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They probably feel the people that wont believe them are aliens also working towards a different alien agenda then the original aliens

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
T, good watch. :) I'll add this link to my ET evidence thread.

If you think about it, how inhumane are the actions of the ruling elite? VERY inHUMANe indeed. ;)


Domesticator of Cannabis
Do you know how many chromosomes Cro-Magnon had? Are Cro-M the giants we've all heard about breeding with the woman (insert genesis quote here)?

Africans are the most genetically diverse in the world. They can have different facial characteristics, stature, skin colour, hair, genetics, and other characteristics. No one set of characteristics is more African than another.

I'm down for the Nazi inventions, the earthly based ones that is.


"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and when daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Genesis. 6: 1-4.
El was the "God" whose sons saw that the daughters of men were fair.

Another Squishy Neck for the Ape.
This beauty is from one of those
ET Alien Island Landing Strips!



Active member
I'd have a doctor look at that.

Hey Howdy Sirgrassalot! I never knew I had it. One day while me and my pop wer drinkin I was tellin him bout the Ship I saw. He kept tellin me "So wat?" He was a drinker but a sensible man. I told him "Dont ya care if theres et out there?" He kept sayin "SO what?" and askin "Whats it meen?". I told hin I dont know but I seenem. He said "So what?" and "Wadda fukks it meen? :abduct: -Then I aske him if he ever seen one and he got real aggitated and teared up and bowed his head and showed me his "mole" on his neak. He said "They put it there." He showed me his mole and told me that "they put it in him." :abduct: We wer with a couplew friends and I laughed at him a bit. It was k9inda a nervous laughf. He NEVER said ANYTHING like this before. He was from Hungary and didnt know SHITT bout ufo's. He was a Hungarian refuge from back in the Hungarian revolution. Kinda funny I guess. I mighta rote it off as somkinda unexplaned babblin. But waddafukk. Rite there and then I felt the back of my neak and felt that thing. If it wasnt for my pop tellin me bout his experiance and showin me his mole I woulda never knew I had one there in the xact same spot. -Mabey its just coincedence but I wouldnt be suprized if it got somethin to do with the Ships of Light.


Since the aliens have been using me for experiments I have been suffering from severe psyhcological abberations...I think I'm starting to enjoy the anal probes.... but in a manly sort of way.


If Adam and Eve begat Cain and Abel then who did they marry? No cheating now...No sisters are mentioned at all....anywhere....


Active member
Hey I didnt know them cromagnum folks wer so tall. So then what are we, all neanderthal? Im bout as tall as that neanderthal guy. And that dude's got my pops hairline fershure. I got it too. We got 2 eyebrows each but the outside ends of our eyebrows blend into our hairlines. No forehead either. I aint never gonna go bald Brudda! My pop lived to be 73 with his "mole".


Active member
If Adam and Eve begat Cain and Abel then who did they marry? No cheating now...No sisters are mentioned at all....anywhere....

Its been gone over but I dont mind. They bred with the ape people God made outside of the garden. They wer made while God was makin earth, and the Garden for Adam. They wer made kinda incedentally. Kinda like the waste that gets acumilated while doin construction. These are the people that the devil was able to fukk with before Adam was kikkt outta the Garden. The ddevil was molding these people before he fukkt with Adam and his family.



"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and when daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Genesis. 6: 1-4.
El was the "God" whose sons saw that the daughters of men were fair.

Another Squishy Neck for the Ape.
This beauty is from one of those
ET Alien Island Landing Strips!


Genesis Chapter 6 describe the origins of the Nephilim:

"Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.... The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.

so, we know the Elohim (sometimes transliterated as Aleim which is suspiciously close to the word alien) or the sons of gods, fallen Angeles, demons or whatever you want to call them took the daughters of men creating the nephilim... well, who were these nephilim (giants)?
interestingly enough the Aramaic the word Nephila specifically refers to the constellation of Orion, so Nephilim means the descendants of the ones coming from the Orion constellation...(btw the pyramids also represent Orions belt, hmmm)
we know the nephilim were giants, According to the Book of Numbers Anak forefather of the Anakites (aka. Anakim..Anakim means the "long-necked ones") were descendants of the Nephilim (Numbers 13:33). The text also states that Anak was a Rephaite.

the Israelite leader Moses sends twelve spies representing the twelve tribes of Israel to scout out the land of Canaan, and give a full report to the congregation. they bring back samples of the fruit of the land... most notably a gigantic cluster of grapes which requires two men to carry it on a pole between them. the spies discourage the Israelites from even attempting to possess the land, they reported that the men were giants,and that they felt like grasshoppers in their presence. and the sons of Anak (the long necks) dwell in the land.
if anyone's interested, the story of the Nephilim is chronicled more fully in the Books of Enoch, as well as Jubilees.... they also connect the origin of the Nephilim with the fallen angels, and in particular with the Grigori (watchers). Samyaza, an angel of high rank, is described as leading a rebel sect of angels in a descent to earth to have sexual intercourse with human females.
According to these texts, the fallen angels who begat the Nephilim were punished and cast into a place of 'total darkness' possibly into the earth.. However, Jubilees also states that God granted a percentage of the Nephilim to remain after the flood, as demons, to try to lead the human race astray.

another interesting note.In addition to Enoch, the Book of Jubilees (7:21-25) also states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time. The Biblical reference to Noah being "perfect in his generations" may have referred to his having a clean, Nephilim-free bloodline..


Domesticator of Cannabis
The Cro-Magnon are originally from Atlantis, maybe? Noah would need to know how to build an ark. Only peoples that knew agriculture would have such advanced knowledge. After the flood agriculture springs right up like it had been done before. This knowledge comes from displaced peoples after the flood. It wouldn't take much for people from Atlantis to travel to the continents before the flood. Cro-Magnon's haplogroup X are found in America mostly amongst Algonkians & other tribes with language like the Ojibwa. It's also been found in two pre-Colombian North American populations. Cro-Magnoid skulls had been found deep in South America as far south as Chile. They were the Serpents with the knowledge.
After the flood they would be aliens to the natives & disliked especially if your women fraternized with them.

The last commandment instructs the Jews not to covet (lust after) their neighbour's wife. As morally sound as this may seem, this particular instruction has a much deeper meaning. Moses was instructing them to keep to themselves, not to mix with their neighbouring peoples or race groups, to keep themselves pure, to keep themselves apart, never again to commit the Original Sin.


The Jews are known as God's Chosen People. The word for 'chosen' is bâchîyr (#972, see copy of text from Strong's Dictionary below). What strikes one immediately is that the word immediately preceding bâchîyr is bâchîyn, a watch-tower. The word Watchtower is synonymous with the Jehova's Witnesses group, and in esoteric circles the watchtowers refer to the abode of the Guardians (the Watchers). In the above context, there can be little doubt that the nonsensical concept of the Jews being God's Watchtowers became God's Chosen (Ones). The Hebrew characters could easily have become misinterpreted in this way, as the symbols of the two words are almost identical (see transformation of 'watchtower' to 'chosen' below). When Moses stated that the Jews were God's Chosen people, he actually said

"You are (the people of) the Watchtowers (the Pyramids), you are the Guardians, the Watchers, you are the survivors of Atlantis".


The strange word 'êlôhîym may be considered as a combination of the words 'êl (#410, 'mighty'), 'ôw (#176, 'desire, lust'), hîy' (#1931, 'he, they, those') and 'îm (#5973, 'with, from among'), rendering 'those mighty (men) of lust'. The other name to appear in this text is the Hebrew word Chôrêb, which may likewise comprise a combination of chôwr (#2715, 'white, pure, noble') and rîyb (#7379, 'a cause, strife, contest'), rendering 'the cause of the noble (ones)'.





"The last commandment instructs the Jews not to covet (lust after) their neighbour's wife. As morally sound as this may seem, this particular instruction has a much deeper meaning. Moses was instructing them to keep to themselves, not to mix with their neighbouring peoples or race groups, to keep themselves pure, to keep themselves apart, never again to commit the Original Sin."

just to be clear.. At no time, before or after Flood, did God destroy or threaten to destroy the human race for the sin of racially mixed unions! and if you think that then you might have bigger problems....
In the Old Testament, the designation "sons of God" (bene Elohim) is never used of humans, but always of supernatural beings that are higher than man but lower than God.. you know the ETs! :abduct:.... but if you can find an instance id like to read it.

anyone interested in cro magnon should check out the Lascaux caves France.(links below)
did you know they had an advanced an knowledge astronomy they maped the stars and had a lunar calendar..and scientist recently found a 32,500-year-old ivory tablet with the stars in the constellation Orion.. Orion again? hmmm


Domesticator of Cannabis
LoL, the drama....it's like the sound track from an ET sightings video

Orion. Orion is one of the most noticeable constellations in Earth's sky. Betelguese is one of two prominent stars in Orion. Ancient Egyptians identified their god Osiris with Orion. In fact, Orion has had special significance for many cultures throughout history. Orion constellation is known to stargazers today as "the hunter."

-----------------------------------The Hunter, Nimrod

Mention of Nimrod in the Bible is rather limited. According to the "documentary hypothesis" of the Bible's origin, the Jahwist writer(s) make the earliest mention of Nimrod.[1] He is described as the son of Cush, grandson of Ham, great-grandson of Noah; and as "a mighty one on the earth" and "a mighty hunter before the Lord". He also appears in the First Book of Chronicles and in the Book of Micah.

Nimrod is said to be the founder and king of the first empire after the Flood, and his realm is connected with the Mesopotamian towns Babylon (Babel), Uruk, Akkad and Calneh. He is mentioned in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10), where he is said to have founded many cities. Owing to an ambiguity in the original Hebrew text, it is unclear whether it is he or Asshur who additionally founded Nineveh, Resen, Rehoboth-Ir and Calah, and both of these interpretations are reflected in the various English versions.(Genesis 10:8–10)

There are several versions about how Semiramis became the first recorded “Mother of God” in the history of world religious systems. It seems that after the death of Nimrod, Semiramis magically bore a son, Tammuz. Since she could not have conceived the child from the dead Nimrod, she proclaimed it to have been a miracle conception and that Tammuz was Marduk reborn.

God whom do you speak of? Remember what I said about you thinking for me? You are consistent.

I never said anything about any god destroying anything.

another interesting note.In addition to Enoch, the Book of Jubilees (7:21-25) also states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time. The Biblical reference to Noah being "perfect in his generations" may have referred to his having a clean, Nephilim-free bloodline..

The last commandment instructs the Jews not to covet (lust after) their neighbour's wife. As morally sound as this may seem, this particular instruction has a much deeper meaning. Moses was instructing them to keep to themselves, not to mix with their neighbouring peoples or race groups, to keep themselves pure, to keep themselves apart, never again to commit the Original Sin.


St. Elsewhere
You guys are fun to watch, though the feudal undertone wouldn't be missed.

I'm going to throw out one of my more interesting connections/musings about Egypt. I won't directly make a connection back to Extraterrestrials in this post, probably, but it's definitely related.

Let's suppose that there was a civilization called Atlantis...

There is a group of islands in the Atlantic, off the coast of Africa, called the Canary Islands.


Now, it's been alleged that civilization made it from the "continent" of Atlantis (Though I know it's now thought that it might have been more of a global civilization, whatever) to the Canary Islands, and then onto the continent of Africa, and most importantly, Egypt.

Well, on the Canary Islands, they've found (like many others places in the world) anomalous tall, thin, red haired mummies called the "Gaunches". These Canarian redheads had even built small step pyramids on the islands with the same proportions as the Egyptian pyramids, with similar East-West alignment.


Now, this is a bit meandering, I know, but let's talk about the Egyptian God Set. Set was pictured as white/red skinned with red hair. He was initially seen as the God of the Desert, God of Foreigners, God of storms, etc. Until he was later turned into the prototype for Satan due to the feuding between the Cult of Set and the Cult of Osiris.

Foreigners with red hair, eh? Seems to fit the thought that the Atlantean civilization could have had, for lack of a better term, Nordic features. It's also well known that redheads were often used in sacrifice in Egypt, possibly reflecting a feud between these redhaired foreigners and the possibly pre-existing civilizations of Egypt.

Now here's where it gets interesting. The main cause of red hair as we know it, is mutation in the MC1R gene. Recently scientists have used this link to suggest that Neanderthal might have had red hair, fair skin, and even freckles. This flies in the face of prior theories of our relation to Cro-magnum and non-relation to Neanderthal. It now seems as though the two species interbred. This also suggests, however, that the Atlanteans were Neanderthal, not Cro-magnum.

I still have alot of research to do on the subject, but I definitely think there's something to it. Any input is appreciated.

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