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EWC tea how do i make


Keep it simple with the ewc tea. 3 gallons of RO water. Add 1-2 cups of ewc and just a tad of molasses and that is it

this is the basic recepie i read from onr of the icmag members,i got some questions about this
when u say earth worm castings is that the same as humus earth worm castings
-do i need to boil the mixture or just mix it
-do i need to strain it so the matter stays and just the solution passes
-can i use it with kristal chemical fertilizers
-do i need to use molasses is there something else i can use couse i dont have molasses in my town but the delivery takes 2 days and i have a slime infestation in my hydro setup killim my plants and me mentaly,so is the molasses use to feed the BB can i use something else for it


Active member
Use the search function here on icmag and search for "EWC tea" or "ACT Tea" in the title and you will be overwhelmed. Organic soil section has some of the more interesting threads.

And yes, from what i have done molasses is the ticket. None at the grocery store?


have u made tea from it before,every post i find it never says clearly do they boil it or just mix it with water and let it sit for some time and do i need to strain it to ghet the pure liquid,can someone post me a link of a detailed recepie


i have a problem with slime so i heard that the ewc tea will inhibit BB and prevent the slime from colonozing,can i add it to the flowering res the same as for the cloner and whats the dose for it


bro...to make your EWC tea...take a cup of EWC and dump it into 5 gals of de/non-chlorinated water and bubble it for about a day or 2. Thats all there is to it, however, you can add Liquid karma and black strap molasses to the mix to bump it up with extra goodies and shit. Its really not that hard, just dive right in...its only worm shit.



Active member
Yeah - pretty much as solarz says. It is not rocket science. I use a 5 gal bucket and put 3.5 to 4 gal of water (I use RO). I use a nylon stocking and put an air stone in the bottom of the stocking then put a cup or more of worm castings in the stocking so the air stone is in the worm castings.. I use about 70ml of molasses mixed in the water. I hang the stocking into the bucket, @ 1/2 into the water. I use a 2 air pumps. 1 to bubble the water under the stocking and one to bubble the EWC inside the stocking.
You don't even need to use the stocking. You can just throw the stuff into the water and bubble for 36 to 48 hours or until frothy and "strain" and use. The amount of air is critical to make good tea. Microbeman says to use .05 to .08 cfm per gallon.

Now search for this stuff here. Microbeman is a good one to read.


i have an infestation of slime,so can i let it bubble for 4-6 hours before use,will that make it work or do i strictly need 24 + hours to bubble it


It it has turned slimey, it is no good bro...tell us how you went about making your tea that turned to slime.



oh...i gotcha. Well, i'm not really familiar with slimey roots as i don't use organics with hydro apps (only in soil). But my understanding of slimey roots is that it is caused by a lack of dissolved oxygen in the root zone. Sorry bro



i watched a video on youtube,so i just mix the ewc in ro water add some molasses and bubble it for 24-48 hours then strain it and its ready to use
can i have a 10 or 20 gallon bucket with it with airstones in it running 24/7 and keep it like that for a month,so i can have fresh BB to add to my res,also do i need to feed them with molasses over that time period to keep them alive and are there some negative affects i can get in my hydro system im running ebb and flow and dwc


oh...i gotcha. Well, i'm not really familiar with slimey roots as i don't use organics with hydro apps (only in soil). But my understanding of slimey roots is that it is caused by a lack of dissolved oxygen in the root zone. Sorry bro


no,its some bacteria that can thrive in well aireated water without light and its a bitch to get rid of,im using non organic nutes can i use ewc tea if my fertelizers not organic


you can...but one will cancel out the other...and the chem ferts will kill off any beneficial bacteria that you have going on in the root zone. Is this slime affecting the plant growth any?



Active member
Hey man why don't you search the icmag forums. Here.


This is a whole thread on slimy roots and how to get rid of the problem. It started in 2007 and is still going today. Some of these guys puts days into this solution so the least you can do is read it to fix your own problem. the solutions are found around post #300 and beyond.

And you need to brew your tea for a minimum of 24 to 36 hours. 48 hours I find is better, and that's only if you are using enough air. Like I said above (.05 to .08 cfm per gallon of brewing tea).

Read the post above then search out "microbeman's" threads on how to make teas, and do some damn research and quit asking bitch questions without reading the forums first.


Hey man why don't you search the icmag forums. Here.


This is a whole thread on slimy roots and how to get rid of the problem. It started in 2007 and is still going today. Some of these guys puts days into this solution so the least you can do is read it to fix your own problem. the solutions are found around post #300 and beyond.

And you need to brew your tea for a minimum of 24 to 36 hours. 48 hours I find is better, and that's only if you are using enough air. Like I said above (.05 to .08 cfm per gallon of brewing tea).

Read the post above then search out "microbeman's" threads on how to make teas, and do some damn research and quit asking bitch questions without reading the forums first.

i read that thread,what im asking here is concerning the tew making witch i didnt get there in detail and nobody said that i have to use organic ferts if i wana use ewc tea

CT Guy

Youtube is not a good source for compost tea info., most of the videos are crap.

Here's 3 good sources for learning about compost/EWC teas:




All 3 of these sites have scientifically based, tested information relating to aerated compost teas. Most of the other info. out there is purely speculative, with little to no scientific evidence or support.


Youtube is not a good source for compost tea info., most of the videos are crap.

Here's 3 good sources for learning about compost/EWC teas:




All 3 of these sites have scientifically based, tested information relating to aerated compost teas. Most of the other info. out there is purely speculative, with little to no scientific evidence or support.

thats what iv been searching for,do u use tea's in our grow


can i keep a big batch of tea /like 20-40gallons/ bubbling for a longer period of time so i wouldnt have to mix it everytime,if this is possible how do u feed them to keep em alive and ready to use