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F!!! what went wrong


so heres the short story (cuz im not going thru that infirmary list), i have 5 all organic snow whites on there 45day of flowering. ive only used spring water throughout there lives now that i started flushing last night i flushed with tap water which i let set out for 24hrs to let the chlorine evaporate. i wanted to use un filtererd not phd water in the flush so the plant wouldnt be able to uptake nutrients. after about 24hrs laterthey look like this....


alot of the coloring if from the lights but you can see the spots. only problem is that out of the five ONLY ONE is showing this. alot of others kinda yellowed a little bit and came right off when touched, but these plants have TONS of leaves (as seen here)


So what you guys think? i wanted to say the ph is off, duh, but none of my others are doing this...? i guess for my next flush i will just go and buy spring water (what a waste) and use that so they dont look like garbage after all this work. i want to make bubble hash with the scraps so i really dont want the leaves going to shit. thanks all


Man they are fine but to me it looks sorta like maybe they got a little nute burn? Hard to tell beacuse of the HPS. Man let me know how the bubble comes out. I am waiting for mine to finish so I 2 can make some good ole bubble.


no hps. those are grown under 300w of t5s. ive been really hitting them strong w/ liquid organic bonicare up until a couple of days ago with no problems, this happened right after the flush from faucet water left over night.

it looks really sick and i need to watch it so it doesnt mould.

if it helps any what yellowness is at the top is dark from view from under.


did you check the ph of your tap water vs the ph of the spring water. also do you live in a very old home with old pipes??

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you can still make bubble hash. I have made bubble from one year old dry (stored air tight) clippings and still produced hash (not very good though).

It looks like a little bit of nute burn. maybe you had a lot of nutes trapped in the soil, and they were released with ph change during your flush.

The leaves are going to change colors (because they are losing chlorophyll) and start to die once all the nutes are flushed out. that is good though they are reaching the end of their cycle, and are getting ready to shed thier fruit. If no one is there in nature to pick friut it drops to the ground, and getts eaten or rotts to spread its seeds.

This will cause them to taste and smoke better. they will aslo cure faster. A lot of people get drying and curing confused. So I will go over the basic process just incase.

when harvesting it is easiest to trim the buds while still on the plant. That way you are not using a hand to hold it up. it gets old after a while.

to dry them, hang them in a dark area with good spacing. Make sure there is decent air flow to prevent mold from forming. but you dont want to much. Dyring to fast will cause a lack of taste, and a longer cure time.

When they are dry, usually a week, sometimes two, they are ready to cure. Dry time depends on your humidity, bud size, and air flow.

I like to cure in mason jars, and large pryrex for big colas. I find glass is the best. Open contaner once a day and leave it off for about 10 min. do this for two weeks or until no more moisture surfaces. At least thats how i do it

The best buds i have smoked are always dull in color, and sparkly with thric's. It is dull because after a long cure most of the unwanted chemicals in the plant have broken down by that point.

Sorry for the long reply, I just wanted to give full explanation. I hope it eases your worries and prevents future delemia


you can still make bubble hash. I have made bubble from one year old dry (stored air tight) clippings and still produced hash (not very good though).

It looks like a little bit of nute burn. maybe you had a lot of nutes trapped in the soil, and they were released with ph change during your flush.

The leaves are going to change colors (because they are losing chlorophyll) and start to die once all the nutes are flushed out. that is good though they are reaching the end of their cycle, and are getting ready to shed thier fruit. If no one is there in nature to pick friut it drops to the ground, and getts eaten or rotts to spread its seeds.

This will cause them to taste and smoke better. they will aslo cure faster. A lot of people get drying and curing confused. So I will go over the basic process just incase.

when harvesting it is easiest to trim the buds while still on the plant. That way you are not using a hand to hold it up. it gets old after a while.

to dry them, hang them in a dark area with good spacing. Make sure there is decent air flow to prevent mold from forming. but you dont want to much. Dyring to fast will cause a lack of taste, and a longer cure time.

When they are dry, usually a week, sometimes two, they are ready to cure. Dry time depends on your humidity, bud size, and air flow.

I like to cure in mason jars, and large pryrex for big colas. I find glass is the best. Open contaner once a day and leave it off for about 10 min. do this for two weeks or until no more moisture surfaces. At least thats how i do it

The best buds i have smoked are always dull in color, and sparkly with thric's. It is dull because after a long cure most of the unwanted chemicals in the plant have broken down by that point.

Sorry for the long reply, I just wanted to give full explanation. I hope it eases your worries and prevents future delemia

thanks for the elaborate story but i know how to grow, what i dont know is why this only effected one out of the 5. same water same everything. someone did say that mayb an overdose of my nutrients in my dirt-i was kinda thinking that too but everything is the same mix batch just different plants.

my main concern right now is do i cut away the rusted nasty leaves so they dont mould the bud or leave them and take my chances at mould...? uh

btw this all happened overnight and it has to be because of the water thats the only thing i changed but as i said this was the only one and bud isnt really effected but it has alot of trichs on the damaged leaves. i understand my leaves will turn yellow and ive been keeping up with daily maintainence but it shouldnt happen overnight. these plants do have plenty of leaves still left that havent yellowed and im on day 46 out of about 53-55 depending on my trichomes


european ganja growers
my main concern right now is do i cut away the rusted nasty leaves so they dont mould the bud or leave them and take my chances at mould...?

alright bro..
if your concernd about the leaves pull them asap.. the last thing you want is mold setting in,and it can come on fast..you said your close to finish so pulling them now wont make much difference/harm to the plant.

as for whats up with your plant,, not sure its a strange1...

some other thing for ya to think about bro
bad lockout setting in just b4 you flushed???
could she have some sorts buggs????gants /thrips/borg ect ect
to close to the light ?
week pheno thats just got shocked with the flush?

keep it green


The one affected was it the last one watered,,,how about thw jug u used mybe a little chem settled to bottom? either way u did those Ladies Gooood. Nice job


Take Five...
I doubt your watering last night affected them that fast, unless the ph is way out....

I think the feeding is catching up to them. Reduce the dose.

Don't know why you are flushing those plants are not close to done. You are just shorting yourself. They have 4 weeks at least left. There are still tons of fresh white hairs growing.

Don't fret about yellowing, your plants should be all yellowed and dropping fan leaves by the end...I'd say they are too green at this point. Reduce the N or cut it right out if you can.


Take Five...
On second look they may also be suffering from P deficiency now that they are in hard flowering mode...

What has your feeding sched been exactly? You may need to give them more. P def starts to eat of the bud leaves as the flowers look for more P. Knowing what you have been feeding will help determine.


just answer the questions on the sick plant list so the whole board doesn't have to play 50 questions with you. The more info you give the faster we can figure out the problem...


I doubt your watering last night affected them that fast, unless the ph is way out....

I think the feeding is catching up to them. Reduce the dose.

Don't know why you are flushing those plants are not close to done. You are just shorting yourself. They have 4 weeks at least left. There are still tons of fresh white hairs growing.

Don't fret about yellowing, your plants should be all yellowed and dropping fan leaves by the end...I'd say they are too green at this point. Reduce the N or cut it right out if you can.
Best post yet IMO. I was going to mention the part about one day before not making a difference. Plants take about a week or so to react to nutes or water stress most the time. (Nitrogen etc)

Sure looks like a nutrient deficiency, but it may not have been caused due to PH or high nute doses or lack thereof.

I'm willing to bet that particular plant has drainage issues, maybe the soil stayed too wet for a few days. If the roots get stressed or there is harmful bacteria in the soil, it could deo that to one and not the rest. In my experience, I believe the plant got stressed either by too wet or even too dry?

Flushing at 45 days is also a waste IMO, you are compromising bud size etc. wait until like 5 or 7 days until harvest, then start to flush, and let them dry out for like 2 or 3 days maybe more, do you weigh the pots for saturation?


I doubt your watering last night affected them that fast, unless the ph is way out....

I think the feeding is catching up to them. Reduce the dose.

Don't know why you are flushing those plants are not close to done. You are just shorting yourself. They have 4 weeks at least left. There are still tons of fresh white hairs growing.

Don't fret about yellowing, your plants should be all yellowed and dropping fan leaves by the end...I'd say they are too green at this point. Reduce the N or cut it right out if you can.

these plants are an early finisher btw. usually less than 8 weeks. i am planning on only flushing for a week which should only be 4 flushes. plants will be done in less than a week. plus i havent added any nitrogen for almost 2months. there green bc there healthy organic weeds growing in 5000*k light spectrum. these are going to be top quality homegrowns that are producting very well for only 300w t5 flouros.

Just a little info for everyone to know. I KNOW ABOUT NUTES AND WATER AND ALL THAT. i need help because in a matter of 1 night this plant drastically changed appearance and like i said it musta been the tap water out of wack. the problem with that is all plants have the same of everything not one is diifferent then the other.

the soil is FFOF mixed with epsom salts, bat guano, worm castings, perilite, organic light manure and watered with spring water everytime. i use liquid bonicare soil with everywatering. these plants were fed out of a gallon and a half pitcher with a sypfon pump so i can hand water. i would split that gallon and a half between the 5 plants now what i did with the flush was let tap water sit out for 24hrs and then 1 gallon each pot mixed into these gallons was about a half a tbsp of molasses in each. these plants have been flowering for over 45days. tmrw i am going to flush one more time w/ molasses and then water for the rest. i chose not to two week flush because im growing organic and it wont really do any flushing. i want to remove all thqat i can from the soil and the night before i will flush again and harvest before the lights come on.

i was thinking mayb some water got onto the leaves and with tthe molasses it killed the tops of leaves but then i look at it and it seems like its taking the green straight outta the leaves.


Take Five...
Well whatever if you think those are close to done....do you inspect the trichomes under magnification? What are the ratios? I'd like to see a soil grown early finisher...especially under T5s... I run my crops 80 -90 days in coco under 600hps and yes I like em stony and fat.

Obviously you don't know as much as you think you do...when you come here it's not proper to insult and be sarcastic with the people spending their valuable time to help you for absolutely nothing in return. the last thing they need is grief. If you know how to grow, you don't need the infirmary, obviously.

That problem is not spilling nutes on your leaves.

They are green because you are giving them too much N. But if you think dark green plants are ideal at harvest.....

What kind of bat guano? Insect eating or fruit eating?

Weedman Herb

Let's get a few things straight ... you're asking us for help ... you're being rude and you're not telling us the truth. The truth is ... you just noticed the problem and have no idea when it started ... the truth is ... by amending your FFOF and using botanicare Every watering you have created a hostile environment for your plants to live in. They probably have too much food that is too salty to eat , and are being kept too warm and with poor ventilation ... The truth is ... those plants aren't as close to done as you seem to think ... The sad truth is ... That bud in pic #1 is burned and already has mold ... look for cotton like tufts and more of that brown icky stuff in the near future. Isolate it, spot treat it with alcohol on a Q Tip and hope it isn't hiding undetected in your other plants.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
I noticed you said it's only on 1 of 5 and all watered and nutes the same

Could this 1 have gotten a disease or something.

I wish i could answer ur ?sorry, but thought of this so figured i'd mention it to you.

O yeh and the pic of the one's in front of the t5's look good, Keep up the good job.

I N hail


Active member
I think the blonde pube on the top cola is toxic.:yoinks: JK

If you look closely, Like Headypete must have, you will notice a couple things ; chlorophyll leaching pattern and a pubic hair. One of these is your clue!


Active member
you used tap water which tends to hae a high ph, the ph was off and this plant suffered. i dont know why everyone is saying you should pull the plants and make hash or whatever. you guys take this shit way too serious. its a plant. its still alive, put it back in the box and continue diing what you were doing. also you cant flush organics, just let it grow, when its done growing it will start to die. then you can harvest it.

bottom line those plants look fine i dont know wtf the big issue is. although at 45days you would think they wouldnt be so green. next time use less nitrogen in the soil.


Let's get a few things straight ... you're asking us for help ... you're being rude and you're not telling us the truth. The truth is ... you just noticed the problem and have no idea when it started ... the truth is ... by amending your FFOF and using botanicare Every watering you have created a hostile environment for your plants to live in. They probably have too much food that is too salty to eat , and are being kept too warm and with poor ventilation ... The truth is ... those plants aren't as close to done as you seem to think ... The sad truth is ... That bud in pic #1 is burned and already has mold ... look for cotton like tufts and more of that brown icky stuff in the near future. Isolate it, spot treat it with alcohol on a Q Tip and hope it isn't hiding undetected in your other plants.

hate know it alls! first i did NOT JUST NOTICE THE PROBLEM i might even have the day befores pictures or two days before that. the plant looked fine right before i flushed for the first time. and 2 a hostile enviorment? what totally organic and totally healthy except for the recent ONE outta FIVE plants that got effected. all soils are the same and so are the doses. and 3 theres already mould...love for you to show me that. kid your bitching about me being rude and your a complete moron. and lastley guess what i say when there ready, i will pick at around 25% clear 50% cloudy and 25% amber. also from growing outdoors for 7 years at 42N im pretty sure i can spot mould.

im hopeing that the condition of these plants are due to mayb spilling the flush water consisting of molasses onto alot of the plant-seems really unlikely, more likely to be a weak pheno to ph flucuation. im not really sure what it is but some people rather just go on about everything they know because they look at everyone with a posted question to not know ANYTHING about growing.

and to whom ever was saying theres too much N. besides a mixture of less than 25%V of wormcastings thats the only N i added besides what is in the FFOF. i transplanted my plants into these pots in this mix over 2 months ago, since then the only N they coulda got is from the liquid bonicare bloom which is 1.5N. if thats too much then ionno but im flushing so it really doesnt matter plus its organic...


I think the blonde pube on the top cola is toxic.:yoinks: JK

If you look closely, Like Headypete must have, you will notice a couple things ; chlorophyll leaching pattern and a pubic hair. One of these is your clue!

haha pubic hair...yea u know a little extra protein goes a long way:yoinks:...nah unfortunatly im limited to a closet grow and my dog likes to hang out with me while i tend to my ladies