guys put with Bush for 8 years. Any thoughts about actually giving the guy a bit of time to get things done? I don't know if the mmj situation will be better under Obama or not, but I am DAMN SICK of folks jumping all over the guy because he hasn't solved YOUR particular issue in his first 60 days of this four year job. Yes, it's al about you.....the exact attitude that got us into all this shit imo.

Ok I am sick of hearing people defend Obama. Obama is the pres but he is not the man in control here. People keep saying Oh why not wait Obama will fix it next term. Guess what he won't get a next term especially if he keeps not keeping promises like this. Anytime the DEA wants to bust any spot they will say that the shop was not in state and fed code. We will continue to always be persecuted. What GOOD things has the gov done in the last 9 yrs? Let me think uh none but they did however manage to take all our rights with the Partriot Act. :yeahthatsOh and also the gov has taken our tax dollars and given them to big corporations who are now laying people off, closing factories, and opening new ones up over seas where there is cheaper labor. People WAKE UP! Gov does nothing but take and take and take away from us our rights, our families in prisons, our homes, our money, our jobs, etc. This is like TUG o War they want to pull as hard as they can until we all fall down and too tired to give a shit anymore.

As for let Obama have time to do other things...Well he does have a bunch of people working for him he does not make the decisions himself. He says hey what should I do here and they tell him what to do. Do you think he came up with those speeches he reads on the telepropter? NO someone else did because he is not the one in control he like the speaker for the stereo system you see. The longer we sit here wait around for a politican to fix things for us the longer it will be that there will be families split up, millions in prison, and people killed. Humans are the most powerful force on Earth we can overturn any obstacle we want.
same shit>>>> different president

I agree & disagree

Only thing different in this situation is, people Truely believe in Obama.

Listen to the people in that video:

"Our medicine is marijuana, listen to Obama"

*We got something here^^And i'm not talking about Obama, but the peoples belief in him. That is key!

Last year when clubs were getting raided. No one was saying "our medicine is marijuana listen to bush".

So its not the normal shit.

Shits gonna come to a point.

Amstel Light

he just answered the question on weed lol.. had a lot of votes and the man answered it..first time in history that the leader of the free world was asked a question derived from poll/vote...


ICMag Donor
I agree & disagree

Only thing different in this situation is, people Truely believe in Obama.

Listen to the people in that video:

"Our medicine is marijuana, listen to Obama"

*We got something here^^And i'm not talking about Obama, but the peoples belief in him. That is key!

Last year when clubs were getting raided. No one was saying "our medicine is marijuana listen to bush".

So its not the normal shit.

Shits gonna come to a point.

Im not exactly sure what he's saying but I'm pretty sure I'm close. Obama has given people hope again after the last presidency helped take it away.
I agree.....hope and faith is the key. So is working at it; instead of just bitching that you don't like the way things are done. And people aren't going to try very long when they have little hope. So could everyone who wants to believe there's no hope for the future (I'm sick of people defending Obama.....have I mention how sick I am of people defending Bush??....at least he's had 8 years to really fuck us up) and have a completely negative take on life leave some room for the folks who still have something postively they'd like to try and nurture in todays world? Or is that jealousy that makes them angry at those who accept life on life's terms and just keep on trying (instead of just keep on bitching??)

This is my last post on this thread. I've had my say; and thanks for reading; whether I'm agreed with or not.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Im not exactly sure what he's saying but I'm pretty sure I'm close. Obama has given people hope again after the last presidency helped take it away.
I agree.....hope and faith is the key. So is working at it; instead of just bitching that you don't like the way things are done. And people aren't going to try very long when they have little hope. So could everyone who wants to believe there's no hope for the future (I'm sick of people defending Obama.....have I mention how sick I am of people defending Bush??....at least he's had 8 years to really fuck us up) and have a completely negative take on life leave some room for the folks who still have something postively they'd like to try and nurture in todays world? Or is that jealousy that makes them angry at those who accept life on life's terms and just keep on trying (instead of just keep on bitching??)

This is my last post on this thread. I've had my say; and thanks for reading; whether I'm agreed with or not.
Are you able to swallow the fact that some of us that see Barack for who he really is............also saw Bush the same way and are not fooled by either party? Not every critic of Obama was a koolaid drinkin Bush supporter.

Why is everybody that is concerned about this Scaministration labeled a republican or Bush dick sucker. I'm neither.

Your love for a politician will certainly end in total disaster. This is how dictators seize control. It's been repeated thousands of times throughout history. By the time you wake up a realize this...........it may be too late.

THEY ARE ALL FUCKIN YA !!!! All of em.


Give people an inch and they want a mile. There are hundreds of these compasion clubs in Cali, maybe the shit was being run not in a good way, you know there is allways one persons side of a story, another persons side of the story and then there is the truth. So we will w8 and cee. If they raid the compassion clubs that do listen and follow st8 regulations then i would feel betrayed.



The DEA "believes", based on thier investigation, Emmas was in violation of BOTH state and federal laws. Under the new laws that's the ONLY way they can even begin an investigation on the facility...So there HAS to be something there that we aren't seeing.

I for one am in the middle on this. It IS entirely possible that they WERE in violation of the laws somehow. In which case I think they should definitly be shut down. The laws on this shit are simple. Through and through if you cannot take the baby steps and work WITH the government on this you shouldn't be allowed to at all...

And the truth is, none of us KNOW if they were or not. Maybe the DEA is being picky about which laws were violated and what not and yea, maybe it was a little extreme but considering how many dispensaries there are in Cali now and how many ARE functioning properly, my guess is that they are doing thier jobs. Or at least one would HOPE that they are.

But see, I also think Cannabis should be completely legalized WITH RESTRICTION AND LAWS in place to govern that, very similar to alcohol and tobacco...So the laws that the dispensary violated are most likely nonsense in its entirty...

I am pro-government. The government is a good thing and people just need to stand up and realize that it's the people that make the government what it is.

Lately it seems like not a lot of people want cooperate or really get proactive with the law to obtain the rights for the things they believe in. Some think that everyone should understand and it should just be...Well the system doesn't work that way. It's the truth too. You listen around and all you hear is people talking about oh the government hasn't did this for me or the government hasnt did this for the economy...Too many people are expecting things to just be handed to them now.

As far as the economy goes, hell, it's the PEOPLE that put the economy in this position to begin with. Not the government. Everyone is kind of at fault if you really think about it. But the truth be told, it's the lenders and financial giants that screwed things up. They are basically the legs of the stool here... Or economy is nothing more than a financial proccessing giant. The government has no control over these institutions and it shouldn't, for good reason...But when an financial business on such magnitude fails, it screws things up, big time. The problem is the PEOPLE running these institutions HAVN'T LEARNED FROM THIER MISTAKES IN THE PAST...

Then the government takes the blame for it...

I dunno. It's a viscious circle of finger pointing and it needs to stop. If our world was facing an outside threat, I wonder if the views of the world would change?


I gotta say, as a salesman...

It was refreshing to hear the president really put the close on last night. I heard the same "If I could would you", and "I dunno, but here's what do know"'s during the sell for the bailout plan, but I wasn't sure if that was a fluke. The president is straight salesman.

It was tough, those last 8years listening to the green pea try to use the saleswords given to him, yet fail so miserably. This will be a great time for bullshitters, hearkening back to the glory days of "...depends on what the definition of is, is...".

"I bet that if I can get my AG to tell you something that you were really looking to hear, you could overlook the fact that I have done nothing to change the law/policy, COULDN'T you???" "What is it going to take to pass this budget RIGHT NOW??? Tell me..." Or my fave, "If there were one thing that I could say to make you feel comfortable voting for me, what would it be, tell me..."

Dood was CLOSING last night. If he wanted to he could have gotten the rust and dust package...

Another thing, How bout the question plants? Early on, a guy was on him (I forget who), but after that, it was all lob tossed softballs.

I hate politicians as a whole so much more than any other profession.
I think if they were in violation of state law, they should be shut down.

Do i think the DEA raiding this dispensary with f**king guns is ok? hell no. Why couldn't they just send the local police to go deal with it. Ask them some questions and ask them to see there paper and confront them with whatever concern they have?

Of course, I think it should be strait 100% legalized like corn..but ya..we have to work with the government to get there.*cough* bullshit *cough* *cough*


I don't know all the details, however; I wish to offer my point of view.

1. It must be non profit operation. If the dispensary is not following the non profit format they can expect to be raided.

2. They ( feds ) are deferring to State law first now so I will err on Obama's side that this dispensary has violated California's laws.

So what do we know about this dispensary? Was there some illegal traffic of weed out the door?
Was some of the members reselling to non medical people?

I don't know the details but I'm slow to condemn Obama's admin at this point.

Look what it has done in less than 100 days already.

Anyone have more information?

I say we are making progress. I am hopeful.



You mean theres a store that sells pot? Where is it? Do they have one in the Baton Rouge area?

LOL thanks for the Laugh.

I don't about the Baton Rouge area but out in California we even have vending machines that sell weed stuffs for Medical use.

Please look up Proposition 215 and you will find more information.

I take it it is proper to welcome you to ICMAG? Welcome.

In California Marijuana is the largest cash crop. Larger than all other ag crops.

We are even going to try to legalize it and tax it as there is a Bill to be voted on soon.



New member
Holy Crap, when I turn 18 Im'a move out west, I could probably sneak the vending machine before that though yo, I mean, slip cash in, get my danks out!!yeah boyee:) LOL
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