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Extra Medical Marijuana

Flying Goat

I would donate to medical patients who are hard up trying to live on their disability pensions...

So long as no cash changes hands, you are not "selling."

I would also have a cupboard full of MJ tinctures, oils, butters, ground & brown, etc., as these are not "smokable product."

HB642, our Compassionate Use Act here in Alabama, permits us to have 2.5 oz. of "smokable product"... I'll be keeping a couple jars in the freezer, all wrapped in butcher paper.

I will have to read again, but our Bill also provides that we can sell it - so long as we are not making a profit, but merely recouping some of the growing expenses...

Please take a look at my thread on Legalization in Alabama & jot a short group Email to the Judiciary Committee (addresses provided). You don't have to be in Bama or even in the US to be effective.

Florida, Georgia & Tennessee are watching closely to see how this goes down in Bama.

If you decide to write, you can remain anonymous... Please do so before Wednesday, March 31st, as that is the date the bill is being presented in Montgomery.


I would also have a cupboard full of MJ tinctures, oils, butters, ground & brown, etc., as these are not "smokable product."

HB642, our Compassionate Use Act here in Alabama, permits us to have 2.5 oz. of "smokable product"... I'll be keeping a couple jars in the freezer, all wrapped in butcher paper.

In CO the laws say you can possess "(I) No more than two ounces of a usable form of marijuana" "(i) "Usable form of marijuana" means the seeds, leaves, buds, and flowers of the plant (genus) cannabis, and any mixture or preparation thereof, which are appropriate for medical use as provided in this section, but excludes the plant's stalks, stems, and roots"

Sooo, technically, in CO a pound of cannabutter should count as a pound on your weight. I dont know if this has been tested in court, maybe someone else can chip in.


Maybe Warren Edson can chip in...

This is alarming because a friend just told me about a lady that got arrested after leaving Campus East mmd in FoCo.. She went in with a duffel bag came out, got pulled over with a check and is facing trafficking charges??

Has anyone else heard this? or heard of a similar situation?


Well honestly I think people should stand on the Constitutional aspect of it. It is a victimless crime and the Constitution is supposed to protect us from this type of crap....too bad we all just let it happen. Ron Paul probably get my vote, since he is the closest thing to a Constitutional Candidate we have and that has to be the litmus test we use on ALL future US politicians, Governors, Reps, senators , etc


Then there will be a change by default...plus it will get rid of a bunch of other stupid laws used to trap citizens into owning the Govt fines for shit they have every right to do if they feel like it...


Maybe Warren Edson can chip in...

This is alarming because a friend just told me about a lady that got arrested after leaving Campus East mmd in FoCo.. She went in with a duffel bag came out, got pulled over with a check and is facing trafficking charges??

Has anyone else heard this? or heard of a similar situation?

That is very alarming.

Maybe she wasn't a patient or caregiver? I am looking everywhere, but cannot find an article, wouldn't something like that get some media attention?


Thats what I thought as well and she MUST not have been a patient or caregiver, I have looked everywhere and can't find the info either.


Active member
So through poking around craigslist and such I actually found someone I know who is a medical user! I didn't even know they smoked, lol. Well, I had my suspicions.

Anyway, they were complaining about the cost of meds at the clubs and I worked out a deal with them then and there. No profit, all for cost of the grow plus help with the occasional upgrade to the room/equipment. So I am feeling pretty good right now!

This thread is really shaping up to be quite informative. Thank you to everyone who is in here participating.

Flying Goat

Good for you, Spade! That is exactly what I will be doing... Spread the love while not seeking personal gain... In the end, we ALL gain from this attitude!

Fo.Co. - The discrepancy you mention is one of the reasons we pulled our bill before Committee last time. That, & the fact that they amended it to say patients had to purchase only from FDA-approved pharmacies... There's only 6 in the state, which would place an unnecessary travel/transport burden on the most ill patients... Not to mention, the FDA would never approve it, anyway.

Our bill has been restructured to limit personal possession to "2.5 oz of smokable material." As we all know, it's so much easier to have oils, tinctures & budders put away in containers that are not suspect.

Guess this reveals my true rebel spirit, eh? I want so much to be legal, but still have to provide for myself my way, secretly, until the "powers that be" grow enuf brains to realize the stuff is not so dangerous & either up possession limits or legalize it outright.

I'm a very heavy medicator, what with spinal injuries & stenosis & associated migraine headaches, fibro & major muscle spasm, insomnia due to chronic pain, & digestive upset in response to chronic pain... I medicate 24 hours, using budder & baked goods to achieve a baseline of comfort, then smoke, vaping, or tincture for "breakthru pain."

It is very rare that I actually have "extra" medication on hand... In fact, I donated some of my personal meds to another chronic pain patient whose morphine pump is not holding his pain... So I've been out until last Friday...

But when you consume between 1/2 oz & 1 oz per day, depending on quality & pain level, it's a simple fact that you MUST find a way to keep a stock of meds in a nice dark place...

Different point of view, eh?


Stacy Clendenin

Stacy Clendenin

Originally Posted by attila76
Selling to the dispensary is illegal. It is also very very common. Soon you will be able to be a disp. employee when the new state regs pass. As it stands today you are only legally able to sell to your patients, period. That said, no one that I am aware of is being prosecuted for selling their "overage" to the dispensaries. Be discreet, and don't talk about it. If you want to follow the law then throw it away.... that's what my lawyer told me after the Clendinen case.
Not true. Tell us where it states that it is illegal to sell to dispensaries or anybody other than your patient(s) in CO. Hope your lawyer advice was a free consultation.

Sorry it took so long to answer the question-
the answer is: The People of the State of Colorado, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. Stacy Clendenin, Defendant-Appellant.


Active member
In CO the laws say you can possess "(I) No more than two ounces of a usable form of marijuana" "(i) "Usable form of marijuana" means the seeds, leaves, buds, and flowers of the plant (genus) cannabis, and any mixture or preparation thereof, which are appropriate for medical use as provided in this section, but excludes the plant's stalks, stems, and roots"

Sooo, technically, in CO a pound of cannabutter should count as a pound on your weight. I dont know if this has been tested in court, maybe someone else can chip in.

so how do dispos/collectives get away with there weight?
im sure most have 2oz or so just in display...
llc's arnt above the law??/ is it 2oz for everyone working that day?

obviousely none of this is court tested.
Sorry it took so long to answer the question-
the answer is: The People of the State of Colorado, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. Stacy Clendenin, Defendant-Appellant.

You are wrong. Clendenin got busted because she had no personal contact with her patients. She grew directly for patients of the dispensary she contracted with. The Clendenin case more clearly defined the role of a caregiver. It did NOT have anything to do with selling meds to dispensaries. The end.
Seriously guys... I also go around and around the whole over weight issue as I also am a heavy medicator located in colorado and my attorney is Rob Corry. He helped walk my dr through on writing me a recommendation for more plants/weight because I am such a heavy medicator and I also do make a lot of edibles, I also take care of quite a few patients myself. It is nice to be in a position that you can have "extra", I do tend to donate a good deal of medicine to my patients every time they come see me.

I also make quite a bit of BHO to reduce how much weight I have on hand. Depending on the quality I will get about 5.5g of BHO from 1.5 oz of nice sugary trim with some water buds, so that can help a lot, and I make my edibles with BHO and usually combine 5+ different strains for a nice rounded effect, but I have also been known to turn really nice well cured whole buds into bho too.

After I have run my trim/fan leaves/buds through with the butane, I then use the plant material in compost and that goes back into my plants and so on and so forth.

I don't like it when I get slack when I say I usually charge 50-60 for an 1/8 of organicly grown well cured and trimmed buds, but then again I have a wide selection, I deliver and I give a lot of free mmj to my patients, I don't ever let anyone suffer without meds if I can help it and I pay Corry for free legal advice for my patients, and let me tell you that's not cheap folks.


My plan is too find needy petients through RIPAC and ditribute for free or low cost all my extras once my perpetual is caught up and running. I really haven't experienced a lo of Excess.


.♠.;3338591 said:

According to the laws in my state I am allowed to grow six plants (3 veg, 3 flower) at a time and possess two ounces of dried buds.

So here is my question. Legally speaking what exactly am I supposed to do with the extra herb that I grow?

What do most medical users do?
Smoke it before they find out.....:tiphat:


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Selling to the dispensary is illegal. It is also very very common. Soon you will be able to be a disp. employee when the new state regs pass. As it stands today you are only legally able to sell to your patients, period. That said, no one that I am aware of is being prosecuted for selling their "overage" to the dispensaries. Be discreet, and don't talk about it. If you want to follow the law then throw it away.... that's what my lawyer told me after the Clendinen case.

huh? R U High?
Soooo much bad info there,,,, specially the "If you want to follow the law then throw it away.. part
Well actually, now with the new SB here in Colorado,,, ,,
it's all FUBAR,, soooooo......

Always remember and never forget: Dope will get you thru times of no money, better than money will get you thru times of no dope".

That said,,,

First off, ya gotta build a REALLY BIG BONG,,,,,,,,

Call your friends over - get a REALLY BIG TORCH and burn the evidence.
or disguise it as "ART" and go to the "Burning Man" - there should be lots of help for your dilemma there. And a unusually "High" number of people with matches.
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