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Farmers Market for Clones in Clearlake..

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Right back atcha jointed! Its still too vague and we need absolute clarification but its the small steps that get us there.. one tiny step at a time and way to slow for me but we are gonna get there! Register to vote and be ready when the time comes to "Get Up Stand Up!" :trampoline:

Thank you B.G. for your generosity and we hope to see you soon...
love the Casey Jones... between that and the "Clueberry" from nomaad we've sampled some excellent medicine the past week. :smokeit:
We are so blessed to have many generous contributing members who help to make it possible for us to offer free and affordable medicine to our patients and still keep our doors open. Thank You, Thank You one and all!

Attn members: any extra trim donations are appreciated.


Does anyone happen to have information on the chemdawg available right now? flowering time, which version of the cut it is? thanks in advance. Picked up a cut but I've never grown it before-jus wondering =)


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
i run her about 64-67 days indoors.
do some research to find out about the provenance.
i don't even think it's too many pages back.
also, the search function works wonders....


No problem Rowdy. Glad to help out. I'm going to try my best to make the next event. Thank you very much for hanging onto that Headband clone for me. That again to the nice member that dropped it off for me. I'll make sure to drop off a special gift for you. I love this Headband cut. Lost it and I'm glad to get her back.

I also picked up the Chem Dawg. Never ran it and wanted to see what all the fuss is. Thanks again to all the nice people and friends at Good Karma.
Take care,


nice new avatar, did payaso do that? looks awesome, we should try and get some member tshirt with that logo


New member
Sorry If this is a repeated question but I would really like the know if there is a difference between the OG KUSH that bluesky sells and the OGKUSH that GoodKarma has?

Also I tried to find the ansewer to the chem question a few pages back -with little more confusion added I cant seem to find out if the CHEMDAWG from harborside is the same as the 91 chem from GKG?

Chem is everywhere it seems everyclub has a diffrent lable on it spelled (sac)chemdog,(hs)chemdawg,(sanctuary&GKG)91chem,(hs)xxxchem,(bs)chem4,(bs)chems'sis, and just chem from the 12 year old on craigslist......


just grow them out brother, you'll either get something you like or something you dont.


New member
Just by the info on this site alone I changed everything i do over to gkg gear , one becuase of the vendors are on hand, and two the bay is overloaded and cant keep stuff clean or straight.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Payaso is the MAN! We love the new logo and sounds like everyone else is lovin it too! He did an outstanding job! :groupwave:
As for the questions on the strains I have no idea what they are vending at blue sky. Sorry.


The logo is awesome for sure! I'd buy a couple t-shirts with this logo if you had them made up. If you did, please consider a smaller logo on front breast area and larger one on back. I always hate t-shirts with the large pic on front.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
We will get to work on t-shirts and thanks to everyone for the good vibes on the logo. We are really proud of it!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I don't think the recent ruling has really changed the minds of l.e. here in Lake County. Its still up to their discretion whether they want to hassle you or not and why poke the weasel? We don't want anyone to have issues.
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