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outkastt I tip my hat to you.It takes a special kind of person to put on something like this.My paranoia has kept me from even considering attending something like this.After reading what everyone has said about it,how great it was I, refuse to let them hold me down any more.I would like to attend sometime in the future and will jump through whatever hoopes necessary to make that happen.Nugs and Jugs Europe sounds good to me.I suggest Amsterdam in Febuary.Its cheaper and no crowds.Here is a pic of Fruity Thai at all most 4 weeks.


hey everyone, glad to see a good time was had by all. sorry i didn't get back to you outkastt, i was so busy i forgot to get my vouch back to ya, but it's all gooood.

the pics looked great, i'll def be at the next one, and i'll hopefully be more prepared...

peace and good vibes to VEGAS!



Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Westies? na man the westcoasters that were there totally fukin kool...mad props,had a vision before this special meeting,hoping everyone would mesh and did!100% satisfaction...latesky.....Mm
ps Amish wish u coulda been there lott's o' fuckemer's great time had,great outlook tho,these people are the most caring souls ever...........Mm
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Sorry that I had to miss it. Will certainly try for the next one. Sounds like it was a hoot!

At least I was able to meet a few of the peeps before the event and hope to catch up with them again soon.

Man where do I start,
the Buds were of course top notch but the camaraderie and personalities were what I will take away forever, I am humbled by so many top notch growers who also happen to be some of the coolest people in the world. Thank You now I have one hell of a memory of the event(well at least for another 3 days), I must have smoked close to 30-50 strains or maybe 60 truly incredible, learned glass blowing, and watched some incredible bubble hash being created, Lake scenery was breath taking, and the hours of conversation were priceless.

O and TOH-I could go pages and pages typing giving you guys praise for throwing such a top notch event, your personalities are truly warm and grand, I swear I felt like family. The Location was top notch in terms of everything from space to comfort to cable to scenery to seclusion! and rolling up in the middle of the night was priceless, I swore we were on a "I know what you did last summer" movie trailer lol You guys are welcome in my home anytime, Drop it like its hot.
The Cheese-simply put a 10 the odor and taste were sublime, Top notch.
The Blueberry-Another that still drips off the tongue, oh the Blueberry man you guys did DJ Short proud I know those have to be some of his older blueberry genetics, killer smoke.

JoeShmoe -Congrats on winning the cup you definitely deserved it, the BHO is an experience to say the least truly incredible bro but I must say your Sativa personality made me feel as if I had known you for years, much respect.
Pre 98 Bubba Kush-Truly what a incredible Kush is all about, stunning herb with a heavy punch and undeniable Kush bottom end.
The Burple-Deserved to win, a perfect strain the taste is sooo Urkle with tones of Bubba. Probably the prettiest strain I saw.
The White-The strongest strain I smoked all weekend, thought it was as strong as hash lol not much as far as taste but the high is numbing.

StinkyAttic- I had a great time chatting and thanks for all the food and cooking recipes. Congrats on winning a beauty of a trophy.

DLB-Your good vibes definitely come through in your top notch herb, Thank You for representing the East Coast in such fashion I am humbled. Everything that I sampled of yours was a cut above and definitely cut through the fog or haze lol

The Shire (SSSDH)-Some of the most flavorful smoke of the whole weekend, really impossible to describe a true medley of aromas and flavors, definitely deserved its cup.

Abusive-lung expansive and a true "whats this again"

And of all that did not place I must say my personal favorite of the entire weekend was my dear lady LISA MARIE I will let others describe her before I go into my lovefest.

Man it was like I knew you guys for years, man we fit that East Coast Cats build much respect and even more love to my Brethren.

The Boss CF-You helped change the game for alot of us Kudos to you bro, you allready know. And your contributions to the event were of true class, and made the crew proud keep up the work homie and its a shame you dont smoke turds they actually taste better than they look lol

INC-One of the coolest cats of the weekend we def vibed bro and your automated shotgun on the couch was truly priceless the whole room was roaring laughing.

Xtra-Now that I think of it my man we have allready met matter of fact I have know you 15 to 20 years lol that was the vibe bro, much respect my man its a HOT summer.

311-Your sense of humor had me rolling all weekend glad to meet you bro

BabbaBooey VT-Nice meeting ya bro cool cat

Money Mike- It was my pleasure to kick it with you my man, you and your girl are top notch people it was def Karma that put you as a judge and also all those killer genetics lol keep it green my man we will def see each other.

ArtofMakingFire-Whats happening my man, really good to meet you my dude and politic on the PIFF and glad to hear you may have the holy grail, definitely keep us posted or shit atleast me lol, You looked like you were trapped in the twilight zone when I first met you damn I cant imagine smoking that much for that many days whooa shit you were their like 4 days! keep it green my man.

Raist-your a good guy bro it was truly my pleasure to meet ya, and stay away from the edibles.

Uber-What it do Homie, You allready know my man and hey does your homie Steve have a Username?

AmericanGrower-your buds were top notch bro and easily were some of the best I smoked, your S99 is sick. Thanks for all the cooking you did and supplies you brought/bought you are a good dude. Never got to tell you during our long conversation how much I respect your Patriots lol hey just messing with you bro, people better watch out AG could seriously take the cup in Vegas.

Rev-The glass blowing exhibit you put on was incredible and my piece from my giftbag will stay with me for life, your a great teacher bro, really glad to have met you.

DeltaForce-You are a top notch grill master and personality, your knowledge and descriptions of herbs is A1 it was my pleasure to finally meet ya bro and that GDP was purple candy.

The King of NY-Really Cool guy and I am glad that you liked the Yuenglings

AZ-Great to meet you bro, your tolerance is up there and man you could drink the CannaMilk like a keg stand lol see you in Vegas

Slips-Your Candid descriptions of herbs is top notch and I truly enjoyed what seemed like hours talking to you about Strains and Cali, your a good guy bro and you have alot to offer the medical marijuana community. You pulled out so many strains I cant even remember but your 3 gram blunts truly take the cake, thanks for being so KIND

A-LOC-Whats up Bro a true pleasure to meet you glad we got a chance to chop it up before the end of the weekend and smoke a blunt or 10!

MMZRETRO-whats up bro, thanks for shoving that Chem D in my face when I first walked in the front door! now that is what I call getting the party started, This mans growing skills are insane much much props all of your samples were AAA Top Notch, Very Very cool cat hope to kick it again with you soon homie

Lune TNS-Definitely enjoyed the time smoking and cracking jokes with you bro boy were we in a daze and man that GIESEL of yours still lingers on the tongue great herb and even better job growing it.

Neptune-It was my pleasure bro you are true class act, Thanks for the great pics they really bring back some stories especially the 3 connected tables whoa and the lake and scenery thanks bro. Yeah I have a crazy edible story too but I will have to post that manana because I have been typing this here for 2 hrs lol. Your vibe is eye to eye my friend, glad to have met you.

Sow the Seeds-I know we spoke bro but it is really a fog but glad that you liked that imported Purple Kush Blonde Hash, and yes it was knocking most people for a loop.

StoneCold-Talking to you is like a breath of fresh air bro you are one positive soul and only good things are in your future. You have a drive and the knowledge and most importantly you are KIND bro, much much respect to you and your cause, I am officially on the bandwagon. Your strains are top notch keep it green bro.

HillBillie-Thank You Bro, you are cool as #@$! and your bubble hash kicks ass, hell of a way to introduce yourself;This guy reaches over me when I have the bong and says "Here take some Bubble Hash" and with a big gob of gooey Hash I was off to never never land, shit more introductions should be that way

LumberJack-Great to meet you bro, you are a very cool guy and I am glad that you liked the Grape Ape, man sorry for almost passing out twice during our conversation shit I was struggling but in a good way lol, soon as I get settled i will have to come over to the CannaCabana to check you out bro.

Now I know I am leaving some people out and I do apologize it was a hell of a smokefest/lovefest. I have never seen so much leftover weed in my life, at least an Oz on the floor lol. Jars full of ECSD left on the table for us to feast on, a Kitchen full of food and drinks for the ultimate munchies. The Kimbo Slice fight lol damn buddies ear almost fell off and he should have won lol. The Patio deck and wafes of smoke floating off into the wilderness. Much Love to the Cali Crew-The Fuckem Crew- The MassHoles and everyone in between, I will have to come back later with my airport BUDDER story. Glad to say that people liked my Grape Ape-SSH-and my Kali Mist made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside lol but my Kali Mist didnt hold a stick to Shmoes whooooaa!

NUGS and Jugs and alot of HUGS

Delta Force

What up boys! Was a pleasure to meet all my fuckem boys from slightly west of me. Was really cool to put some faces to the personalities that pop up on here......CF you bro did not surprise me at all lol..........exactly the dude on here......Philly ur a very polite cool dude that I hope to kick it with soon again.......that goes for all my fuckem boys....mm holla!

I know we'll be creating a ruckus somewhere soon collectively but until then lets all stay in touch and if ur in my neck of the woods you know I got a spliff for ya.... :joint:

Top notch all weekend from the people to the buds and food.........def will do everything i can to contribute and attend the future gatherings of N&J. :joint:


Active member
Yea that was one I'll never forget!

Yea that was one I'll never forget!

1st off let me just say, my vision is a little blurry atm...
I just came from the eye doctor, checkin my caddilacs.
plz xcuse the typos! :bashhead:

Man, Im gonna shoot from the hip on this post...

Hands down, the best time I've ever had! (and I got there late! friday bout 2am-ish, which was actually "right on time!" lol)

Toh and Outkastt, you guys are awesome! I appreciate you's takin the time to oversee such an awesome event!

side note* my GF just walked in w/ a friend, lost my peace and quiet, so Im out of my zone!* lol

so yeah... too much fun! I got to meet soo many cool peeps...
To all my chat room bro's that I finally got to meet, much respect! See you soon...

Delta aka Chucky, thanks for that departure nug! It made dealing with the front tire going flat on the high way... :rasta: and handling the cops pulling up behind me and staying there till I was done. (so I didn't get hit") a whole lot easier!

I almost asked, "am I under arrest!" lol but thought prolly better not take the legal aides route... :muahaha:

Shout out to MMZRetro for lighting the fire under my ass to get there! (and the fire on the bong hits too! :)
and not to mention the 5 star cot! lol Never felt more at home...
PS Retro doesnt snore! lol

DLB, Thanks for all the love and special treats! Im gonna run a bunch of shire, try to make you proud! lol It was great schmoke!

Hilly, this guy pulls bubble from places our moms would tell us to stop putting your finger in there! lol really great to meet you!

JoeSchmoe, the man with the golden, and red, and lots of other crazy colored bubble, and glass shards... not to mention the award winning budz!

Philly, You are too modest Bro! I look forward to our next session! I owe u like fity spliffs! lol
MoneyMike, Im sure you'll be there too! :) was a pleasure to meet you my dood. Reppin' with the bball hat!

Man I can go on for pages, but no one will probably read it all anyways! lol

If I didnt mention you its probably cause I dont recall us ever meeting!
I was seriously blazed! :muahaha:

To everyone I had the pleasure of meeting @ this event, I want to say mi casa su casa (just not all at once!) lol

You all Party like Rockstars, and support your cause like Superstars!!!



Hi Folks,

...just thought i'd stop by and say "high" to some fellow east-coasters. I'm pretty new to ICMag and to indoor growing for that matter. I live in the NYC area and i've been smoking off and on for about 30 yrs or so.

...i started my first real indoor grow this past Jan/Feb and i'm just now beginning to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I have small under-the-cellar-stairs cab - with a 3ft x 3ft flowering room and a similar sized vegging and mother room. My biggest challenge is a very low ceiling (less than 4ft), so I opted for using T5's for both vegging and flowering.

Here's a few pictures of my very purple Bubblicious (i flowered 2 Bubblicious and 1 bagseed) from my first grow (a day before harvest - Day 57) and a few of the curing buds.




Currently i have 4 Bubblicious clones in the flowering cab, 2 bagseeds (sativa dominant), and 2 Bubblicious outside in the tomato garden, and a bunch of seedlings (Satori, Sadhu and White Satin) as well as a few clones hanging out in the vegging chamber.


- eyes88


her dankness
She goes 58 days flat. Fucking AWESOME trim too for hash or whatever (whatever being cannamels), real frosty, but as you can see there's not much of it. The MAIN STEM grows stalked capitate trichomes!


berry berry nice stinky 58 days not bad at all.....she looks frosty as hell........

OG bub

ICMag Donor
High folks!
was asked to drop in n let yall know our friend Endo is doin wonderfull, n he'll be back soon, n he says High to yall!

be well friends!
Peace, bub.


OG bub said:
High folks!
was asked to drop in n let yall know our friend Endo is doin wonderfull, n he'll be back soon, n he says High to yall!

be well friends!
Peace, bub.

I hope Endo is not broken down by the loss of his Penguins.



wattup fuckem crew,ty stinky i think she might be a fast finisher? this is my first run with her.she smell bomb though.
love the shot of ur beautiful lil ngdg as well! 58 days flat eh ,nice.

endo i guess detroit had too much for the penguins this year,that makes what 4 for motown in like ten years? dam they are some greedy sob's LOL.
peace to the whole crew. -Y-
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