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Is it fasting or is it starving? hmmmmm . Here is a paralllel I believe everyone here can relate to... What if you apply the same principle to your grow? Deprive your plants of nutrition and water for a set period of time.......would they flourish or perish? Would it affect the quality/and or quanity?... not trying to be a smartass , just thinking it's not beneficial to deprive yourself of nutrition.


Is it fasting or is it starving? hmmmmm . Here is a paralllel I believe everyone here can relate to... What if you apply the same principle to your grow? Deprive your plants of nutrition and water for a set period of time.......would they flourish or perish? Would it affect the quality/and or quanity?... not trying to be a smartass , just thinking it's not beneficial to deprive yourself of nutrition.
While I think your analogy kind of makes sense plants are not people. If you wanna look at it that way how many people flush their plants to create sweeter, cleaner herb? The same thing kind of happens when you take short breaks from eating where your body cleans itself up in a way. Not really a good comparison though.

Look at what happens with hibernating bears over the course of months. They recover just fine...every year. You can kind of use this analogy but what happens is you condense the process, in a way, into a much shorter time frame.

As Senor Chang said it's a bit of a different mentality. He knows a bit about all this and a little of my background. I mean seriously with some of you that are on the 'negative' side have you ever really looked into this from an unbiased perspective?

I spent a few years looking into all of this doing research, experimenting on myself, talking with others of like mind, etc. I've worked with MD's, ND's (mostly) and one of my bosses at one nutritional products company I worked for was a CN (Certified Nutritionist) and got his doctorate while I was working for him.

It's not that I'm not into nutrition as I've worked at multiple supplement companies doing research, product development, dealing with training the customer service reps, handling the more difficult questions from customers, etc. In one short stretch I directly and indirectly oversaw and helped about 1,000 people do a formal cleanse. This was my life for many years.

Without even really looking into this how can you formulate an intelligent debate if you only look at one side of things?
While I think your analogy kind of makes sense plants are not people. If you wanna look at it that way how many people flush their plants to create sweeter, cleaner herb? The same thing kind of happens when you take short breaks from eating where your body cleans itself up in a way. Not really a good comparison though.

Look at what happens with hibernating bears over the course of months. They recover just fine...every year. You can kind of use this analogy but what happens is you condense the process, in a way, into a much shorter time frame.

As Senor Chang said it's a bit of a different mentality. He knows a bit about all this and a little of my background. I mean seriously with some of you that are on the 'negative' side have you ever really looked into this from an unbiased perspective?

I spent a few years looking into all of this doing research, experimenting on myself, talking with others of like mind, etc. I've worked with MD's, ND's (mostly) and one of my bosses at one nutritional products company I worked for was a CN (Certified Nutritionist) and got his doctorate while I was working for him.

It's not that I'm not into nutrition as I've worked at multiple supplement companies doing research, product development, dealing with training the customer service reps, handling the more difficult questions from customers, etc. In one short stretch I directly and indirectly oversaw and helped about 1,000 people do a formal cleanse. This was my life for many years.

Without even really looking into this how can you formulate an intelligent debate if you only look at one side of things?

You are right , I am wrong. Ive always enjoyed good health (knock on wood) and i always ate whatever i wanted and as much as i wanted and always been slender. However, Im extremly active so that probably accounts for it, that and lucky genetics. A few vitamins and herbal suppliments have been my only concession. My favorite suppliment is kyolic garlic. Did you know that in addition to lowering cholesterol, liquid aged garlic will keep the ticks and chiggers from biting? ( im running around in the woods all day, so this is a huge! safeguard for me.) anyway ,no I guess I have a bad habit of looking at things through my own life experiences and applying them to others. Sorry


You are right , I am wrong.
That's ridiculous. I'm not set in my ways...just show me some information to review. To be stuck in something is stupid and potentially counterproductive. I never said you were wrong.

no I guess I have a bad habit of looking at things through my own life experiences and applying them to others. Sorry
I never discount someone's experience because there's value in that. I can't experience everything in life and always like to hear what others have to say. Our own experience is the most powerful. Ask me in a few years and I'll probably have changed my mind on some things.


I was very successful fasting, I went 26 straight days with nothing but bottled water and eat, slept & survived on eating my mind away trying to cross the border running after rabbits and birds and scorpions but after it was all said and done 11 pounds lighter I will forever have the terrible horrific nightmares of wanting food and being filthy dirty but I crossed feeling free in the us and sleeping and eating in a waste managment dumpster behind toi chows chinese resturant meant I was in a place of oppertunity and no more drug cartels and my life changed when I was eating free buns, fried rice, now I look back and it was the best thing I ever did...

wow, true story of how you came to us from mexico ?

when was that ?


Lot's of water. Rest when you need it. Longest I ever went was 10 days. You should really go at least 3 days if you can and 7 would be primo. If you wanna go hard core cleansing, not fasting, check out the product line from Arise & Shine Herbal Products. I've done that program more than a handful of times but not much lately. Nothing out there like it IMO/IME. Had one friend that went 54 days on spirulina. Towards the end of that 'fast' he was hauling armloads of wood out in the forest. You can also read books/works by Herbert Shelton if you wanna go the strict water fast route. The Master Cleanse is a bit easier to handle than a straight water fast for many so check that out also. You get a little sugar, some electrolytes and the cayenne keeps the digestive system stimulated a bit.

Sometimes the best thing you can do to heal is just give your body a rest which means no food for an extended period.
Thanks for the information, gonna give it a go as soon I get a days worth of heavy labor out of the way………..


I hold El Roacho's
I just fast when I need certain medical test done and it sucks when you can't eat or drink after 12:00 and your test Isn't until 3:30 the following day :no:


I just started a grape cure

my aim is to do 10 days but would be satisfied with 7 days
my lung scrods are good nutrition but the compliment in turn should go to the protein that was base of the lucosites,but if I was to spit that out(don't slip in that)than a fast and muscle glycogen is first to go,
latest study I read(last week) says our green enhances the bodies ability to do this,convert glycogen to energy so depending on your unique metabolic means and if your high or not
12 hours can mean fairly different caloric expenditures from one person compared to another,a lean muscular one will need more energy even at idle in most cases
next is lean muscle mass,the body will eat it's tissue such as brain and muscle mass before it ever touches fat stores
simple body mechanics
but a 130 lb Buddhist monk can melt the snow under him away a foot in all directions on just a cup


man I would eat something lol, other then grapes, I have plenty of chicken wings, but oh well :), im gonna keep myself occupied..


Cautiously Optimistic
my lung scrods are good nutrition but the compliment in turn should go to the protein that was base of the lucosites,but if I was to spit that out(don't slip in that)than a fast and muscle glycogen is first to go,
latest study I read(last week) says our green enhances the bodies ability to do this,convert glycogen to energy so depending on your unique metabolic means and if your high or not
12 hours can mean fairly different caloric expenditures from one person compared to another,a lean muscular one will need more energy even at idle in most cases
next is lean muscle mass,the body will eat it's tissue such as brain and muscle mass before it ever touches fat stores
simple body mechanics
but a 130 lb Buddhist monk can melt the snow under him away a foot in all directions on just a cup

You need to seriously back up any of what you wrote with some kind of evidence. That first run-on sentence still has me scratching my head. Anyways, The part about metabolizing/catabolizing brain tissue before fat is just silly. Ever hear of ketosis? That's what happens first.


the body will eat it's tissue such as brain and muscle mass before it ever touches fat stores
Well that's not true. Your body will go to it's vital systems such as major organs as a last resort. It uses an outside in approach where it goes to the least important energy stores, in regards to what's important for bodily functions, first and at all costs protects things such as your central nervous system. Your body will not eat it's brain. You'll be dead by then.

I just started a grape cure
Monodiets are kind of cool. I can see their value somewhat but I'd rather do a full blown cleanse or fast. If anything for a monodiet I'd just go with a brown rice 'diet' for a short period. If you're dealing with minor food allergies I think a good way to heal things up or at the least reduce the impact. Another thing you can do is never eat the same food more than once in 3 days to deal with situations like that.

I'm at the point where I either hard core cleanse/fast for a concentrated period or eat good food/exercise/rest. Believe it or not I'm more into healthy eating/exercise/rest than I am cleansing/fasting. It's what you do most of the time that's more important.


Cautiously Optimistic
Yeah, I've done my share of the Atkins Diet as well as the Anabolic Diet. Atkins felt that calories didn't matter once in ketosis but this is not true, at all. Calories always matter for fat loss and weight gain (if those are your goals). Anyways, your body switches to ketosis (a ketotic state) after ~72-85 hours of fasting.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Before and during. Sometimes for a period of a few days given the right circumstances. If i don't fast it will be purged during the ride :blowbubbles:
I don't need to seriously do anything you say,the first articulate sentence is a well formed noun verb association referring to even the nutritional value of some readily available bodily by products
test for yourself,make your body what you can


Cautiously Optimistic
Ok, Mr "lung scrods are good nutrition/base of the lucosites." Thank you for your contribution.




but a 130 lb Buddhist monk can melt the snow under him away a foot in all directions on just a cup
In the Tibetan tradition that's called tummo from what I understand. I remember one 'test' they would need to do is when it was like really cold they would wrap themselves in wet sheets and have to dry them with their increased body heat. More to it than that though. Kind of David Blaine type stuff is the best way I can put it...lol.

Anyway...I'm for sure not trying to convince peeps to do something. This is not an area that gets a lot of attention and research.

Bionic...I think the ketosis information is good to know in all this discussion...thx.

Senor Chang is probably the only person that can really relate to a lot of what I've said here and where I'm coming from.

Eat well, moderate exercise, adequate rest and hard to go wrong with a program like that over the course of your life.