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Pull my finger
I use penetrator for my foliar. I havent tried the LL, but their Reverse works like a charm for those hermie type plants. I keep a bottle around, if I see a nanner, it's history. No seeds yet. I think it is the same stuff that the melon folks use to make seedless melons. Totally stops the seed making process.

Good stuff.

Keep us posted on the LL.


Pull my finger


For you FUCKERS who dont use Firefox yet. Check it out. There are tons of addons that make it kick even more ass than previously thought. I picked the Orangecool skin (kickass) and downloaded the autopager. The autopager works like a muthafucka for icmag, making one continuous page in a thread. No more clicking to goto the next page. Waaay cool technerd stuff.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ya' know...this upgrade is starting to really chafe my sack raw. I can't tell you how sick I am of clicking on the "take me to the last post" button, and having it take me to the 1st damn post....WTH! :stompin-mudholes in asses:
The whole picture switchy thing-a-ma-jiggy is also burnin' my rectum like a 5 foot flame...
Chat is all M.I.A...:smackin'-bitches-up:
Is there no end to the insanity?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
can someone please post a safe site to get mozilla or firefox or whatever it is that makes the shit tighter please?
idk acc after a while i think they will get this shit sorted yo...i have to admit it was really urkin the shit outta me last night.but its kinda growin on me...if things were runnin smoothe would be easier to get aquainted with...give it a few das till all th bugs are werked and we prolly will like it...whats wrong with the pic upload?i havnt tried it since yesterday and it worked...i know i couldnt post them but the upps although different worked because the pics loaded up...
eh imma smoke on it and just bounce around till its all good.peace-T-


Ya' know...this upgrade is starting to really chafe my sack raw. I can't tell you how sick I am of clicking on the "take me to the last post" button, and having it take me to the 1st damn post....WTH! :stompin-mudholes in asses:
The whole picture switchy thing-a-ma-jiggy is also burnin' my rectum like a 5 foot flame...
Chat is all M.I.A...:smackin'-bitches-up:
Is there no end to the insanity?

word :) and every time i log on i have to re type my username and password :( and alwasy have to jump to last post aswell ...Im sure they work on it


Active member
What up, fam? I see the opinions on the revisions to the site are pretty much the same as mine. WTF is up with the "discussions" in the groups? I can't seem to get involved, even after accepting the invite :fsu:

Nor can I see my old gallery, had to upload new ones YAY! I actually CAN upload new ones now! So a few good ones real soon.

Kal, I'm from the end of '80, no need to be more specific ;) So there's a few older F.U.K.E.R.S., but noone ancient yet!

I use the Penetrator too, and have used the Reverse, too. Phenomenal! I had quite a few timer issues, the older digital piece of crap would reset itself whenever there was a power outage! Yet no beans, even though I found a few 'nanners. Now I just use the Penetrator for foliar, and while I have no comparison, the foliar works like a charm!

BTW, access, dutch master is actually a Canadian company ;) Probably threw "dutch" in for a marketing ploy. But I do like the fact that they have the university of BC do studies on their products. Definitely planning on trying the LL out after WT420's ringing endorsement!

Tona, you can download firefox right from their site http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ Beautiful plants, as always my friend!

Same to everyone else who posted, I'm too damn lazy to look back and see who.

Yo, fuck pics for now, I don't want you guys to have to click on a fuckin link to have to view them. T, I hope you're right and this shit'll get fixed soon, it's pissin me off like a motherfucker.

All the best,


Hey man i just found out muhuhahahah :) if i press ctrl while i press on fuckem thread last post it wont flip over to tha first side :)


yeah, the going to the first page everytime is a bitch..so are the pics u/l's..not that I have any pics..:cuss:
ol'dweller was put here in Oct. of 1970, kallen...but I know there are some people usin a cane here too..:laughing: hows the 'lings doin?


mofuckin farmer smurf
New layout does look cool but I agree all the bugs are wack. Shit I wanna start blowin glass today


Good to see the site workin at all though. Cannacom just reset to 12/20 and I lost my present grow log that I started back around that time.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
High bro !!!
This new ICmag is cool and nice. :woohoo:
To a couple of small mistakes, but it will be fine-tuned ..
this is the best amendment: :muahaha:

ICE :joint:
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There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
eh....I got pics for you F.U.C.K.E.R.S but cant figure any of this shit out...Ill just smoke and chill for a few days...
So we got people using LL wihtout penatrator, and penatrator without ll.....lol. LOTS o lil quirks we got huh?

My rant is over...Im sure Ill get pics up soon enough
good vibes


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
man how are you guys gettin pics to show????
ice lookin bomb btw yo.


Herbal relaxation...
Long time no see FUCKERS....

Everything is cool in cold north and im going to post some pics from resent harvest + my first try with h-y-d-r-o = bubbler :yes: I think hydro is the way to go for in future, no more replacing of coco, flushing etc.. Grow speed is "spectacular" and it almost seem too easy....

Got a nice stellar bush of Sweettooth#1 coming from Da BuBBleR:D

Everyone´s shit is looking extra tight, have to spend some time to catch you guys and will be hittin´rep hard after lurkin on couple pages :wink:

Tona: You got that PM I send you last week??? I see you got some jewels going at the moment, but... :wink:

Cellar: Cool to hear you are OK, keep your head HIGH bro and stay away from popo radar :joint:

I would be very thankful if someone could post step2step "tutorial" how to post pics, have some good thangs to share.. Couple phenos of Destroyer + some :wink:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ya' know it's rather easy to create a "social group", that's private or public. Obviously this one should be private, or you get all the yahoos and yokels clickin' to join in.
I would have just created one straight away for F.U.C.K.E.M., but honestly that's a job I feel that's reserved for 'da boss. Since it's his baby, it's his call to create and establish it as a new "group"...tailored in the manner he wants.
For all I know he probably thinks these new social group categories are red-hot-flaming-ghey, and he won't bother...
The F.A.M. is here disregardless of new fangled gizmos and gadgets enticing us to use them.
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