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Fast Finishing Trainwreck



Thanks for the compliments guys Great Lakes,Tex, Gordy P,and my favorite Stoner Chuck, been a pleasure to grow this plant. It suprises me every time I open the doors. Very nice colas coming out of this thing.

As far as the Q's go: I flush for about the last two weeks or so. Depending on the size of the pot its grown in. Since this is'nt in the biggest pot I'm gonna give it a lil over a week of flushing with just PH adjusted water to leach out all the stuff I dont want in there. I've been looking into clearing solutions like Clearex which is made for leaching the soil. Maybe I'll try that soon and see if there is a noticable difference.

As far as the darkness thing goes.....I dont do it. It really does'nt make sense to me. Some people swear by it and more power to them, but my reasoning is why put the plant in dark when all I'm gonna do is chop it down and put it in the dark anyways. So why would putting in a closet or something for a few days be any different from chopping it down and putting it in the dark drying tub for a few days? See what I mean? But what I think they are going for is the increased trich production, which I think is stress induced. So instead of stressing the plants by putting them in the dark I just let them dry out completely which makes things a lil unbearable for it under the light which increases the overall trich production in relation to heat stress. A day or so of that and I chop down.

The nutrients I use are Pure Blend Pro for the most part and certain ammendments. For my soil runs I used Ocean Forest soil with 30% Perlite and about a cups worth of Worm Castings. Nitrozyme for root developement, Liquid Karma for overall health (great stuff). Silica Blast for hardiness, and a bit of TLC to top it off. I started off at 1/3 strength then ramped it up accordingly. The plant will tell you if its too strong or not. So be sure to keep an eye on what the plant tells you. As far as foliar spray goes, I use the Nitrozyme as my foliar spray and give it a dousing once a day (under the leaves). Misting with Carbonated water I heard helps because the carbonation evaporates into C02 and we all know C02 is like steroids for plants. I water each plant with the same exact amount every time so that I know when I need to water and what is taking up more than the others. So in a nutshell thats my whole soil process, but not anymore I'm going back to HYDRO! So Goodbye Dirt!

Whew I wrote all that? Hope that helps and if ya need anything else Gordo just let me know.

Blatant :wave:

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
GordyP said:
First off, I've read a few posts about "flushing" a flowered plant, with water only, for the last two weeks of it's life, AND to keep it in darkness for the final two weeks, also. I can understand the flushing process reducing the added nutrient chemicals (a little) to help it taste "cleaner and more like it should". Darkness technique doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to me, though.

You're right GordyP, that doesn't make a lot of sense. Blatant has captured the theory behind the dark period for you, but I think the part that is messing with you is the darkness duration. Everything that I've read, and somebody correct me if I'm wrong here, suggest a 24-48 hour dark period. A two week dark period would kill the plant. I've always done the dark period, but haven't tested it agains plants that didn't have a dark period so I can't definatively tell you which is better.

Just thought that point should get covered.

GreatLakes THC


24 to 48 hours even as much as 72 of darkness before chopping is what I have always heard





We are doing a Pure "Trainwreck" seedcrop as we speak..... (as well as a Heri/Trainwreck seedcrop)
We'll be restocked in a very short time.
We have a nice stable Trainwreck to work with that fits the very description up at my site, and finishes in 8 weeks.
I still have a nug of it stashed away from the last time I grew it out myself, cause the stuff is so intense it makes my teeth GRIND!
I am a INDICA specialist so this one isn't for me.
We will make sure all you "hyperactivity" folks out there will get your "Trainwreck fix" though!

:canabis: :p :wave:
Here's a shot of one...



Nope not selfed.
Selfed seeds are femmed are they not?
No, these gens have been around for a long time.
We (or our friends before us) have just kept them going.


I've been messing with my camera trying to get all the lighting and white balance down so I can take some killer pics, But while I figure this out its give me something to post. Here's more shots of the Trainwreck in all its glory. Enjoy!

Blatant :wave:


That's What I'm Talkin' About!

That's What I'm Talkin' About!

New Trainwreck pics thoroughly enjoyed!

Had to go roll a fatty after checking them out. Hell, that bud in the first pic looked as big as your HAND! I'm learning a lot from this first indoor grow of mine, but it'll take a few attempts to learn how to grow em big like that. You're definitely gonna be "high for the holidays". Something to smoke while you watch your Trojans win their bowl game!
