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Extraordinary Shed


Feeling good is good enough.
Thank you so much for sharing this fine piece of Stoner's igenuity!

4Ks in that space will ROCK the buds my friend.

Best of lucks!


Looks real nice, you should yield heavy from that setup.
my neighbor has a grow in his shed, when he opens the door the light looks like aliens are landing. not very stealth, I can see it from 100 yards away. Luckily nobody else could see it where it is.

grow nerd

Thanks for all the kind comments, everyone.

To clear up any confusion, this is not my shed; I just designed / modified / installed it for a customer. (That's what I do.)

That should automatically answer the question about keeping kids out. Actually, I do know that he's planning on just playing dumb w/ his kid; I also know that it's not gonna fly for long.

headfortrinity, same situation here. This grow was actually scaled down to 3kw in order to accommodate more space for a 55gal drum and dehumidifier, as well as the owner's paranoia about the power bill (not so much in terms of $$ but extra usage). I suggested installing a small man trap room in that space (with a door, obviously) to solve the issue of light spewing out when opening the entrance door.


Hey GN, nice work on the shed. How are you going to handle the volume of hot air release? I'm assuming this isn't a legal med grow since the owner is concerned about power consumption. I've seen FLIR DEA images and places such as this stand out fairly well.



hey gn, whats up i just ran a 100a indoor breaker box and did all my wirering.next weekend i will be putting up my insulation. i will do the walls and roof in the reflective foil,then cover them with 1'4x8 styrfoam insulation with the reflective foil on it aswell. ive not found a small cooling unit yet any ideals for me i have a small 110v window unit in storage but i was wanting to run a duct system. tell me more on your venting system. i live ing a hot zone where the gov.chopers fly over with irimaging devices so all air will have to be removed and duct away from my setup. i wish i had a water well dug close and a blower to pump the air in to the underground springwater and then let it exscape. but i have a nother plan in mind.


Hey GN. The reason why I asked the question about FLIR is that it seems like you are going to be exhausting a large volume of heated air with the 3 or 4k in lighting and as you said "Stealth is a high concern and priority".

The best way that I've seen for handling this is to use a ductless split or anti-freeze type of chiller AC and run a sealed or semi sealed room (perhaps a thermostat controlled ridge mounted carbon filter and small exhaust fan to help the AC some)... this type of room seems to have the vitally important stealth benefit of no/not beyond the norm heat release emanating from an outbuilding/container/trailer. In addition there would have been added cost and labor benefits of not having to do any ceiling framing and light cooling/sound dampening.

UrbanGrower did a nice video piece about a stealthy container grow. The youtube link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIkuZSFPHpM

This type of portable growing system has always seemed very attractive to me and I'm sure others (especially when you have to rent). You get that dreaded 'call' and you are able to load up and move your 'PRIVATE' grow structure/container on short notice and without much hassle. Or you do what I do and just say "You can look everywhere you want but that shed/container/trailer is mine and you have no business going thru it".

Your client seems a bit paranoid, perhaps he's better off only growing a few trees using the KBS. That way if something goes sideways he's super low on what matters most... plant count.

I was very interested in your reply since you seem to know your stuff: "To clear up any confusion, this is not my shed; I just designed / modified / installed it for a customer. (That's what I do.)". Container/Trailer/Portable Structure growing is a great option for many of us so I'm always keen to learn new methods from an expert.



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
heya gn!
just popped in to see what the fuss is all about.
where are your fluids going?
you know, condensation and the w from dtw......
is it actually plumbed or what?
looking good,

grow nerd

jyme, a ductless split will probably work well for you.

od123, not concerned about law enforcement; they are not the enemy.

humble1, yes it's plumbed out.

Sorry I didn't take / post more pictures as promised; sometimes I don't get around to taking pictures after a 14+ hour workday.


As far as heat goes if the shed is in the north it is probably just enough heat to have a closed system in the winter.

The double 5/8th drywall is a great idea, but I probably wouldn't have gone back and cut holes in it. It looks better the way you did it but sound will get through the plugs like they're holes. :)

grow nerd

hkush, obviously depends on the size of the A/C.

The hole was necessary for running the refrigerant lines for a mini split A/C.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
humble1, yes it's plumbed out.
sweet. people often neglect that little detail. did you have to trench it yourself? what a slog, huh?

does the outside unit on your A/C make much noise? I always wonder about A/C external units that run during winter......lol

grow nerd

stoney419, thanks; been a fan of your grow shows for a while. Didn't know that was in a shed, when I had skimmed through the thread in the past.

humble1, fortunately no. The shed is located next to a swimming pool, and also near a large patch of gravel surrounding the concrete. The minimal waste is simply drained out into the ground/gravel via buried PVC. The outside unit is very quiet, both the compressor and the fan.


You MAY get problems using such small pieces of board, like them breaking up, getting small openings.
I'm no professional but that's what the professional(who specializes in this) i worked with for a year told me. The pieces should be 30 centimeters at least to avoid breaking of the "seals" when the wall "works".
I hope this is understandable, I'm missing the proper english words.
We obeyed this rule even though we normally worked with a metall framework, i guess on a more lively wodden framework its even more important.
Just my 2 cents.
Nice shed!