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Everyone violates the controlled substance act.


The controlled substance act and all the regulations about marijuana identify anything in the marijuana plant as a schedule 1 controlled substance.
For instance: CBD
CBD does not get you high. Yet since it comes from the cannabis plant it is against the law.
If you completely synthesize the CBD so that it doesn't come from the plant, it is still against the law.
No matter what the source is it is against the law. Even though it doesn't get you high.
In June of '08 it was reported, for the first time, that beta carryophylene is a cannabinoid that is attracted to the CB2 cannabinoid receptor.
Beta carryophylene is in marijuana.
It is also in black pepper. It doesn't get you high. Yet it is a powerful pain killer. It is biologically active in normal dietary doses.
It exists in marijuana, just like CBD. It doesn't get you high. Just like CBD doesn't.
Everyone in the US is now in violation of the controlled substance act.


all praises are due to the Most High
danut, would you take that to a court and see what happens? most likely black pepper will be banned :biglaugh:


dont forget all of the schedule I and II chemicals that are naturally found IN THE HUMAN BRAIN!
Warning - living may be dangerous to your health.

Govt. will always try to find a way to get more $$, more labor, and more life out of you until you don't have any left - they try to use up all three but one or two of them will suffice.

Some people say the world is going to hell in a handbasket, i say they just haven't smelt the smoke yet - we are already there.


someone snort a bunch of pepper and let me know if it helps with the pain :yoinks:

Haha - Had a friend who did this once...We were in 8th grade, on our way home from one of our away baseball games grabbing some food at Wendy's. Blew the fattest line of pepper! His right eye went completely bloodshot in about 15 seconds and his nose was running the entire trip home hahahahah.
The Oxycontin I get from my pharmacy is the most crazy drug I ever used. Of course it's okay because the law says so. When I take the Oxycontin as I have been for the last three years my symptoms dissappear and for a breif time I'm functional. In the state I live Medical Marijuana is illegal. However on a trip to California I used Medical Marijuana. With in a week a three year addiction to Oxycontin was over. Before going to California I was worried I wasn't going to have enough Oxycontin and would have to go back to get more. I began to not be a slave to that horrible drug Oxycontin and its horrible side effects. Yeah Oxycontin works but man let me tell you. After a while you need to keep increasins the dose for it to be effective. After a while taking a shit is almost impossible. Oxycontin makes you so constipated you become impacted. Being impacted really sucks. If you are close to taking a dose of Oxycontin and you forgot to bring it with you, good luck. Then you see how much better it is to just have some Medical Marijuana. I'll be going back to my home state where Medical Marijuana is illegal. however I can get as much Oxycontin as the doctor will allow though. I wish that Medical Marijuana was just legal all over it's so much better than Oxycontin.


The Oxycontin I get from my pharmacy is the most crazy drug I ever used. Of course it's okay because the law says so. When I take the Oxycontin as I have been for the last three years my symptoms dissappear and for a breif time I'm functional. In the state I live Medical Marijuana is illegal. However on a trip to California I used Medical Marijuana. With in a week a three year addiction to Oxycontin was over. Before going to California I was worried I wasn't going to have enough Oxycontin and would have to go back to get more. I began to not be a slave to that horrible drug Oxycontin and its horrible side effects. Yeah Oxycontin works but man let me tell you. After a while you need to keep increasins the dose for it to be effective. After a while taking a shit is almost impossible. Oxycontin makes you so constipated you become impacted. Being impacted really sucks. If you are close to taking a dose of Oxycontin and you forgot to bring it with you, good luck. Then you see how much better it is to just have some Medical Marijuana. I'll be going back to my home state where Medical Marijuana is illegal. however I can get as much Oxycontin as the doctor will allow though. I wish that Medical Marijuana was just legal all over it's so much better than Oxycontin.


Fuck Oxycotin


someone snort a bunch of pepper and let me know if it helps with the pain :yoinks:
Sounded funny, didn't it?

How about oil of cloves?

Same main compound. beta carryophylene.

One drop on a tooth ache and the tooth pain is gone .. just gone.

I used pepper to explain how everyone eats cannabinoids every day.

I use oil of cloves to explain exactly how powerful and fast acting this cannabinoid is.

We have no problem at all putting a drop of powerful pain killing drug on the sore gum of a teething baby. Because it's an herb, and it works so very fast.


Piperonal or however you spell it.

Or vanillin from vanilla?

Or maybe safrole?
Those compounds could be considered drugs. However, they have not been identified as cannabinoids that reside in the marijuana plant.

Beta carryophylene is.

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