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FACISM AT WORK IN THE USA! This will piss you off.

damn this video has pissed me off big time. WTF. Im sick and tired of these people taking away our freedoms more and more everyday. People need to wake up!! I dont know about you guys but I'm at the point where I'm willing to die for my freedom. My House, My child, My wife, My Life, My Guns and my freedom shall not be infringed upon I will fight to the death for all of the above. Try and take any of these things above mentioned....you will have to kill me.


The world is a dangerous place when those who protect us are small men with
even smaller brains. To kill a police dog has a charge of killing an officer. Most
people with dogs consider them part of the family. When those who protect us
can break into our homes and shoot with intention to kill our family members,
we have NO protection whatsoever.

There may come a day when we will be lucky they only shoot our dogs.
Give them an inch and they'll eventually take a mile.


stupid cops who thinks he is Almighty, killing a dog.. shit, I can't believe what I saw ...the guy was already on the floor with hands up ,still do not see any excuse to shoot the poor dog several time ! I would like to know why these things happen again in 2011, I am proud to live and be European!!


Active member
How big of a pussy do you have to be, to be so scared of a 35 pound welsh corgi, when you are fully armored out in full swat gear? THESE PIGS ARE SCHOOL YARD BULLIES THAT NEED A GOOD FACE BASHING TO TEACH THEM A LESSON. I BET THEY WOULD CRY LIKE LITTLE GIRLS IF THEY EVER HAD AN ACTUAL CONFRONTATION WHERE THE FIGHT WAS FAIR.

PUSSY BITCHES! Put me alone in a room with one and give me a blow torch and a pair of pliers.

man whats with you and the torturing??? this isn't the first time ive read about you wanting to do some pretty sickly thought out shit to someone "if" you had the chance.

im surprised you haven't been banned over that shit. its really disturbing.

people shoot deer and elk and mooses and wolves and cows and all types of shit. don't mean you should blowtorch their flesh off. jeebus
TruthorLie you must not be a dog owner. Shooting a Deer, Elk, Cows, etc are a different type of killing all together. Those type of kills would be for food. A Family dog is part of the family. My dog is my daughter and my son's sister. In regards to torture, hey if your gonna dish out some violence towards someone you better be man enough to except what may be coming back to you in return. I am a strong believer in Karma. Trust me these pigs will have whats coming to them in some form. I would not want to live my life with all that negative karma around me. They will have some sort of negative impact on their lives for the travesties they are responsible for.


I don't agree. I don't think people have been scared into a corner. I think that's a myth. I don't think it's an intelligence thing, either. Here is what I think: they don't give a fuck. At all. About anything that doesn't impact them directly.

Most people prefer alcohol to cannabis. That's the only reason one prohibition was short and another is still going on. Most literate people know cannabis prohibition is wrong and self-contradictory. They just don't give two shits.

Most Americans do not smoke weed. Those that do smoke weed and have political capital are rich, thus, they are not at risk to the legal system. Thus, they too, don't give a shit.

What we're seeing is human nature working against us IMO.

I suspect you were making a larger social point than marijuana, but even still I disagree. I don't think they're scared. It's just, we live in a society where neighbors don't know nor care for each other. It's a dog-eat-dog world, capitalism and consumerism is everything. What car you drive is everything. People just don't have time to develop empathy.

Truest thing said in this thread. This story does suck, but these are the facts: it's not going to get better because no one gives a shit about you -- just like they've been told to.
Im with Hash Zepplin,FreedomFightr & Vash,enough is enough,we didnt want it like this,but if thats the way it is then so be it.
These coppers are only hard to beat when they are at work and tooled up and teamhanded, seperate them from their pack and even the playing field abit,these types are not fit to live amongst the rest of us that see this for the barbaricy it is.

I just cant put into words how this makes me feel,but a blow torch and a locked door sound like a fuckin good place to start though,sorry i know how it sounds but we are talking about the murder of innocents in their own home,what is it gonna take???

For those that cant stomach the thought of taking the fight to them,what do you suggest? turn the other cheek? write a petition? lobby your senator/MP? well if you want to waste time but look like your doing something fine but personally i think your pissing in the wind.

Not having a go at anyone on this thread at all and can understand why folks want to aviod violence,most sensible folks do[apart from sport etc nothing wrong with boxing,MMA]but what are we left with to defend ourselves,laws that are stacked against us all??The very poeple we pay to protect us are the predators,does this not seem a little like being between a rock and a hard place?

rant over


ICMag Donor
Not again... :D

Sisters and Brothers,, and the people in between.. someone once said , Totalitarianism (the flag) slowly evolves into Fascism (the tag) .. which shortly after falls to Nazism (the badge). And we all know that tags, flags, and badges are but make-believe.

Hold fast to substance,, that is real (the birds and bees in the trees).. all else is manufactured nonsense! Making us forget about the nature (and nuture) we came from ,, is just a peice of orchestrated homogeneous-cultural-engineering ,, nothing else!

n.b. Grow Ganja (they thugging hate it!)
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
man whats with you and the torturing??? this isn't the first time ive read about you wanting to do some pretty sickly thought out shit to someone "if" you had the chance.

im surprised you haven't been banned over that shit. its really disturbing.

people shoot deer and elk and mooses and wolves and cows and all types of shit. don't mean you should blowtorch their flesh off. jeebus

It is because most of those ideas are just movie quotes so most people know I am not serious, that I am just expressing anger; and since text doesn't look alarming, the picture you paint with that text should be. lol. That last one is from pulp fiction

sorry if I disturbed you. I am more like a golden retriever than a wolf in real life.


Well-known member
Some dogs are just as smart as a 5 year old child and they all have individual personalities. They are like little kids. Those cops are absolutely insane and should be thrown in prison or a mental institution. Don't most serial killers start out killing household pets? Most fucking pigs (96%) are robocops. They have no empathy for us or our loved ones. Just like a machine has no emotion these cops are just a shell of a person. They are trained to lie, cheat, and steal your freedom away. I could go on for hours but SpasticGramps sums it all up.....
Welcome to the Police State. The militarization of the police force is just about complete. We just need some more "terrorists" to justify a complete military police force. Storm Troopers of the USA.


lost in a sea

yeah all this fake terrorism bs is ridiculous,, its just a knee jerk reaction everytime,,

problem(=terrorists)- reaction(=sacrafice on all sides)- solution (=more new parasitic sanctions and laws hidden as the magic spell, democracy and so called human rights),,,

fucking communist nanny state is growing like the blob,, strangling the words from peoples mouths everywhere,,

the fasces should just be the symbol for our governments now,, and its gang of nazi-jesuit bankers,,i dont know why they even pretend anymore lol
i feel sorry for you americans... i was planning a trip to miami, orlando, new york and vegas, but your pigs seem to be WWWWAAAAAYYYYYYY 2 fucked up...


Active member
i feel sorry for you americans... i was planning a trip to miami, orlando, new york and vegas, but your pigs seem to be WWWWAAAAAYYYYYYY 2 fucked up...

you do realize that, in order to fly in the USA, you have to submit to either 2 blasts of radiation or having your balls groped repeatedly?

and you want to come here for vacation???


Active member
OK it's bad all right. but you'd make yourself look better if you didn't then lose credibility by your Palin signature. She actually has a softer stance on pot then most, if you did some research.

She is not tina fey.


dam hash i always thought you had her picture up there because she is so pro pot. i had no idea you were trying to trash your credibility:tiphat:


ruger 500
ron paul is the answer

ron paul is the answer

please understand there is a movement coming ,they want to decriminal lize, about the hemp plant in ky to put people back to work ,ron paul wants to restore the republic,the differance is in a democaracy ,it is ruled by 51 percent that can tell the other 49 percent what to do ,in a republic everyone has individual rights,bar nune ,please vote ron paul make your friends vote to ,this is our last chance there wil not be another civil chance with outblood shed in the streets of everytown usa:tiphat:may all you sheepal wake up ,listen in on xm 158 at noon everyday ,or prisionplanet.com ,see what they have in mind for you and your children,enough is enough,stop listening to fox cnn or msnbc ,they will kill us all by radation exposure ,its all in the game plan ,dont tell people how much they are being exposed to ,please please wake up my friends:cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug:

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