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F*cking Frustrations---high heat---stubborn partners--


Active member


these pictures are so ugly i want to erase them from my harddrive!



look how even my mid level colas are showing those ugly a$$ growths on them, my beautiful colas are ruined


IMMATURE SEEDS!!! argh i got ripped off so bad by the guy who sold me these clones. these clones were taken off plants that were 2 weeks into flower probably.


Active member
its just so frustrating because i have more than 600 dollars dumped into these fuckers with the power bill, etc. they were looking so promising during veg then BLARGH, it all went bad. almost 3 months wasted now. my lease is up in september and now i gotta rush to get the second batch flowered and harvested in time. talk about stress, on top of that ive lost 5 clones last night, for some reason they arent rooting!!@!



It almost looks like some of them are starting to re-veg. Are you sure your room is light-tight?

And please, for your own good, don't do this with a partner next time. I've tried it a few times and it just ends up being a PITA. Growing is a one man job. It's good to have a close friend to offload extra weight to if you're into that sort of thing...but if you're in Cali you can just go to a dispensary. Safer, easier, and they aren't gonna jack you for 50%. Besides, if it isn't clearly set forth in the beginning who has the last word when it comes to deciding what to do with the grow and how to do it then it's inevitable that you'll end up butting heads.

Lost a few friends trying to have "grow partnerships"...and it wasn't worth it. Now we all do our own thing and get together around harvest time to share good smoke and good times. :joint:

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
its just so frustrating because i have more than 600 dollars dumped into these fuckers with the power bill, etc. they were looking so promising during veg then BLARGH, it all went bad. almost 3 months wasted now. my lease is up in september and now i gotta rush to get the second batch flowered and harvested in time. talk about stress, on top of that ive lost 5 clones last night, for some reason they arent rooting!!@!


This sounds like bumps and kinks all over....keep calm and harvest what you can and fix some issues in the meantime. As far as genetics...maybe time to reach out for some...we finally got to after way too long. We were growing shit that wasn't that great and it made for some bad moods around here. Went through a forclosure on a house...like 3 moves in a year. PoopyTeaBags said some good advice is to make sure you invest in getting your room perfect at the next place if your next run goes bad as well. I wish you the best of luck man....reading this reminded me of about a 6 month period where EVERYTHING went wrong and we had so many days like the ones you're having. It gets better, make a plan...you'll be alright. Try to maximize what you have right now.


Active member
could definately be a light leak. the veg room is in the closet and sometimes a tiny bit leaks out, but its so dark in there i cant see my hand, we taped up all the LEDs from fans, etc.

these plants are just totally fucked. this really proved you cant have a flower room with the closet being a veg room. god fucking dammit, i cant wait to chop these and start over.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
PTB says he thinks the heat is making them foxtail. We finally got the partner to stay away from everything (down side of that is he still collects) and we finally had the best room ever....only to come home from vacation and found out he didn't water 30 days into flower....6 girls died. Partners are bullshit...pretty soon PTB and I will be on our own and he can run shit the way he wants....haha, I pick out my work and usually get my way when I see an issue...:bashhead:


Or, to quote the Lifetime movie of the week, "FOR GOD'S SAKE! DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN!!
lol... sry, couldn't help myself...


Active member
Heat had always been a problem for me in the past, & yes the more the sativa the strain, the foxtails will come. I didn't do anything about the heat because, i was still getting product, & i grow personal.
Now, move to today. I upgraded my lights from a 400 to a 1000. No more light leaked rooms & proper ventilation.
Now my temps are a constant 80-82, 40% humidity , and my grows look better than ever.
My point is.. you know you have light leaks.. you know you have high heat, if thats your money maker.. put money into it, & everything will work out.
P.s... for god's sake.. quit damning him.... damn yourself :noway:


Active member
80f is 26c which isnt tooo extreme, but if its going to 85f then work on the cooling.
i think you need to use different strains tho, that one whilst its nice in its own way, looks like it might yeild little compared to what you could be doing. use something tried and tested with more indica in it instead of something so "fancy".


I just do the hand test if I think the light is to close to the plants.
I hold my hand directly under the light at the level the canopy is at for one minute, if it gets to hot for me to leave for that amount of time, then the light is to close.
Basically, I put the light as close as is possible without burning my hand when left under it for a minute, that's how i was taught as a complete noob, and now that I'm just half a noob I still do it that way.
I think the hand test sucks ass. Nothing personal, I've heard of that test many times and I think it results in lights WAAAY too close to plants.

Cannastats has a page on this, and so far his info is right on the money in my experience:

1k: no closer than 18 inches
600w: no closer than 12 inches
400w: no closer than 9 inches

I don't think this is just about heat. I have air-cooled hoods and if they get too close, the girls get all fucked up.


Active member
light intensity... the new bulbs and electronic ballasts throw out way more lumens than the old ones did... books haven't really updated that bit of info


be careful i had a grow partner once, he didn't do any work either and one day thought he was entitled to all the grow and I never saw it again.

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