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F*ck with a Bull - consider to get hurt!


Tropical Outcast
I don't care what a nations tradition is if they intentionally hurt/torture animals for public entertainment!
(or even if it's "only" for any other "reason")

In short:
I had a broad smile on my face reading the guy got his balls sliced open!
(maybe he got an idea how the Bull must feel)

Check out the video provided within the link.


Star bullfighter Jose Tomas gored in Mexico

The matador bled so profusely officials appealed for donors at the ring

One of Spain's top bullfighters, Jose Tomas, has been badly gored during a fight in Mexico, his manager says.
The matador was in a serious condition in hospital after losing several litres of blood, manager Salvador Boix said.
He received a 4-inch (10cm) tear to the groin when he was pierced by a 1,100 pound (500kg) bull, Navegante, in Saturday's fight in Aguascalientes.
The injury punctured one of Mr Tomas's veins and an artery and he was operated on immediately at the scene.
The 34-year-old bled so profusely that officials appealed over loudspeakers for compatible donors to come forward from the crowd, Mr Boix told the Spanish radio station Cadena Ser.
Mr Tomas, who has the relatively rare blood type A-, was then taken to hospital where he underwent surgery for a number of hours, his manager added.
Despite the dangers of their profession, top-level bullfighters are rarely seriously injured in the ring.


I don't care what a nations tradition is if they intentionally hurt/torture animals for public entertainment!
(or even if it's "only" for any other "reason")

In short:
I had a broad smile on my face reading the guy got his balls sliced open!
(maybe he got an idea how the Bull must feel)

Check out the video provided within the link.

Have some respect, the guys only doing something that is a huge part of their culture. Its a tragic event in any scenario, especially on the national screen and to a celebrated figure like the guy was.


Thats just a way of saying you dislike people who are different from you, in this case Spanish people who enjoy bullfights.


Tropical Outcast
Thats just a way of saying you dislike people who are different from you, in this case Spanish people who enjoy bullfights.

Not only Spanish, ANYONE who supports such actions!



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i have to agree with strain... culture is culture but i dont see bull fighting as any different then cock fighting and dog fighting....

and i cannot respect that part of spains culture.... to me its just the same as back in the day sacrificing people to gods.... Today its taboo as it should be... but back in the day in almost every ancient culture it was a huge part of their culture...

just because its part of someone culture doesnt mean its ok...


Oh wow that picture says a lot. Is that what bullfighting is? Shit i thought bullfighting was bull taming, my bad Strain. Just done a little reading on bullfighting, and i think i agree with y'all.


Why is hurting animals (or humans, I'm weird that way,) for entertainment worse than hurting them for, say, profit?


Cannabrex Formulator
The torture is "justified" with the explanation that the bull carcas goes to feed the poor.


In the same way that the spoils of the Nazis went to improve the Reich......

Any way you put it, bullfighting is a cruel, barbaric and unjustifiable "sport", and those who enjoy it should be chased around a ring for a while being poked with sharp sticks and harassed until some pencil-dicked twerp in tights kills them with a sword......how macho!


A foot without a sock...
In the same way that the spoils of the Nazis went to improve the Reich......

Any way you put it, bullfighting is a cruel, barbaric and unjustifiable "sport", and those who enjoy it should be chased around a ring for a while being poked with sharp sticks and harassed until some pencil-dicked twerp in tights kills them with a sword......how macho!

Well, that's a tad overstating it, but I'm with you on the cruel, barbaric nature of the "sport".

I saw a bullfight live in Spain once, I had to leave the arena...


Its very hard to justify peoples cultures & pastimes. What may seem barbaric to one person, may seem part of life to another. Bull fighting may seem barbaric, it is by its nature, a public spectacle. An animal dies, seems to suffer unnecessarily. It is also eaten. The Spanish may say "Tis better to die a Bull in a Bull Ring, then a Steer in an abbottoir.
He's got his bollocks, had a shag or 2, had a very good life & stands a fighting chance, (albeit a small one). Contrast this to a steer, he's fed crap most of his life, had his nuts cut off, has a shit existance, & finally is loaded off to an industrial unit, where there may or may not be untold suffering & cruelty, to be killed for industrial beefburgers etc. At this point please read or watch Fast Food Nation. Some may say that we shouldnt even eat meat at all, animals have to die & its never going to be pretty. I feel slightly uneasy at having to adopt other peoples morals. Hitler himself was a vegetarian, an animals rights pioneer. He was the first european politician to ban foxhunting. I can see a time coming when we all have to have the same morals, the trouble is who decides?
I believe simply that if you dont like something, then dont do it. The only thing that needs banning, are people that want to bann everything.
We have to able to decide, make up our minds freely, and hopefully make an enlightened decision. I would hope in future a civilised society would also include tolerance & freedom to choose as part of the standards by which we are judged.
Bull fighting, hunting, fishing, kids ghillying for crabs off a pier, pet animals, who decides? where do you stop? Just make up your own mind, why inflict your views on someone else.
The point of my post is that here we have a situation where my politicians are telling me my dog cant chase a bloody hare round a field because its barbaric, at the same time they employ cluster bombs on little children
One last point, in a civilised society should we be allowed to smoke drugs, right?
Not trying to troll or flame, I know that people get quite emotional on this subject, so dont hate me. lol.


I'm of Spanish descent and I was cheering right along with the bulls.Some things are just wrong and to blame it on diversity of culture doesn't make it any better.


Andinismo Hierbatero
excellent news! fuck bullfights and everyone involved in them, they deserve all the pain they get.

torture is not culture!


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