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Fake Pineapple Express


Active member
do not give me any confidence when they only have one pic and copy and paste info.

If I buy seeds, I don't rely on any info or a single picture from any sellers. I rely on growers on sites such as this one.

If I'm interested in a particular strain, I'll check out as many grow logs as I can with people growing that exact strain, grows filled with many pictures from start to finish. That's a lot more info than can be found on any breeder site or seed selling site.

True true and that is why I am here, partly. But I still distrust "breeders and brokers" and probably would feel more comfortable dealing with someone that I know.

Most of the people that I know that grow, grow weed, not genetics or strain specif, they just want a profitable crop, which is not how I grow. So it's going slow as you would expect to find what I am looking for.


You guys can rest assured that you can order seeds from Gypsy Nirvana(Seed Boutique) and get exactly what you ordered. If you hop on the site, you will notice that Gypsy does not offer seeds from shady-ass companies like G13 Labs.

There are other online seed stores that do not have the same type of quality standards *cough*attitude*cough*. You've just got to distinguish the good from the bad and order accordingly.

I buy clones from dispensaries and other patient/caregivers. :hide: :whistling:

Once I find the strains I like though I'm just going to clone them myself. So far I've found one strain I want to keep, I'm still on the search for my other one or two permanent strains though.

The only reason I would want to grow from seed is if I wanted to make my own breeds, which I will some day.

This is such epic win it's not even funny. Just goes to show how low people will go to make a buck.

It's called marketing, I'm sure there's A LOT more of this on the corporate level that goes unnoticed by many people.


i just uploaded a couple shots of the bud of this after about 6 weeks of flower I was out I got 4 running so down went this one ... bit early imo.. anyhow take a look see what ya think. Here's the closeup to show the trichs. This stuff is very potent even taken early.


you're missing the point dude. even if it was the same strain he grew, they're still stealing his picture without permission.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
You shouldn´t post pics (or write reports) of plants made by bulshitters and sold in rival sites :joint:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I don´t buy seeds..and let me tell you one thing:
THAT pic was first posted HERE @ icmag FYI
The pic was "LIFTED" from this site...no one asked me first


robbiedublu,....I had and issue with DNA...end of the story.

All I can add to this is that I ordered Apollo 13 indica from reserva privada and not 1 out off ten seeds I germinated popped. Sounds like Raco is only making legit claims about shady companies in my opinion.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
g13 labs are a bunch of closet hacks. I wouldnt give there seeds to my worst enemy, ive learned my lesson.If you grow there gear out and its bunk, dont say i didnt warn you.


"Tibet freedom"
Encima , manda huevos

Encima , manda huevos

hey Raco relax ,
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I apoligized to raco I probably should have showed better taste than to have posted them here. I was a noob for buying them but I dont regret it. I also dont suggest a company that would use these strategies to push there products so I dont intend to buy anymore of there products. I did and will give a unbias report about what I have recieved though.


spreadin da love
sorry to hear they stole your pic raco, and to the others I am in agreement with raco that shady companies should not be promoted on here.


sorry they stole your pic.

Personally, though, I find it kind of hilarious that a seed company couldnt find a good enough picture of the plant they are selling so they had to steal someone's pic and photoshop it.

Also mad props for recognizing your own picture. Thats kinda crazy. I wonder what would happen if you email them and ask them about it, or email the vendor and ask them? I would be interested in hearing what they say.

I have never bought G13 seeds, although I think I might have one that I got free a while back, not sure. Regardless, I will definitely not be buying any of their seeds in the future.


ICMag Donor
So Raco your position is that I shouldnt post pics of anything but whats on the boo and seedbay? is that the policy can you please show me that? I see most the threads here in the hybrid section arent available on these sites as they are personal crosses. If you are correct ill close out my account my apoligies... I thought this site was to pass on information. Maybe its just information you approve of.

That is the policy of this site. Let me tell you why.

Just as G13 labs stole racos pic, other companies have done the same thing. Attitude, DNA and the list goes on. All they do is rename them and claim they are thier own. Also, we have breeders that pay advertising here so it isn't right to give others free advertising, when in many instances they have scammed someone's work....

This is a very expensive site to operate, and without the help of advertisers it wouldn't be here. There's pretty much every strain under the sun covered by our breeders so I don't think people are missing out on much. If they think they are they can frequent more than one site.....

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