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F!!! what went wrong


Weedman Herb

You hate know it alls ... I hate wannabe growers who don't listen when they should. How does that plant look Right Now? So you don't think using Botanicare Every Watering before that "flush" left some salts? Organic nutes still leave minerals in the soil and these translate to a salt build up. What about the Guano and the light manure ... they contain N right? Again you're not telling us the truth and being a hard headed kid. And about that pube ... If you kept a tighter room that hair and the mold you have might not be there. You do know that a less than clean environment gives mold and mildew a foot hold in your garden Right Mr Needs No Help yet Can't seem to figure out his problem???


i was asking for others opinions. yea mayb salt build up in only one pot out of five...hmmm shitty pheno mayb. i kno a closet isnt the best growroom but i had a tent and it had offgassing so this was the last resort to keep my plants. yea mould is something im worrying about and so far ive seen nothing and i do frequent checks. i think ive done a great job thus far with this being my first indoor t5 grow. ive seen plenty of people yield less with a 400w hps than i will off my 300w t5, also i havent had a single problem until now.

i have concluded that it was either a shock from a weak pheno, or built up nutrients although i wantered every two days about a qt a water per plant and there was a very light water escaping out the bottom, or that when i flushed my plants in my bath tub i might have gotten this plant wet and the mollasses stuck onto the leaves killing them. i just flushed again last night with the same water this time let it sit out for 48hrs and added a little mollasses to each watering. the results of today is still no other plants are effected and the one that was isnt getting worst nor are the pistils dieing back, bud still looks great and is still packing on. i will continue to watch out for mold and i will be taking trichomes pictures as well.


Take Five...
So you just don't know what the problem is and you won't listen to any of us.....3 completely different conclusions....can you even call it a conclusion if you really haven't settled on any one explanation? :badday:

dbfr3sh said:
i have concluded that it was either a shock from a weak pheno, or built up nutrients although i wantered every two days about a qt a water per plant and there was a very light water escaping out the bottom, or that when i flushed my plants in my bath tub i might have gotten this plant wet and the mollasses stuck onto the leaves killing them.

Yes, it was spilled molasses that did that. There, feel better? It's what you wanted to hear, isn't it?

I am outta here, there are people with problems to help.......


yea im sure by giving completely wrong advice is better than none huh?

btw it was the mollasses! i flushed again and nothing went wrong with any of them. then after to make sure i dribbled some water w/ mollasses on a leaf and after about 3 hours it looked the same as the effected plant.

truth be told wehn someone on this site asks a problem no matter what it is, little or small, aparrent or not the people with "experience" because they like to voice their opinion start rambling on about everthing they know growing just soo they can sound bad ass. and it seems like there are only a select few that get into these arguments.

and your right i may or may not have found the REAL culprit but i explained to whoever gave advice y i dont think that they said was correct. if my n is too much well i guess i cant do much about that because i havent added anything in over two months in soil. not much i can do about that except flush which im doing now. go help others who dont know how to start a seed or something because you treat everyone as they know nothing.

Weedman Herb

I have been tossing out rhetoric WuTang style to counter your Less Than Good initial Attitude. For that I apologize. We aren't there knowing what you do and you weren't telling us straight IMHO, you were mincing words (which ... when you are asking for help/opinions is like a Slap in the face) I don't wish the fucking bud rot on any grower. Grey Mold isn't always Grey and it starts to show as a tuft or possibly a slime type residue ... if you know this ... Good ... If your down with how you've fed them ... Good ... I'm sincerely interested in seeing what's going down with your situation (or ... believe me ... I wouldn't have even bothered hanging out past the first page) ... How about posting a recent pic of that bud?


ill post one by tonight like i said still looks like shit obviously i can undo what is already done. the pistils arent dieing back just the leaves look like shit. i also found lower leaves that did not get effected this is why i tried the water/mollasses on a different plants leaf. and got the same results.

i checked the trichs on 4 outta my 5 plants and we are about 15% amber trichs. i will also get some pics of those to show as well.

wish some people would stop playing heros here and just answer the questions that others ask instead of typing up all the shit you know about plants. i may not harvest pounds a year or even use expensive lighting equiptment but i still manage to at least get a half lb everytime and the quality is about a 9. i always strive to get better and i listen to people who try to help and not try to be big shot pot farmers. i have no problems with my set up and it works well for me ive read plenty on here of people getting less than what i do off of 400w hps and i dont give them shit or tell them how to grow and i do better w/ less.

i wanted to know why my leaves looked like shit and i figureed it out so ill be watching my trichome progress as the days go buy.

headypete lots of replies i wonder how many accually helped the people u were replying to.

post pics tonight weedman


Take Five...
headypete lots of replies i wonder how many accually helped the people u were replying to.

why don't you go read and find out the answer instead of flapping your lips on and on?

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