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Bodhisattva of the Earth
sorry folks, I had the wrong link.......no wonder Feyd said, "not seein it there chief,"

sirgrassalot said he'd seen this stuff on the Disclosure Project before......which I never had until tonight.

Well, if 400 respectable honest individuals who were a part of the Military Industrial Complex who risked there reputations have come forth to testify infront of Congress ain't convincing enough then go on living a blissfull life....lol.....we all are a part of creation or life is all I really know anyway.

This has been very enlightening for my sick ass, I can't do much right now, but try to get better......Love you all, desi!


Active member
people who dont believe in aliens are dillholes. :joint:

we've explored 2% of the ocean, we're finding new species everyday...we can barely keep track of shit on earth.

lets explore the other 99.9999999999999% of the universe. :abduct:


Active member
believing in aliens is like believing in god.

does everyone see the similarity? you cant see either.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
One more for the night........."I think we got aliens right here on ICMAG!" I can't see em' BUT I KNOW there here.....he,he,he

And they aren't... "pink floating elephants!"


Active member
One more for the night........."I think we got aliens right here on ICMAG!" I can't see em' BUT I KNOW there here.....he,he,he

And they aren't... "pink floating elephants!"

INDEED Desi.......indeed!

I had some rum in my java last night but none of then floating pink elephants came around. Must not have had enough.

Hey Desi I had that surreal experience again last night where I smelled my late husbands cigar and after shave....it gives me chills as it is the second time it has happened. granny is losing her mind.......alien maybe....te he


Active member
believing in aliens is like believing in god.

does everyone see the similarity? you cant see either.

I don't believe in aliens or gods. SOOOO I guess I am a DILLHOLE....WTF that is but I don't believe in superstitions. I am a SHOW ME person....

then I believe what I see.


Active member
So intelligent aliens have come here & fucked up the planet. Work with our governments, everyones our just the USA? LMAO. They don't sound so intelligent, are you sure do you have any proof, how about a photo? A nice crisp shot, we humans have that technology now most people walking around with it handy too but nothing not a single shred of actual proof. We've seen it ALL all the photos & garbage videos the disclosure group of very special people ~ They've all been posted here before. The only people supporting this are peeps like the nutty astronaut & his buddy that Asian guy who's just as messed up. There's nothing new, its Yesterday's Papers.

Now here's some fact about what's out there, the BLOB

Scientists find big space blob from early universe but no space aliens visiting our galaxy.


WE THE PEOPLE of earth fucked up this planet and economy and not some alien presence we can blame.



Active member
it is my opinion that anyone who claims to have seen or been in direct contact with extra terrestrial life is lying, or delusional.

just my opinion, so don't get up in arms over it if you claim the contrary.

it's just silly, really.



Paint Your DreamStrain
Hey Desi I had that surreal experience again last night where I smelled my late husbands cigar and after shave....it gives me chills as it is the second time it has happened. granny is losing her mind.......alien maybe....te he

I think that's relatively common to vividly recall smells that you have strong emotions towards, like that of people places and things important to you.


Active member
I think that's relatively common to vividly recall smells that you have strong emotions towards, like that of people places and things important to you.

It is very weird and it happens when I am alone that I smell cigars and my late husbands after shave, a rare fragrance... I swear he is with me here. Makes me feel guilty as I am remarried and feel like a traitor sort of......and I am not a superstitious person either. But he told me to move on and love again .....so if he is here he would understand as I also would have wanted him to find another if I had died first. TRUE LOVE is not selfish FO SHO!

But we were married many years and I married him at 15 so I guess my old mind is playing tricks on granny.


it is my opinion that anyone who claims to have seen or been in direct contact with extra terrestrial life is lying, or delusional.

just my opinion, so don't get up in arms over it if you claim the contrary.

it's just silly, really.

I completely agree. I've been to too many religious events to discount the possibility of the mind inventing all of these experiences.


St. Elsewhere
I completely agree. I've been to too many religious events to discount the possibility of the mind inventing all of these experiences.

Gonna run with this. Hope no one minds.


The Global Consciousness Project.

These Random numbers generators called EGGs all around the world have been recording their results since 1999. They show documented evidence of the power of instances of group consciousness to affect reality. Basically, let's take 9/11 for example here, as these numbers are generated, they are run through a logarithmic function to decide how likely it was for a given sequence or pattern to occur. IE, non-random anomolies. So when the towers were hit, the EGGs registered a "spike". Similar "spikes" are registered during large group meditations.

Also, not sure the validity of this particular study, but it's implications are just as astounding-


In this study, baby ducklings were taught to "imprint" certain objects as their "Mother". This has been consistently documented in a lab setting. You could convince these ducklings that say, a balloon is their mother.

Now we have a group of ducklings that are imprinted with a special robot. This robot has an onboard random number generator that determines a random distance, the robot then moves said distance straight forward and stops. Then the RNG determines an angle value, the robot then rotates said degrees.

The robots were then monitored over a period of time, with the baby ducklings in a cage in one room, and with an empty cage in the control study.

Well, this is what happened. Figure A is the control experiment in which the cage is empty. Figure B is with the imprinted chicks in the cage.


This, in my opinion, is pretty solid evidence, if the study was done and presented honestly, but I can't quite speak for that yet. But it suggests that consciousness, in many forms, has the ability to shape the world around it.


Active member
CC.....so,the federation of light are here on this planet and they are working with the governments!!And,as if that werent enuf,they like Obama!!!!
Oh,this has all gotten a little out of hand hasnt it,lol,I mean what the fuck is an obama to an alien species?You have just raised him to godlike levels.....Obama,Alien Approved!!
Now everyone,please stare at the end ofmy little thingy here.........

The only thing that graph and study proves is robots would rather be by chicks!!


I see the hope for many including myself to experience contact before we bite dust as really nothing different than whats happening with the worlds established religions.People having faith in something thats currently unprovable,having convictions so strong on the matter that namecalling is a blessing.I never want to behead someone that doesnt believe we'el have alien contact in our lifetimes lol.Its just seems like a whole new religion


St. Elsewhere
Its just seems like a whole new religion

Oh definitely, just not quite as thoroughly institutionalized, though people are still making bank off of it.

I personally think Atheism and Skepticism have become almost Dogmas unto themselves, in a paradoxical self-defeating way. Not slighting self-proclaimed Atheists or Skeptics, I just think their attachment to those aforementioned definitions prevent them from keeping the open-mindedness that led them to such things.


The Tri Guy
Kings used to state their divine rights, even create new gods to suport them, it seems as though obama is using the americans belief in aliens (no where on earth believes in aliens half as much as they do in america) to claim an intergalactic right. Get the ufo beleivers supporting him and thats a whole lot of votes.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
To those who actually know, this is like having someone tell us that our toes are figments of our imagination. It's a little annoying, but ultimately I understand where you are coming from because I was once without this knowledge myself and was skeptical. Nothing to do with religion, quite the opposite, actually. I am quite happily without any structured religion. My family and many of my friends are what you'd call "spiritually diverse". We are extremely spiritual, but not religious. Religion is what happens to spirituality when a person or group of people decide to flock a group of people together for selfish purposes. Spirituality is what religious people are really after when they go to church, or temple. :) Not religion. Anyhow...

Knowing there's life out there doesn't scare us. It's like... Okay, the garden needs tilling, and the dog needs a bath, aliens visit our planet, and there's a chicken missing from the flock, and the house needs painting, the crop needs to be watered and fed, and my son needs to go to the dentist. Hehehe. Not much different from many of you, I reckon. If you want to know what's really going on, use youtube... search for ufo sightings, aliens, Philip Schneider, Disclosure Project, etc. Watch out for fake videos, they're pretty easy to discern from the real deal though.


Active member
To those who actually know, this is like having someone tell us that our toes are figments of our imagination. It's a little annoying, but ultimately I understand where you are coming from because I was once without this knowledge myself and was skeptical.
I hear Ya CC. I guess its beter then bein the guy with the big hairy testicle growin outta each eyebrow. He says the worlds pink and fuzzy and dont go past his nose. When Ya tellem thats not so, and he got a big hairy testicle growin outta each eyebrow he says :abduct:"Naa... There aint no such thing as ET's.":abduct:


The Tri Guy
To those who actually know, this is like having someone tell us that our toes are figments of our imagination. quote]

ok lets get real, you dont KNOW you BELIEVE, some of us don't. In the strictest sense of the word, we don't even know that our fingers and toes are not figments of our imagination, but we have scientific proof that they aren't, and it's helpfull to go with the belief that scientific proof is proof enough to be usefull to us, so we use the term, "we know" them to be real. We don't even have scientific proof of aliens vissiting the earth. A lot of us believe that there are aliens out there, but what we don't believe is that they are here. To tell people to use youtube as some form of encylopeadian knowledge base is pretty laughable to be honest. :wallbash:


Domesticator of Cannabis
To those who actually know, this is like having someone tell us that our toes are figments of our imagination. It's a little annoying, but ultimately I understand where you are coming from because I was once without this knowledge myself and was skeptical. Nothing to do with religion, quite the opposite, actually.

Knowing there's life out there doesn't scare us. It's like...Disclosure Project, etc. Watch out for fake videos, they're pretty easy to discern from the real deal though.

You can see the similarities though both believe in something superior to man they cannot prove exists. Like a child who believes in Santa or the Easter Bunny. Sure enough there was gifts & chocolates the next day.
I've touched on the special people already a bunch of who shot John. I'm willing to testify to that before congress.


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