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Face Transplants. Is it right?


you gave me neg. rep after i gave you rep saying "lol"


what a dick biter.

I just don't understand how you could be so....uncaring, thoughtless, disrespectful, and down right offensive when you made a joke about her face in the question of if it was "pre-op" or not. I said in my neg rep that I was not laughing and I am not. If you make jokes out of unfortuate people that require extensive reconstruction of their face just to look some what normal again, then that doesn't say much for your personality. Besides that, I love Yoda and you disrespected him too. So there. :noway: I am done with it. :joint:
It seems that the black market potential is the worst, people getting kidnapped and/or killed for their faces. Just like Kidneys and other body parts, with a fresh corpse that donated their face of free will is different.


what ever happened to that chick that got her face ripped of by that chimp.....
anyone should be able to do this if they want.... theirs too many ugly people out their these days.. you know who you are.


sunshine in a bag
I just don't understand how you could be so....uncaring, thoughtless, disrespectful, and down right offensive when you made a joke about her face in the question of if it was "pre-op" or not. I said in my neg rep that I was not laughing and I am not. If you make jokes out of unfortuate people that require extensive reconstruction of their face just to look some what normal again, then that doesn't say much for your personality. Besides that, I love Yoda and you disrespected him too. So there. :noway: I am done with it. :joint:



Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Feyd still making friends i see LOL, Mr populaaaar.... hahaha

Yo i wonder if your face got chewed off by a bear in the woods would you change your tune ? prolly , but your sick ass might like it

808: ive given out too much karma today, hit you up l8ers

John Allen

I think we should focus more on murderers, rapists, and thieves.

I couldn't care less what people want to do to their bodies, just leave me the fuck out of it.


Active member
crazy... definitely should only be used for reconstruction... otherwise were gunna end up with osama looking like my mom or some shit! Lady looks pretty good for having had a hole in her face... what happened to her is way fucked up... can't believe he only got 7 years...
I think we should focus more on murderers, rapists, and thieves.

ok... i don't exactly understand what you are saying, but if you are saying to use their faces...

but if you are, NO man! Why would i want a rapists face?!?!?!?! So i can go to bars and get the shit beat out of me after i've suffered a horrific accident and got a painful face reconstruction?!?!? HEEEEEEEEEEEEELL no...

I want the face of the lil rich kid that od'd on oxycontin in his dad's yacht...

Then i can go places and get free shit. Girls be all over me thinking i was him. You know the drill, hehe. Hell, give me his fingerpriints and every governemnt document, oh and his mother's maiden name... I mean.. i have been through a horrible accident, don't i deserve a lil something for my troubles?

edit: I'd be really scared if i just described the future of identity theft....


i think plastic surgery is stupid but in many cases it can be necessary
like with this case of the woman who had half her face shot off. no one should be forced to live a life like that

no matter how many people are nice and cordial to someone in that situation, its still a shitty way to live
people who are disfigured arent dumb its obvious that their condition is obvious to others, and its obvious they will most likely not live a normal life like others may get to pursue

giving someone at least a little humanity back to their life is worth it

making some douchebag's face look like david hasselhoff because they have bullshit personal issues is a different story


Registered Med User
blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they will never cease to be amused.

Sounds cool, but what if somebody were trying to go under cover so they took a criminals face but then the criminal woke up and took there face while they were in jail and started bone'n there wife so the good guy had to fight to get his face back.... Might make a good movie... Id call it.... " Fight your face"


blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they will never cease to be amused.

Sounds cool, but what if somebody were trying to go under cover so they took a criminals face but then the criminal woke up and took there face while they were in jail and started bone'n there wife so the good guy had to fight to get his face back.... Might make a good movie... Id call it.... " Fight your face"

Or 'Face off' like the one already made?

I think transplanting faces is a great idea and dont have a problem with it, only thing that would creep me out would be to bump into someone i 'knew'. All those burn victim soldiers would be happy to hear about this i'm sure. i'd happily give my face to one of those men when i die, just hope i'm not too ugly for the poor sod!


You know what's more amoral than face transplants? Fuckin dickjobs. Every man should be happy with the weeny the good lord gave him.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You know what's more amoral than face transplants? Fuckin dickjobs. Every man should be happy with the weeny the good lord gave him.

as long as the old fella continues to rise... to meet the dawn, I'm content with him sticking around....

....back to the topic....well we have had all sorts of other transplants already, virtually the whole body in parts can be transplanted now.....so whats the big deal about the face?


for medical reasons yes its cool, but if you just want to look good nah..........


Active member
You know what's more amoral than face transplants? Fuckin dickjobs. Every man should be happy with the weeny the good lord gave him.

The woman that had a face transplant here in America had her face shot off by her husband and no longer had a nose or the ability to smell. She is able to smell now but her face is pretty grotesqe still and further plastic surgery will make her face look more normal. But infection and rejection is a problem and there are lots of adverse side effects for anti rejection drugs.

But is a great thing for the badly disfigured. Yesterday they did the first bilateral hands transplant.

Now as far as a pecker transplant,,,,,,,they prolly will be doing that soon also. But not to get a BIGGER BETTER one BTW....

I saw Bobbitt on Oprah with his ex who chopped his pecker off.

I guess if you can throw the pecker in a dirty field and find it and sew it back on a pecker replace will be coming soon.

BUT that was plain NASTY when he asked his ex if she wanted to see the scars on TV.....REALITY TV gone to far!!!!!!!

No Bobbitt we don't wanna see it!


Active member

Feyd WTF does QQ mean? Granny wants to know. Hawaii Nurse is a sweetheart and a sensitive and dedicated nurse on the frontlines.
So be nice to her OK?

Spread love not hate sweetie!

Now go stand in the corner 10 minutes for being naughty to Hawaii Nurse!:nanana:


The Hopeful Protagonist
Lorena Bobbit ?



Active member
That poor ladies face is fucking horrible. I dont want to say she is better off dead but it's not like her life is ever going to back to normal. It's horrible! She is and has been in a living HELL!!!

h^2 O

i don't know - look at the picture of the woman and ask yourself "is this right?" Personally I'd rather be bandaged up like the invisible man than look like the dude from Mask ("mom says I look like a lion"). Yeesh.
I give her credit for having the will to go on. That's for sure.
A lot of shotgun-blasts to the face end up like this - I knew a lawyer who had a client who shot some chick in the face with an 870 and she lived for like 2-weeks with no face and a tube stuck in her "neck hole"

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