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Farm Life With Snype!

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I just finished my 3rd dunk. I stayed up all night just to be able to observe the roots so I can dunk at the right time. My plants are my #1 priority in my life. I sacrifice myself for them at all times because without my plants, their would be no life. What can I say, I'm passionate about my plants.

Dunk #1 was when I transplanted for the first time

Dunk #2 was 6 hours after dunk #1

Dunk #3 was 8 hours after dunk #2
Observations: Looking at the roots while I was dunking, you could see some roots grew about a half of an inch, maybe more. It's very obvious that after 6 hours it was still wet enough but at 8 hours it was slightly wet and almost too dry. 8 hours right now is the sweet spot.

I dunk these into a solution of:
3 Gallons Tap (140 PPM)
3 drops Clorox Bleach
12 mL GH FloraMicro
18 mL GH FloraBloom
pH down to 5.9

I dunk each plant into a 5 gallon bucket which contains 3 gallons of the solution above. In this 5 gallon bucket I have 2 air stones and an air pump that I turn on for the dunk. I dunk each plant into this bucket for 30 seconds. I will take pictures every day at 9PM which will make 24 hour intervals from the very beginning to show you what happens when you treat your plants as a priority and learn to make key observations to maximize your grows to the fullest extent.
:biggrin:better leave some dream time for yourself .


Active member
Wow, 1998 called, they want their grow methods back! Kickin it old-school here, I like it!

Are you using a spade-bit or a hole-saw/biscuit cutter to drill those tubing holes? They look kinda ruff is all, The pass through ones NBD, but I have had the bulkhead flood/drain fittings not seal correctly/tight enough in the past when the plastic holes were too jagged or rough for the rubber gasket to work correctly


The other part of the equation is that my girlfriend of 7 years (Snypette) is only in her early 20's and I have to plan out that side of the equation as well and she will be on this planet much longer than me so there will be much more inflation in that case which changes some parts of the equation.


Snype can be a pain in my ass but I will say, I am a lucky woman. I was up till around 3am working with snype. Props to my man for taking care of bizness and letting me sleep after that. I told him to wake me up in the early A.M. so i could take over and he let me sleep till the afternoon :) I think I will surprise him with a super clean VEG room for when he wakes up.

Team Microbe

Active member
I always had animals. Mostly cats. Never really helped the isolation. Just keeping busy usually helps and I stay on plant time which means I sleep during the day and I'm up all night doing my chores and doing my various test. My testing probably helps keep my mind the most stable. Eating right also helps me.

I blew 250k a year for many years. I'd just do the dumbest things with money because it was so easy to make. I had many years where's pounds were 6k plus which was real nice. Now pounds are down to 4k - 4400 for my more mass produced and my other small crops of other pheno's that aren't mass produce usually go by the oz for 300-500 depending on many factors.

My goals are pretty simple. Life is very expensive if you make it the age of 90's. About every 15-20 years it will take us twice the amount of money as today. If a candy bar cost $1 now, it will cost around $2 in 15-20 years. So if you need about 50k-100k to live a comfortable life now, you'll need twice that every 15-20 years. Let's look at the low end and say 50k will be good if you own your own house already. In another 15 years I would need 100k to live similar to 50k now. So lets say that I'm 40 now. I'll need 750k to make it through the next 15 years which would take me to 55 years old. The next 15 years after that I would need another 1.5 million and I would be 70 years old. To make it from 70 to 85 years old I would need another 3 million. So just to make it to 85 years old, I need a total of 5.25 million. Now that doesn't mean that I have to retire at 40 with 5.25 million. What it means is that I need to make the right investments so that I can live on say 5-10% return that can hold up with inflation. Real-estate has always been an investment of mine which I plan to continue over the years. Mostly buying multifamily homes to rent out. So for me to make 50k a year by having investments would require an investment of around 500k for 10% or 750k for 7.5%. Of course you would also want some money in reserves for when things go bad.

The other part of the equation is that my girlfriend of 7 years (Snypette) is only in her early 20's and I have to plan out that side of the equation as well and she will be on this planet much longer than me so there will be much more inflation in that case which changes some parts of the equation.

Let's face it. Lot's of stress and problems come about due to money concerns in this day and age. We are supposed to be consumers and spend more than we make. I'm not saying it's right and I'm not trying to live that way but that's how a lot of others live. Money to me just equals less stress going through life. We are all walking business's and we all have to learn to manage our money and prepare for our future. Most people live like they are retired now and spend all their money and have a lot of fun but they will be paying for it when they are older. I'd rather be fully prepared and play later on in life. So my goal is to basically be financially stable for the rest of my life and do whatever I feel I'm supposed to do at the time. If I feel like I'm supposed to go to another state or country and live there for a while, then I will be free to do that. I'm sure I'll be doing some sort of work that inspires me at the time but I'm not set on anything at all. That's how it should be though, in my mind. I already lived that crazy stupid spend crazy money and have fun life and it's so old.

It is SO much more than expected when you lay it all out there on the table like you just did, damn man. Isn't it such a shame how much time and energy is wasted chasing the mighty dollar? Then we chase it, catch it, catch ENOUGH of it I should say... then what? I respect your hustle immensely my man, don't get me twisted for a sec. But it sounds like money is getting the best of you / your worries so I'll leave you with a quote to ponder, especially because you live in such a beautiful setting. To be worried about money bothers me because that would be paradise in my eyes...

"Why be elated by material profit? The one who pursues a goal of even-mindedness is neither jubilant with gain nor depressed by loss. He knows that man arrives penniless in this world, and departs without a single rupee."

-Bhagabati Charan Ghosh

Team Microbe

Active member


Snype can be a pain in my ass but I will say, I am a lucky woman. I was up till around 3am working with snype. Props to my man for taking care of bizness and letting me sleep after that. I told him to wake me up in the early A.M. so i could take over and he let me sleep till the afternoon :) I think I will surprise him with a super clean VEG room for when he wakes up.

Snype you lucky dog!! haha respect :tiphat:


Active member
We started the harvest about 5 hours ago. This is the first SCROG harvest and it looks pretty amazing. We should have all the tops done tonight which were part of 112 squares in the grid which should give me at least 112 donkey dick colas. We are almost half way done with just the tops and we are averaging more tops than the SCROG. You can tell there were a few grower mistakes for a few missing holes and the ends on one of the sides but the yield still looks pretty amazing. I'm not sure what I'm going to get. It's possible that I get 4 pounds but I really have no idea at all. I'll snap some pics when we finish the tops tomorrow morning. The rest of the crop will be chopped tomorrow but it's no rush for the rest of the crop. You have to be very careful with buds this large because it is very easy for them to mold. I like to chop at day 67 but it's always a fine line of paying attention to the insides of the fattest colas for potential to mold. Once you see that potential for mold or even just any sign, it's time to pick them before it spreads. That's the main focus for me to pay attention to. Almost half the tops are chopped and there was only a few spots of mold so far on a few very large tops like the ones that I showed 5 days ago. They grew more since then as well but I don't show pictures of finished plants because of the way that I flush. Most leaves are completely yellow to take out all the nutes and get a nice clean product with lots of flavors. So far the loss to mold was less than 3 grams. It was the very early signs where you can just see some spores that blow off the bud when you blow with your mouth to the bud real fast. Every single top cola is inspected and if any mold at all if found in a cola, the cola is cut from below where the mold is where everything is still healthy. Then I start cutting off the little bud sections until there's no mold left. Any bud that did contain mold bud does not anymore is put to the side in a separate container so that it is not sweated with the rest of the product as a precaution.

This next part is from earlier today in another thread that i'm helping someone one with that I chose to add into this thread which is part of the information from the VEG-A.

9 PM is here! The plants are being dunked at 8 hour intervals still. It has been exactly 24 hours since I placed the rooted cuttings into VEG-A. 8 hours is the sweet spot with my current conditions. Look at the picture that I just took:


Look how easily the roots grow with my methods. The roots have grown about an inch in the first 24 hours. I will continue to observe my roots and dunk when all the signs tell me to.


Active member
Out of 16 rows of grids in the SCROG, we got 11 rows done until the lights shut off. Snypette actually did most of it because I was running around taking care of other tasks on the farm. The first 11 rows contained 84 tops and there's still 5 rows left. There's obviously more tops than squares and there are 112 squares so there are more than 112 tops. Before the SCROG we usually only have only 80-90 tops and that's with 2 more plants per every 2,000 watts. I have to thank Doneit again for his ideas and conversations. Without him I wouldn't have attempted this SCROG but now it's part of the new routine. I should get around 130 tops plus all the mids and bottoms. Really interested to see how much weight I pull off of this. I don't expect to beat any records but I made some mistakes with the SCROG learning curve. It's been a great experience so far. I can see this harvest actually being really close or even more than my non SCROG harvests. It's very obvious that I made a few mistakes on the SCROG but it's also very obvious that I'm going to blow my old crops away in terms of yield in the next crop. This SCROG is amazing and it was only 3.5' x 8' when it should have been 4' x 8'.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If you have the space you actually want 5x 10 under two 1k lights in a 4x8 tray. 5x 10 is always my goal but like many other space restrictions make it difficult. Also, i mentioned this before and i know you like it simple snype, but silica helps prevent mold and budrot in those super dense colas. If youre only getting that minimal of an issue id almost gauruntee you if you ran 2-3ml per gallon of silica weeks 2-6 or 7 you would have less/zero mold. Im glad youre liking the scrog it was an eye opener for me too. Youre on a good path. Well done sir and mam :)


Active member
If you have the space you actually want 5x 10 under two 1k lights in a 4x8 tray. 5x 10 is always my goal but like many other space restrictions make it difficult. Also, i mentioned this before and i know you like it simple snype, but silica helps prevent mold and budrot in those super dense colas. If youre only getting that minimal of an issue id almost gauruntee you if you ran 2-3ml per gallon of silica weeks 2-6 or 7 you would have less/zero mold. Im glad youre liking the scrog it was an eye opener for me too. Youre on a good path. Well done sir and mam :)

5x10's don't work for me unless I'm growing smaller plants. That's why we just add some soil or single bucket RDWC plants on the sides of the smaller rooms. Maybe with those DE bulbs I could do a 5 x 10's but I don't have the heights that I would need to run them. Even in my bigger rooms, you can tell that 5 x 10 won't work but instead I do 5 x 8 but I have cross lights from the other systems in rows. The lights are set up for 5x8 but there's 7" from each system dedicated to a walkway to work. So that gives me 14" between systems to move around which is pretty tight. So I get the benefit of the cross lights this way but I still don't have a 5x8 footprint of plant space and it's still 4x8 in reality but the lights are on 5x5's. The problem is that I only have 1 long row so the lights only go in 2 at a time so I don't have the cross lights from addition systems on the front and backs. The big room has 6 systems and 12,000 watts and they are on 5x8' foot prints. It's all focused on plants so there is very minimal room to walk. I had to build a space where you have to crawl through a 3 foot high space to get around to certain parts of the room because the room is treated like 2 rooms and they get harvested every 30 days but it's really just 1 big room with a velcro curtain that has to be put up for Veg-B between crops.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I hate how im limited by my space. Length isnt my rooms issue its width. When i run 4x8 trays i shoot for a 5x10 canopy after i weave all my tops into my scrog(highly recommended, so many tops). Sadly i usually end up with a 4ft wide or slightly wider canopy for the same reason as you, i need to work in between them. I already spend a lot of time rolling flat on my stomach on one of those rolling platforms mechanics use to get to weird spots in my room that have overlapping scrogs. Shit is crazy annoying but it pays off. Your plants look great im eager to hear your most recent gpw numbers. Wishing you the best.


East Coast, All Day!
glad to see things are still kicking Snype! I haven't been around much but doesn't seem like anything as slowed down around here!

keep on keepin on!


Active member
I only took 2 pictures last night. I'll take some more later. This first picture isn't even the biggest bud in the crop. Just one we had access to at the moment:


I don't wear gloves when I harvest. I like to feel my buds:

Team Microbe

Active member
great detail on the mold issues during harvesting, I don't separate the salvaged buds but I will start to now! you said you were hoping for 4 lbs... how many watts is that under? That flower is beautiful btw very nice work man.


Active member
great detail on the mold issues during harvesting, I don't separate the salvaged buds but I will start to now! you said you were hoping for 4 lbs... how many watts is that under? That flower is beautiful btw very nice work man.

Each 10 bucket RDWC system has 2,000 watts of Hortilux Super HPS.


Active member
48 hours of VEG-A. They can now be flooded and are being flooded every 8 hours for now. That will change any day most likely to 6 hours and within a week I will be flooding once per hour.



Active member
These ChemdogDD BYTCH buds never get old. The potency and flavor really stands out. It's hard to find buds that grow this big and are still potent and flavorful but this cut exceeds my expectation and that's why I've had her for years now. Remember, each plant has over 10 tops and they only had a 2 week VEG and only 1 week of that VEG was done in the flowering room.


Finishing up some more harvesting tonight. Snypette will be taking care of that while I change out some RDWC systems and refill them with nuts and clorox. Then I have to add a SCROG to another room and take care of a light leak in one of the new rooms.
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