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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
asher1er & YwouldntI: Awesome pix! And AWSOMER looking plants. You guys blow me away all the time. Hairy, Frosty...Frosty, Hairy. I can't deside which I like more. Better try them both LOL. Keep it green fellas and STAY SAFE! :rasta:


is that some type of attempted trellising in the first pic????

you hurting man....i mean that in a good way.


Don Cotyle

I had a small closet fire and lost all but one seedling of the 16 I had going due to the heat and smoke...the lone surviver was a female!
Just thought I'd drop buy with a few pix of my Burmese Dream plant at day 24, been boosting the P and K to 50-30 bloom boost!

Oh and for shits and giggles I started a Bagseed Bonsai Log Grow while waiting till harvest!



Active member
jipedestran said:
is that some type of attempted trellising in the first pic????

you hurting man....i mean that in a good way.


Vintner, thanks for the kind words homie, you be safe out in your parts aswell

jipedestran, it's not an attempt, i had some trellis laying around so i stuffed them in where i could and it is holding shit up. without thoes stakes n parts of trellis fencing in there the shit was on the floor literally :bashhead: so i did what i could, lesson learned never put off the installation of the second trellis, it is usually up before they even go into flower :joint:


Grinding extra.
Don - That really blows man. Were you al least home when this happened? It looks electrical...lol. Good to hear nothing worse happened and your house is still standing. I'm going to get a fire extinguisher and a smoke alarm today. Thanks for the reminder. Everyone take heed.


Active member
Y, now thats what im talkin about homie nice porn :joint: i got about 45 days left, dont think i'll have anything vegged up to drop in soon as im done so i'll have a bit of down time but next round will be good if all goes as planned :joint:

Don Cotyle, sorry to hear about that mishap..look at the bright side tho, you still got a roof over your head. be easy :joint:

Don Cotyle

ARTofMAKEINGfire, Yea I got lucky I was home and on the PC in the next room and smelled that nasty electrical fire smell. Luckly I had my extension run along a block wall so no real damage, well, ecxept to my seedlings lost 9 Burmese Dreams and 6 HP x C99s. I also got real lucky that the surviver was a female.

I figured it started from an old ceramic heater with no inline fuse, just the tipover cutoff. I've rewired it and added an inline fuse, it got so hot it actually burned the metal plugs right off the cord!!! =P

THANKS asher, and I nursed one back to health and got a female too!
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Don Cotyle

You got that right, when the caseing goes and they arch you can get temps upward to 1300*F. We had another electrical fire in the wall behind the woodstove in January, an 8' section of cheap under code wire was used when the house was built to get an outlet where they wanted it. Lost about a 8'x9' area of interior wall. The worst part is the damn firedept thought it was a flue fire (even though you could smell the electrical smell) so they hosed down my flue-chimney and cracked the flue pipe all to hell in the dead of winter...I had to take em to court to get em to pay half of the $2800 to get it fixed!!!

Don Cotyle

Yea, I know that, and you know that, but the Judge said I was lucky to get anything at all. The only reason I did get 1/2 is that as soon as they came to the door I told them it was an electrical fire and not a flue fire and I'm a personal friend of the Fire Cheif...and that's who I told it too! Then agan half is sure alot better than nothing!!!!!!! and I do want them to show up if I ever need them again...LOL


I have two questions for my brothers and sisters.

One, with the beach season upon us, throw out your favorite book titles. I am always looking for something new to read.

Second question, anybody got any tips for installing a deadbolt into an all steel door with a steel frame framed into concrete block? while drunk off my ass on friday night, I lost my set of keys. this included one of two keys that exists to my grow room. I am considering the new dead bolt as an upgrade in security and to ease my wifes mind. Before anyone breaks my balls, there were no identifying marks on the keys.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
jiped: just find a replacement that is similar in hole size. Most of the newer locksets also have adjustable bolt sections for what you're talking about... AND spend $$$. The $30 locksets are cheaply made.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
jipedestran said:
I have two questions for my brothers and sisters.

One, with the beach season upon us, throw out your favorite book titles. I am always looking for something new to read.

Course it depends on what you like to read, but I'm just finishing up one of Clive Cussler's latest Dirk Pitt novels "Treasure of Khan". None his stuff is remotely believable, but he writes an entertaining action story, and it's been a fast, light read for me.
wineman :smile:
:edit: What do you mean by "identifying marks on keys"?
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whats up fuckers........hope everyone is chilling and getting ready for the holiday weekend.....keep it safe the jakes will deff be out trying to fuck shit up for us.......peace now let me enjoy my summer and sip on this cold ass brew.......lol....


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
jipedestran said:
...with the beach season upon us, throw out your favorite book titles. I am always looking for something new to read.

Not sure if it's your speed and it's not out yet...but it should be out in August.......Clive Barker's: The Scarlet Gospels.

If you're a fan of the Hellraiser movies and that other movie by Clive Barker: Lord of Illusions.....this is a crossover between the main characters...Pinhead and Harry D'Amour.

It's also being worked up into a film. Alot of the details are hush/hush....but Amazon.uk just put up a listing for it.


Active member
so i was finally able to meet and greet with ArtOfMakingFire. it was a cool time being able to talk to someone else who is actually growin the same way i am, and to my great surprise and honor is just as convicted as i am about growing the great cannabis plant.

it was real "growers" conversation we were having. to blaze with someone else that is not thugged out but has true compassion for growing, was something i always looked forward too having one day.

yo Art if your out there and you see this i really appreciate you taking the time man, that purple had me thinking about so much shit that i think i may have forgotten to seriously thank you for that meet/greet. you didnt have to but you did. and im damned greatful for it.

well i will be puttin throwin my FUCKEM insignia up soon enough, like i told ArtofMakingFire i jsut hope that i can contribute enough to make a difference.

gotta run will be back.

since it was also a vouchering process i will be doing my damndest to get to this years vegas nugs&jugs. now that i cant wait for. it will be the first real vacation for me in a damned long time, where I can really enjoy myself the way I want to and be surrounded by like minded people.

like i told moneymike a while ago, meetin art made me want to step my game up, so pics will be up soon for my new diary.

i missed this one... Welcome homie :joint:


well brethren...

the f13 (dj) , texas hammer (trc), Grape krush (dj), and this special one called "O" that was gifted to a dear friend by Lonestar himself are what ive got to smoke now and i couldnt be happier with the variety :) something for every time of day!
BIG respect and thanks up to the cat who blessed these gooey chunks of goodness this way, and i hope to one day get this shit under my growbelt :smoke: hopefully he saved cuts! cuz this is some real heirloom stuph :) u know how to pick em brother :yes:
So, again, big thanks to, "you know who" :D and i will be returning the favor when i get back up and goin. moms in icu again so might not be for a bit! (serious grows at least, heh =/)

on the fun front, tho, i have 4 or 5 seedlings up, and 6-12 northern light i just threw in dirt outside 100% germ rate in cups of h2o2 treated water in 2 days. all were sown earlier in the day all had nice quarter inch or so tails and healthy cots' :) which is very surprising as this seed was pulled right out of some old buds that had been sittin for years haha :D too funny :biglaugh:...it's like grandmesa said on the phone earlier (i was talkin to him while sowin out there) --
"hmmm?! sounds like that must be the newest seed storage tek, eh!?!?"

either way should have some waist-high ladies (at least, im hopin! :smile:) come halloween to smoke on :bongsmi:

welp, just an update on my dealio :canabis:
thanks again TONS mr secret guy" :)D),
and note to all:
grow hard................bitches! :D:yes::yes:

hehehe take care :) :)


oh forgot to say which hehe the 4 or 5 that made it are mixed....
commercial kush strain (nyc/high grade bagseed found 3 seeds in a quarter. all in 1 bud. pretty deep inside. makes me wonder what and who made that happen :chin:...:D....gonna be good im sure no matter what :p kushbagseeds always rock :p)
then there was a few grape ape x supajack, 1 or 2 supajack fem, and i THINK 1 or 2 ecsd x supajack. might have thrown a bpp or two i forget which i soaked :biglaugh:

gotta love the wet tee shirt contests :D
(if u got that joke u need to get out more
and really...quit makin love to yer plants. find yerself a woman for same....:smile:....)

:bigeye: :D :biglaugh: :rasta:: :bashhead:


My keys, my keys, my kingdom for my keys.

they were found this morning.....thanks all for the book suggestions. Here are two that I bought.
No Country For Old Men, I loved the movie, so the book has to be better. The other book I got is The Worst Hard Time about the American dust bowl days.....

if anybody wants to read the most inspirational book out there...pick up Mom's Marijuana by Dan Shapiro.
happy 4th to all Fuckem'ers

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