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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
ill work on it frank.. i did it once b4.. ill see if i can remember.

edit.. i hacked it to shit and still couldnt get it small enough to work or look good. size restrictions on icmag make it difficult. 15kb. it looks decent at 30. its also about 35 frames i cut it down to like 15 and it was still too big.. anyone got any advise? i tried 2 diffrent gif edit programs. original size is 276 kb.. way to big..
Last edited:


sup everyone.
nice things you got goin Mm,always do though bro respect yo.
babbaa bro that tree is off the chain,flower that chik i bet she pulls the digits for sure.
riffish-gleemin like a disco ball bro.nice.
ur crazy CF talk to Justincase he knows how to fuck with them avvys pretty good too bro.
smarmy,how long does she usualy go?ty

well fam heres what im workin on,should be done today.its a dry'n box.i still have to build a couple more shelves atleast,and mount the fans.i made that homade scrubber on the top.it aint mounted yet though.today im gonna put the two 6 inch holes and mount the fans.any suggestions?like fan on bottom shelf, or lower side?and should i mount the scrubber on the top like its sittin in the pic,or on the upper right hand side?
if ya look close you can see the wire at the top for hangin all the bigger stuff.this box is only like 2 feet deep around five feet high and like 3 -3 1/2 feet wide.it wont hold a whole pull but it will hold a few i think.this is the prototype hehehe if it works well im gonna build a big ass one that will hold like 20 plants at a time...peace-Y-

heres my homade scrubber

heres the shelf i started with,minus all the stuff that was in there.


and how it is now...i gotta smoke a couple and get down there and finish it;)
i have to put in the lower fan,the scrubber and prolly 2 more screen shelves to make.the wires for hangin are at the top.

wattup fam any suggestions? thanks peace.-Y-


right on bro.still feelin these kalichakras out too.i say no more then 8-9 1/2 weeks on these though.they about ready now.one could come down now but imma wait for them all to finish up,then chop em all at once.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
ive made those same DIY scrubbers Y.
still use them in veg and for my cool tubes.
granted i got a canfan filter in flower, but they dont werk super great.
gotta change that filter every 3 months, give er take.

RIfishman, nice macros!
sweet cherry ak smarmy!

nice tat kallen.

thanks endo , i knew the if was a lil big, but i thought a comp pro could help, i knew it would be a chore :D


thanks CF i'll get out and buy a small scrubber for it but my hydro shop i go to is like a hr.and a half away so i tried this out....atleast you said its gonna work though..score 1 for me;) i didnt even know if the mf would work.i thought it would though i tried blowin some smoke through it last night and see, but i was smokin and smellin so LOL yeah kinda couldnt tell.im just usin it for a box to dry in...i hope it can hang.if not i'll be makin that ride.
yeah bro i use a eco-plus in flower,it works the bomb,although im gonna still go bigger when i replace...cause i wanna make the room bigger next year so...ya know...
thanks bro.peace-Y-


YwouldntI said:
sup everyone.
nice things you got goin Mm,always do though bro respect yo.
babbaa bro that tree is off the chain,flower that chik i bet she pulls the digits for sure.
riffish-gleemin like a disco ball bro.nice.
ur crazy CF talk to Justincase he knows how to fuck with them avvys pretty good too bro.
smarmy,how long does she usualy go?ty

well fam heres what im workin on,should be done today.its a dry'n box.i still have to build a couple more shelves atleast,and mount the fans.i made that homade scrubber on the top.it aint mounted yet though.today im gonna put the two 6 inch holes and mount the fans.any suggestions?like fan on bottom shelf, or lower side?and should i mount the scrubber on the top like its sittin in the pic,or on the upper right hand side?
if ya look close you can see the wire at the top for hangin all the bigger stuff.this box is only like 2 feet deep around five feet high and like 3 -3 1/2 feet wide.it wont hold a whole pull but it will hold a few i think.this is the prototype hehehe if it works well im gonna build a big ass one that will hold like 20 plants at a time...peace-Y-

heres my homade scrubber

heres the shelf i started with,minus all the stuff that was in there.


and how it is now...i gotta smoke a couple and get down there and finish it;)
i have to put in the lower fan,the scrubber and prolly 2 more screen shelves to make.the wires for hangin are at the top.

wattup fam any suggestions? thanks peace.-Y-

nice project bro....what type of lite u going to run....


Hydrofome420 said:
Totaly freeking cool dude.
Now thats what I am talking about.
good things happen to good people.

My whole crop suffered with the heat this year,
well that and those dam fungus gnats
6 plants I will be lucky with 10 or so mason jars.
whitch is really bad for me, but we do what we do.

Oh and btw anyone with fungus gnats,
do not go and spend a penny on any freeking shit out there\( I spent close to $100.00 bux on you name it I tried it.
Guess what killed them?

Fucking sand and 1 of those raid hanging yellow fly thing in the white plastic

After you water the plants pour some sand in the pots or bags you are using
all you need is a 1/4 inch over the dirt and Violia they can't lay the eggs and die off fron the pest strip. Hope this help, And I must give credit where credit is due, I red that on a thread here on IC but I am to stoned to find it.

Stya safe and high.
I am tring to go the 1quart route, so every 3 weeks I should be puting some thing to flower, we will see.

Yes Hydro---sand is the trick. the only other tip, when you put the sand on top, spray the sand with a little mist of water, it will harden it up and make a crust. only downside is that you have to bottom water after using sand.



Oh ok gotcha........like the idea....maybe for a 400w or 600w with suffciant cooling could work......lol


is your plan to trim them up then set on those screens to dry?

cause I would guess that with the type of runs you do, it would be a lot easier to let whole plants hang and dry in a bigger space.

what about blocking off a portion of your sealed grow space? I know you have the ventilation and odor in check in there.....



well actualy jip i makin this for the 3 kalichakras i have comin down soon,i usualy dry somewher else entirely,cause the smell is too funky when drying.i hate doin that too though.so imma build this one and see how it works...and yes im gonna trim them and dry them hangin the big stuff and settin the smaller and medium nugs on the screens...no room to dry in the grow bro,i needs all the floorspace i can get brotha ;)

and i have let the whole plant hang dry before but i think it makes it take longer to dry,idk might just be me...i rather trim it all up at once and let it dry like that...i need a big ass room dedicated to drying in,cause usualy theres 20 down every two weeks.but until i can get an addition put on here...probably after winter,im stuck makin a box,or buyin a couple hydrohuts just for dryin in....i'll try the makin one first.LOL peace bro.good to hear from ya.-Y-


Grinding extra.
jipedestran said:
Yes Hydro---sand is the trick. the only other tip, when you put the sand on top, spray the sand with a little mist of water, it will harden it up and make a crust. only downside is that you have to bottom water after using sand.


You can also use Hydroton Expanded Clay. Put a layer on top, but yes the idea is exactly the same. You have to stop the knats lifecycle, and they plant thier eggs in the topsoil.

Roots also like the expanded clay.

Y - Very nice drying cabinet. Ain't it great to NEED additional space just to DRY marijuana? :joint:


glad you are doing well brother....I totally understand.

my technique works real well for my 4-8 trees. start doubling and tripling that....understoods.

my cam is broken right now, need to get a hold of the wifes wire so I can use hers, but I am on day three right now of a breeding project. couple mothers finest look male I'm gonna use that to pollinate my old lifesaver. never done this before, should be cool. im pretty sure one of the MFs is female, im gonna pollinate her too just for kicks. got crazy clones going right now. (lots for my boy)



art-yuppers its a good thing! im really gonna be anticipatin choppin these girls,one because they look like the bomb and i havnt ever smokid any of this before,two because i wanna see how this baby works,and three...i cant lie i cant wait to see what kinda weight these 3 plants pull.they look like my biggest best plants ever.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
On the topic of Fungus Gnats

On the topic of Fungus Gnats

"Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis (Bti) is a group of bacteria used as biological control agents for larvae stages of certain Dipterans. Bti produces toxins which are effective in killing various species of mosquitoes, fungus gnats, and blackflies, while having almost no effect on other organisms. Indeed this is one of the major advantages of B. thuringiensis products in general is that they are thought to affect few non-target species.

Commercial formulations include "Mosquito Dunks"/"Mosquito Bits." It is also available in bulk liquid or granular formulations for commercial and public agency use."

This bacteria directly affects the larvae stage of growth, leaving the adults to do their thing until they die off due to the fact that no gnats pass through the larvae stage. It is the main ingredient in Gnatrol, but can be found, and is just as effective, if you go to Lowe's/Home DePot and get a 6-12 pack of Mosquito Dunks for $10-20.

However, you must remember to reapply your BTi solution several times; it can be added to water that contains nutes, I actually used to just float the dunk in my E&F rez's.


YwouldntI said:
sup everyone.
nice things you got goin Mm,always do though bro respect yo.
babbaa bro that tree is off the chain,flower that chik i bet she pulls the digits for sure.
riffish-gleemin like a disco ball bro.nice.
ur crazy CF talk to Justincase he knows how to fuck with them avvys pretty good too bro.
smarmy,how long does she usualy go?ty

well fam heres what im workin on,should be done today.its a dry'n box.i still have to build a couple more shelves atleast,and mount the fans.i made that homade scrubber on the top.it aint mounted yet though.today im gonna put the two 6 inch holes and mount the fans.any suggestions?like fan on bottom shelf, or lower side?and should i mount the scrubber on the top like its sittin in the pic,or on the upper right hand side?
if ya look close you can see the wire at the top for hangin all the bigger stuff.this box is only like 2 feet deep around five feet high and like 3 -3 1/2 feet wide.it wont hold a whole pull but it will hold a few i think.this is the prototype hehehe if it works well im gonna build a big ass one that will hold like 20 plants at a time...peace-Y-

heres my homade scrubber

heres the shelf i started with,minus all the stuff that was in there.


and how it is now...i gotta smoke a couple and get down there and finish it;)
i have to put in the lower fan,the scrubber and prolly 2 more screen shelves to make.the wires for hangin are at the top.

wattup fam any suggestions? thanks peace.-Y-

I aint no handy manny or bob but i can bulid his thanks for the inspiration m8 :jump:

Cheers fam...... :rasta:
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