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F.U.C.K.E.M. members only (or aspiring members)

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Active member
ICMag Donor
hello my F.U.C.K.E.M. friends......
I have some pics on my box for you :wave:
My first cut´s after 10 days

Veg part with Anesthesia ( Old School Positronic Afgan / skunk x Herijuana ) & Master Kush

begginer GWS bud in 15 days 12/12

Group photo in bloom part

SSH leaf

I now rolling my first joint today :joint::rasta:


Morning Fam Hope u all have a great day :) in few min i have to go out and tuggle in my babys :) but i will bring a update on them fuckem beans ....but i might have to say that one of cd lings are tod sehr tod,:( but i have 3 left and i feel its ladies :) all cores is up to .

Acces nice vapor Making its own heat hehe thats very smart for a traveling guy

Rada nice group shots gromming sessions is awesome
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Lots of activety in tha fuckem place now :)
hehe where all the good people goes?


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I can speak for rock steady and cracky kallen. Both good friends and fellow refugees from cannabis.com. Mad skills, they aint bringin lame shit into the thread...no worries, lol.
Rock...the pic upload is changed, so you dont have to link...
here's a tutorial radvancan made for my stoner ass...worked for me

At writing post ( post replay, no quicky answer ) is up selection either ICmag Gallery ( your old gallery ) or Album. ( your new gallery ). Click one of theme, opens you your new or old gellery. Next click on photo oneself enlarge. down under photo it is a address photo. you copy all address with (IMG) a past to writing post.
1. open post replay
2 klick up to the Icmag gallery or album.
3. Klick to enlarge.
4. Downcopy photo adress and past to post replay.

My Hibiscus

My pit manson sleeping in B&W

Church nugs dried in B&W and color


South FL sunset

going tomorrow to take pics at area 51.....
good vibes



wt champ no worries i got enough love for them aswell i was just wondering :) i just love hibisius tea :) lovely dog m8 up in tha coach whit the champ him self thats sweet he looks like he have a nice live champ so peace full to look at :)


good shit goin on radvancan and rock steady!

Had to pull one SweetBud yesterday as it was a 'He'. I hope the other is a 'she' it's a classic sativa for sure.

Kall, I grow a herb garden, in season, and make teas from some things like strawberry leaves, red clover blossoms, lemon balm, bee balm, mints and chamomile. got no habiscus flowers though.
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I am crushed.

Double beat down with an Eagles comeback thrown in to break my mind.


But at least I ain't Art Nadel.

smokem and forget about it



..but i might have to say that one of cd lings are tod sehr tod,:( but i have 3 left and i feel its ladies :)
tod sehr tod?? is this a bad thing kallen? I'm happy to hear that you think the others are ladies!! any pics?

and Lune..Great to see ya postin again bro! I know what it's like to not have a computer and it sucks! I just had some kind of wierd thing on mine that I had to uninstall..stupid links..
anyway, that 78 day ECSD is probably some of the best SD I ever smoked..:abduct: man did that bag absolutely REEK of skunk when I opened it..nice nugs too! For starters, I took my usual 3 hits and was immediately stoned within seconds. I waited about a half hour and was pleasantly baked as I started to smoke the rest of the bowl. Another half hour in and I was lazyboy-locked! So, not to be outdone by myself, I smoked another half a bowl. By the time I went to bed, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I wasn't really that tired, but there was no way I could just sit there and watch t.v. either..the remote felt like it weighed two pounds..lol.. The bud was a little dry, but surprisingly smooth for what it is. It did finish a little harsh, but I think with more of a cure, it'll settle down into a nice taste and high all it's own. Even now it has this lung bursting characteristic that once you exhale, you just want to breathe..Great job on the Diesel bro!! and thanks again for helpin out ol' dwella! ..and feel free to use my thread as a diary for them beans when it's time..:friends:

access..nice find on that portable vape! I think that for 237 bucks you can't go wrong if it works!



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Thanks kallen! My pit is the king of the couch, lol...And I will be making some hibiscus tea this weekend....
good vibes

JIP- McNabb had 3 chances to come back in the 3rd!!!! butterfinger receivers....lol
More than welcome Rock! Glad to have you at these parts too!....


Grinding extra.
Cella bro, this strain was put in rotation for you specifically. Whenever you're done with the dirty deed of proby....I guarantee it's gonna be there waiting for ya'.....
And if I get this "tissue culture" thing down.....who knows what mayhem will ensue?

By the way, I appreciate Gypsy keeping his head screwed on straight when coming in and moderating the difficulties with public enemy #0.....
But by the same token, he's now tied our hands to respond to any of the B.S. this mofo slings. I think Gypsy is evenhanded, but this particular thread is not really a "public" thread. It's for F.U.C.K.E.M. members and aspiring members. Once we've firmly established that someone is neither, and they've obviously been acting in a trollish capacity, why don't we have the latitude to deal with that on our own? It's not spilling over into the rest of the threads like : "Who likes salami sandwiches?" or "Grandma vs. the mailman", or "When will my male plant produce flowers?"....

I'm not stroking our egos or anything, but there are people that look up to and respect F.U.C.K.E.M.....it's practically a brand name. And when a vast majority of our roster likes a particular strain or endorses a particular method of doing something: like ordering from Seedbay or Seedboutique...or even a particular vendor....guess what....people listen...and they often emulate (which translates to sales and $$$) Didnt' Frank even mention that High Times wanted to interview him about the group? He could have been joking, one can never tell. But it's not outside the realm of possibility. A few members have also been on or in some large well-known publications.....PotParty on the cover of High Times....Tona's pictures on an Ed Rosenthal produced book for Stitch...

My point I guess is that there's something to being a "member" more than just the nominal. It's not just something you drop into your signature line and call it a day...it's transcendental.

We do our best to support IC Mag by our continued presence here. We are firm advocates of what Gypsy wants for the world....and demonstrate that everything can change with just one seed.

Why then do we have to tolerate people that obviously want to f*ck that vibe up? Why do we have to take it in the ass without question when some clownshoe continues to give us bad rep here and elsewhere for the mere fact that he doesn't have skills or manners?

This isn't a "Gypsy is wrong or mean" comment, in fact I believe he's been more than tolerant. But to some degree, we have to be able to police our own thread and call out a troll when we see one. Our recent visitor has been in violation of the TOU consistently.....Old Pink told him to watch his step. Then he started lobbing red dots at everyone. The behavior is beyond rude, and I think our responses were appropriate for THIS THREAD.

Once again, if it were in "How do I get stains out of my underwear?", or "How many teeth do you have?", "Should I sleep with my cousin?" thread, it may not be the best choice.

We do consistently post things here that are not only funny and entertaining but are informative and contribute in a VERY LARGE WAY to the community.

I will always be of the impression we should not have to tolerate intolerable behavior but will respect Gypsy even if his actions leave us victim to undeserving and dubious people. There are some individuals you just cannot "play nice" with. They don't understand anything but their own brand of insanity and stupidity. They need to be handled on that level or put in a place where they cannot harm anyone.

Well, I'm left with 1 alternative: the ominous red-dot. It's the last vestige of subjective opinion I have. I can respectfully disagree with the content of any post by merely saying "I disapprove". I can guarantee that every spare bit of rep. I have to give will be given with the most care and TLC to the one that deserves it most in the red...hope you enjoy rooming with the muppets bro.

I feel like this thread should be for anyone. Not anyone feels like they can post because of that sentiment you're displaying. How can we contribute to the community and not welcome others in to post, ask questions, and show us their good work at the same time? Not all our posts are fully informative or self explainitory and I'm sure leave questions for many.

In reality this thread is alot of ego stroking. Which is fine because that's a huge part of why I (and I would think many others) come here and post. I can't show and tell in the real world. Surely there is the sharing of information on this thread as well, I just wouldn't say that is the focus of the thread. To help people. Rather, I would say it's East Coast brash braggin rights...

As to Green Force, does he bother you that much? Couldn't you just ignore him? Why attempt to asseble people against him to collectivley give him negative kharma? I'm fine with skipping over his attempts to get under people's skin. Actually, I believe you reaction will keep him and others like him around. You're "taking the bait".

Just had to comment on that. I actually took FUCKEM out of my sig. (could you imagine!?!) I feel like because of certain people we are looked at as clickish and negative for the community. We're not, I know that. But I feel like even some in the "club" take it way to seriously and act like we a gang. We are not, trust me...

Frankie, you've created a monster, and given some an internet ghetto pass. We need a little reform IMO...
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There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Doesnt the title of this thread read "F.U.C.K.E.M members ONLY (or aspiring members)? I by no means am trying to pick a qualm with anyone(Gypsy, AOMF...But it is just as easy to stay out of the thread as it is to ignore trolls...Keep in mind this isnt the first time green farce has came in and stirred shit up. I JUST got F.U.C.K.E.M in my siggy, and still got neg rep thrown at me by GF.
If this thread was for anyone to post in, why have the title, or why even have F.U.C.K.E.M? No, we arent a gang, but we ARE a collective of like minded growers, east coasters. By what you are saying AOMF, correct me if I am wrong, but anyone should be in according to your statement. When you were given the ok to add the siggy, how did you feel about the F.A.M then?
There damn well should be ego strokin in here too! We have an immense collection of talent in here, and I BELIEVE if you are gonna come in this thread, titled how it is....respect or get out! Easy...
Again, I am a F.A.M noob....but I dont wanna sit and see anyone talking down to my F.A.M. This is OUR thread...bottom line..

As Access so put....If this were one of the thousand of retarded threads posted on here by 18yr old stoners that have never grown, some people may have been a lil close to the TOU. How are we getting all this chastisement when said Troll hasnt even been banned?
We are at fault for defending OUR shit?
I guess Im done...Probably not my place to say...but yall can deal with it.
If frank created a monster, and handed out ghetto passes...Guess you can add me to that list.
good vibes to my F.A.M


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
i dont even know that dude, and he gave me neg rep.. what a turd. Muppet Central man.
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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i try to be as diplomatic as possible.
but i agree w/ art on this one.
we need to chill out and stop acting like we are better than others.
cuz newsflash, WE ARE ALL EQUALS!

i personally dont feel like GF did anything wrong in his last post that stirred up shit.
i personally apologized to him, i felt it was the right thing to do.
we came to terms and its all water under the bridge now.
i will admit when he first came here, he mighta rubbed some the wrong way.
but that was in the past, his recent post only proclaimed his love for the group.
nothing wrong with that.
the k- might have been uncool, but whats a -1?
if i had a nickel for every k- i got, id be a nickelaire.
so let's all relax and learn respect.
if this keeps up, this thread will be no more.
furthermore, my ass will prolly get banned since it's my name on the crew.
we want that?
i dont think anybody does.
(well, im sure there is a few :p)


Cellar champ hehehe it means one is down :( and the 3 left overs havens show sex but im sure it will be gals :) i did some grower wodoo, i stick my finger ind the soil then i sniff it and then i lick it just like i would thread any ladies and then it will be a girl...:) or i hope so ...........And plz dont close the thread because then i will have no place to go whit all me pissing when im buzzed :)
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