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Extremely Stable Euphoric Strains


Non Conformist


I would suggest Shiva Skunk from Sensi Seeds. Some very nice grape tasting phenos in there, it's euphoric and stable. I would also suggest Misty from Homegrown Fantaseeds, very good bud! The Bubblegum from THSeeds is another good euphoric strain.... I didn't think Sensi Star was euphoric. I thought it was potent, but a heavy no talk, do nothing but eat and go to sleep, burnout strain. The smell of that burnt rubber gives me a headache, didn't like that at all. You could open a jar of that and smell it from the other side of the house, it was loud! Not my thing tho.... Oh, Budda's Sister from Soma is another good one too.... Good luck on yer search! Take care... BC


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
bubblegum sounds perfect for you. its damn stable, a decently quick finisher, i found it to be a good yeilder, and tastes nice and fruity.

I see alot of people saying that white label has the pink bubblegum in it, i like thast more than the grapey/piney/earthy kind of bubble. So im gonna try that next.
Yeah I was also thinking about Serious Bubblegum but Maple Leaf Indica and Sensi Star both sound good also

Has anybody ever gotten a Maple leaf indica or sensi star hermie before?


Active member
overmind1632 said:
Has anybody ever gotten a Maple leaf indica or sensi star hermie before?
Probably because any strain could hermie.

I'll give you my experience with fem'd seeds. They are said to be prone to hermies. Well, I grew out Dutch Passion and Greenhouse fem'd outdoor. One of the fem'd fell off a two story balcony and I had to pick the seedling out of the grass and repot it. The stem was bruised and growth was stunted. Later during that grow early in flower someone found my site and I had to move everything overnight, some were in pots, some had a week early been transplanted from pots into the ground. So I had to "untransplant" the ones in the ground back into pots to move them. I was inexperienced and in a hurry and didn't stake the plants when I moved them. All of their stems bent badly, some more or less cracked and from then on needed to be staked. I moved them in a car many miles away. They stayed covered in garbage bags for at least 24 hours and after that were not fed or watered much. That's a lot of stress. Needless to say they didn't turn out great, but none hermied. Talk about stress though, those plants had it. Even the little one that fell off the balcony survived and never hermied.

So did you have a run or two with a single strain that hermied or multiple runs with different strains?

What kind of stresses are you expecting them to be under?

At any rate, I would expect MLI or Sensi Star not to hermie, at least not multiple plants and probably not any.
The only stress I am expecting and know will occur is light stress due to Irregular light hours. I also don't plan on growing fem seeds.


cktRAVEl said:
No body in this thread called sensi star the holy grail nor gave it a god status.

Perhaps explaining why sensi star doesn't fit overmind1632's criteria would be a more appropriate post rather than exaggeration and rhetoric.

Please back up your statement with facts from your own personal grow with sensi star or at least a smoke report.

lol, you think I just made it up out of thin air? Why on earth would I offer an opinion on pot I haven't smoked?

I have an opinion, I gave it, sorry it doesn't suite you.


Thai sativa or Hawaiian maui waui best high ive experienced the fresh thai. I cant stand the indica myself... its up and go for me


Active member
overmind1632 said:
On this topic, does anybody know the strain lineages/genetic make up of Sensi Star and Maple Leaf Indica

MLI is a pre soviet Afghan strain. Supposedly the Soviets destroyed a lot of the good landrace strains when they invaded in 1979(?). On sensi's site they call it a relatively new strain but it's relative as to when the article was written and how long they've been a seedbank.

You might find some clues doing searches on Sensi Star but it's pretty difficult to find any good info.


cktRAVEl said:
no bro...i don't think you made it up...but I did wonder what led you to deprecate Sensi Star when it hadn't been mentioned by any posters as being a strain that would fit overmind's criteria.

I applaud you for having you own opinion...just asking why you have it.

It's pretty weed and a good grower, but I find the buzz simple and lacking something. I do like the way it tastes and smells.

I wouldn't ever call it euphoric, and for me I get burnt out on it pretty easily.

I used to love it, was the first one in line to say it was the best weed ever, then I started trying more and more strains and come to the conclusion that I didn't really like it.

and ya someone mentioned it being "blissfull"
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VirginHarvester said:
MLI is a pre soviet Afghan strain. Supposedly the Soviets destroyed a lot of the good landrace strains when they invaded in 1979(?). On sensi's site they call it a relatively new strain but it's relative as to when the article was written and how long they've been a seedbank.

You might find some clues doing searches on Sensi Star but it's pretty difficult to find any good info.

Interesting, so is Sensi suggesting that MLI is very similar to Mazar-i-Sharif? Good thing Mazar-i-Sharif is being offered as a freebie to those lucky to get it


Active member
overmind1632 said:
Interesting, so is Sensi suggesting that MLI is very similar to Mazar-i-Sharif? Good thing Mazar-i-Sharif is being offered as a freebie to those lucky to get it
No, and if you look at pictures of the plants you'll see it's nothing like Mazaar. They were trying to make a point about unique pure lines from that region of Afghanistan. Sensi is saying that prior to the invasion the growers in that region protected MLI and wouldn't give it to the rest of the world but did for posterity when the Soviets came. Whether true or not, who knows. But if you find some pics of MLI you'll see it's different. I might be able to send you some via pm.


Active member
By the way, nobody has mentioned Northern Lights #5. I've never smoked it but considered it a night time, mostly indica smoke, one of the classics. Anyone have any experience with NL5 and if it's a euphoric strain?


ICMag Donor
overmind1632 said:
I was wondering if anybody could provide me with some strains that meet the following criteria

1. Extremely Stable like A11 and C99 so that it will never hermie if stressed
2. Flowerings in 9 or less weeks and easy to grow
3. Produces a Euphoric high that stimulates one's appetite
4. Good tasting/smelling, maybe berry/fruit
5. Relaxing stone or if racing, then after racing comes a relaxing/sleepy stone
6. Low odor when grown but this one isn't that important

Thanks guys

Growdoc's Angel Dust ticks all those boxes several times over :yes: :yes: :yes:

Growdoc has been working with this plant to help stimulate appetite for as long as we've known him!!! It's his fastest flowering plant!!! :canabis:

Commercial growers hated the yield (small) ,, but they digged the dope (high grade), sein!

All the best in your quest... :D
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