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F*cking Frustrations---high heat---stubborn partners--


Active member
Just venting a little bit.

Basically im running 1000 watts for flowering give or take, and another 500 watts for my veg setups.

Right now my current grow is getting all fucked up. The buds are very nice quality and super frosty, however i am getting foxtails on all my top colas and some of the colas are looking very puny compared to my other grows.

These plants were only vegged two weeks from clone and then flowered, so maybe i need to veg longer.

Another issue is the heat, and the distance of my 400s from the plants. They are currently about 12-16 from the plant, but combined with the heat wave right now i think this is stressing out the plants. According to my genius partner ( who never wants to change anything) "its not the lights and heat bro...blah blah blah"

i want to raise my 400s by a few inches at least, he doesnt want to. Am i wrong? Should we just keep the lghts the same distance? The interesting thing is that while my top colas are all basically fucked with foxtails, my middle level colas all look amazing and nice and fat!!



also, my second batch of plants is showing severe nitrogen overdose, which doesnt make any sense because im using h3ads formula (6/9) and i even dilute it! Most of the time my plants are being fed with 3ml of micro per gallon mixed with 6ml of bloom. Im giving them half strengh dosage and they are still showing signs of overdose!! I am flushing them like crazy right now and nothings changing. all the nugs on my second batch look very underdeveloped, even though they had a nice 3 week veg.

So yea, all these problems are kinda overwhelming right now, especially combined with my partner who doesnt seem to want to help do anything right now. He took a bunch of clones last night and decided thats all he needs to do for the next week or so until harvest. THe thing that pisses me off the most is that he says "your forums are all bullshit".....im getting advice from experienced growers here on ICMAG and he says its BS, makes me wanna slap him in the face. he adheres strictly to Jorge Cervantes cannabible which i know is a good source, but he just wont budge when i offer ideas of changing our setups around, etc.

Man, im just kinda pissed off right now.


Active member
So tempted to just chop everything and start over, most of my first batch is already ready they just need a nice flush..... i only got 5 more months on my lease so i need to get a bunch of stuff vegging in the next few weeks so i can flower em soon.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You look like you've a sativa influenced strain. Foxtails come with the territory.

Raising lamps will relieve a small degree of proximity heat but will do nothing to lower cab temps. That takes air exchange or AC. Are you sure you're pumping enough air? Are your intakes a minimum of double your exhaust?

Ventilation 101


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I've grown with a partner before more than once, and only one time was it a success, every other try ended in them trying to backstab me over things that didn't even happen, or they just got greedy. Partners are a BAD idea in this game.

You're right to come here and ask questions. Mr. Cervantes has a lot of notions I do not agree with. If he won't let you raise the lights, then you have to either do it on your own without consulting him, or call it quits and tell him it's not going to work because of his attitude.


Active member
if you are running the lights during the day, could you do the opposite and run them at night when its cooler outside?

can you get a portable A/C unit?

relocate the ballasts??

as for the foxtailing, that is not your fault, it has more to do with the strain.

try a nice 100% indica next time.

sorry about the partner.


Active member
I just do the hand test if I think the light is to close to the plants.
I hold my hand directly under the light at the level the canopy is at for one minute, if it gets to hot for me to leave for that amount of time, then the light is to close.
Basically, I put the light as close as is possible without burning my hand when left under it for a minute, that's how i was taught as a complete noob, and now that I'm just half a noob I still do it that way.


Active member
thanks for all the input guys. i think i made my "partner" seem a little too evil here. Basically hes an OG in the weed game (not growing, selling).....we have been pretty much best friends since we were 12, we grew up next doors and have been partners in the hustle and bustle for quite a while, hes probably the only reason i am even into the herb business right now with growing and selling, i was just a basic stoner/customer until me and my partner got together and started making moves.

but yea, both of us are very hard headed, he wants it this way, i want it that. but unfortunately we both rely on eachother to make this happen, because i have most of the clients/capitol and he has most of the suppliers.

long story short, we are probably gonna be partners in this for a while, i guess its a matter of flexibilty and compromise, because neither of us can say "fuck you, im going solo" because we would both starve if that happened. and i dont want this to happen anyways because we make a pretty good team.

the strain we are growing that is foxtailing very bad is Purple Kush, and i guess all Kush do this, because we ran Strawberry Cough last time and it did ok. however this was during winter months when our grow room temps were in the 60-70s. its heat wave summer time now and grow room temps are an easy 80.

im thinking about going to costco and putting a portable AC on credit, but i want to make sure i buy a good unit. any particular models you recomend in terms of wattage vs output??


Active member
Sounds like your partner is pretty stubborn resulting in ignorance and stupidity.
Yes you have a big heat problem, I've had the same situation before. It was hard to change the ambient temps without using a A/C.
You should try moving the lights further away a little, but you will need to do something about the heat. Like more air circulation if you can't get a A/C.

About your nute problem, you might have nute lockout. You should flush with water about 3 times the pot size, then continue feeding after the soil dries up.

I have been flushing hardcore for 3 days now, using Clearex and PH balanced RO water.

Should i resume regular feeding regimen?

If my weak H3ads formula was causing nitrogen overdose, should i lower my GH micro? Im currently using about 3ml MICRO and 9ml Bloom. no other additives at all.


the strain we are growing that is foxtailing very bad is Purple Kush, and i guess all Kush do this

not all kushes fox tail. not the "real" ones. or the "good" ones really haha.

that "purple kush" you have, looks awfully familiar to a "purple kush" i had that had the same foxtail traits. it grews very vigourously in veg, but kinda lanky. about week 5 the buds start smelling "purple" and fruity. the lankiness did fill in... imo looks better on the plant than it burns in the bowl.

I believe the plant you have is really GARBERVILLE PURPLE KUSH

its an okay plant but i think you will be able to find better... unless of course you & your "friends" like it... then shit it does yeild well.

extra heat didn't cause the foxtails... the "real" purplekush i had next to them on the table grew into normal golf ball like kush nuggets.

anyhow my 2 cents....
hope all is well

good luck


Active member
^wow thats probably the exact strain i have, because i did buy the cuts sort of close to garbarville.

yea it looked very very good in veg, i was expecting so much more, until it started foxtailing like crazy,

it looks very good though, i cant wait to see what it smokes like dried.

but yeah, i guess im just gonna flower my PK mother, its not the best traits.

my grape apes arent looking to good either, very nitrogen sensitive.

Tony Danza

It seems weird that you have a nitrogen OD when running such light doses of Micro. I've never seen that with a H3ad base before, I've seen P OD's, but that was my fault for trying to push to hard with a booster. Now that you are flushed out, I'd go back on the 6/9 (or like 75% strength) for a bit before you start tapering off, and hope it works out, although, as advanced as that plant is, its probably doomed to scrimpiness.

And I've had many a long debate with partners back in the day. Over all kinds of shit. Now it's just me and shit goes how I want it too.


Active member
Yea i have no idea why im showing signs of nitrogen OD, really baffles and frustrates me. I have been flushing with clearex for three days should i go back to nutes?

And yeah, partners stink. But sometimes they are around to pick up the slack, like tonight i am super busy with work so hes been doing alot of the watering and transplanting today.

At this point i am more worried about why my plants are foxtailing and producing low yeilds rather than my stubborn roomate.

cali mike

Sometimes partners are a necessary evil. You two sound like you are both aries... like me and my brother. We butt heads big time but always seem to compromise in the end. My partner now is just never there. i do all the work, and have all the knowledge, and he just comes around every now an then. The good thing is that he has an excellent business ethic. Everything that is bought or any task preformed is always reimbursed off the top.

I use internet fourms as an information source for EVERYTHING! Cars, doctors, services, home improvement questions, products reviews, etc. These forums are the best way to find large groups of people with similar interests and passion, varying skill levels but always diverse information that allows you to pick and choose and formulate the best opinion. I settled on the IC because, out of the MANY forums dedicated to THIS subject, the IC has the highest percentage of intelligent, thoughtful, scientific-method-minded and passionate to the subject matter peeps as I could find.

As far as problems with genetics, I had problems with some cuts I obtained at a very overpriced, large club near the oakland waterfront. I think you know where. The grape ape you describe was similar to the one that gave me problems. At $25 a cut one would think you are buying quality, alas, caveat emptor.

I have fought a battle with heat as well. When temps go into the 90s, my buds get "fluffy" and it dosent matter how much indica genetics are in there, the finished product lacks the required "bag appeal". Do you have a thermostat controlling your fans? The best investment i think i ever made was to buy a Phason VTC-1D. This thing actually varies the speed of your fans based on all kinds of perameters you set. Take a look


also good luck with your parter, try to see where he is coming from maybe you will be able to reason with him.


Active member
^so true, how is your grape ape performing? i think they took these cuttings from plants that were about 2 weeks into flower.


New member
looks like copper def i got the same thing looks like nitro but the leaves grow retarded like and very skrony buds with very little sugar


Active member
GREAT now on top of everything some of my plants are SHOWING SEEDS.

FUCK god dammit i am so frustrated, i want to flush this whole grow down the toilet, i got such bad genetics. some of these plants dont even resemble normal flowering marijuana plants, im like WTF is going on!!!!!


Active member
light intensity stress... looks light heat stress but not heat releated... if your 400s r slammed and u have enough of em it might do it to the plants... especially with some weak genetics... try raising the lights 12" and see what happens to the new growth... with heat and light stress the affected parts DON'T get better :(

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
It looks exactly like the problem we have in a room right now...it was all changed and the ventilation and cooling was all wrong. I'm glad that the issue was NOT an issue....we're working on it right now....that shit is not acceptable.

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