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Everybody post your BEST or MOST PREFERRED soil mix recipe(s)


Thank you Clackamas, very appreciated. I actually live a little south than you, in the triangle.

Looking to go all organic, w/ the brewing of teas and such. Is a r/o unit really necessary to the building of the soil? I have one, but need to fix it.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
ithruxix said:
Thank you Clackamas, very appreciated. I actually live a little south than you, in the triangle.

Looking to go all organic, w/ the brewing of teas and such. Is a r/o unit really necessary to the building of the soil? I have one, but need to fix it.
From what I know and have read, the removal of chlorine is an important factor but again even that can be a hotly debated topic on forums where compost teas are discussed. I do aerate my water for several hours before adding the tea ingredients.

The other factor that can impact the growth of specific microbes are dramatic shifts in PH.

I personally don't believe that using an R/O system would be required though you might want to ask on one of the compost tea threads for other opinions.

That's alls I knowed about dat!

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picked up 2 bags up vericrop soil ammendment. Each bag is supposed to ammend 5 gallons of soil. Anyway, it has a lot of EWC, and sufficient amounts of humus and peat to add to my mix. I can post a link if no one can find it on line. Added more perlite as well, a long with sea kelp and little beneficial bacteria guys.

more later.

Thanks for the info Clackamas C, I appreciate it greatly. I think I will stick to r/o when making teas, and just use regular water now when prepping my batch.



totally ripped... first, its vermicrop, and each bag will amend 5 cubic feet of soil, not gallons.

there we go.


**AWD** Aficianado
You can mix RO and tap water to get the water you want, I shoot for a ppm of 50-100 when mixing the 2 to keep Ca and Mg in proper amounts in the soil and having a ppm count in there will buffer things a bit and keep ph a little more stable.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
There any number of reasons why one shouldn't grow cannabis in the Pacific Northwest - things like mildew, mold, deer, elk, mites, et al, but water wouldn't be on that list.

Sourcing good clean water here is easy. There's certainly enough of it coming down for 9 months out of the year.


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Clackamas Coot

Active member
Aeration Amendments

Aeration Amendments

In looking for some information on coir vs. peat moss, I came on this posting at Cornell University comparing the different popular aeration amendments - link

Of particular interest was this entry under Pumice:
Pumice is produced as volcanic lava cools; escaping steam and gas contribute to its porous nature. This alumino-silicate material contains potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and slight amounts of iron. Pumice can absorb K, Mg, P, and Ca from the soil solution and render it available for plant absorption later (Bunt, 1988).


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The Soapmaker!
Clackamas Coot said:
The other factor that can impact the growth of specific microbes are dramatic shifts in PH.


I agree, CC. ^^^ I have been meaning, then forgetting, to touch on this in the pH debate thread. It has many implications for people arguing both sides of the pH-with-organics debate.

Cosmic Boogie Soil Recipe

Cosmic Boogie Soil Recipe

this was posted by jingles in another thread (Check my posts about oldtimers haze if you want the full article) anyway is is supposed to be the recipe used by the guys that bred the orignal haze in california i thought since this could be applied to any long flowering plant and thread is viewed more than ace seeds so i would post it here for all to see i will be trying this out with some o haze from the nice fella's at ace, once all ingredents have been rounded up if anyone has expericence with this recipe please feel free to chime in

Cosmic Boogie Soil Recipe

1 Yard of soil composed of:
30% mushroom compost
30% redwood sawdust
40% sandy loam top soil

Then mix in the organic nutrients:
3 pounds hoof and horn meal
5 pounds of rock phosphate
4 pounds of kelp
1 pound of natural compost
1 pound of soil iron
5 pounds of gypsum
5 pounds of dolomite

Mix soil and minerals throughly and let sit for at least a week, then check soil with a soil ph test kit and add lime to bring ph to between 7.5 and 8.5

I agree the ph does seem high, but i'm just reposting part of an article. may have something to do with the landrace genetics being used to high ph in their native soil.
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hey tactical farmer i'm just reproducing what was written in an old homegrown magazine article did seem alittle on high side to me though too but thats what it said check my posts jingles posted the article as a picture so read it if you like short and sweet i'm still going to try it as is and report on what happens

The Bling

1 part coco
1 part ultra high quality pure worm castings
3 cups organic sillica sand

raw agave nectar



-70% Pro-Mix BX
-20% Horticultural Grade Perlite
-10% Mother Earth's Worm Castings (1 - 0.9 - 1.1)

-1 tbsp Blood Meal per gal
-2 tbsp Bone Meal per gal
-2 tbsp Kelp Meal per gal
-1-3/4 tbsp Dolomite Lime per gal


The Bling, you got it.....

My mix is the same, but I mix in dry ferts. Click the link in my sig, you can almost hear the micro organismz singing while they work.

EDIT - CannaD, that mix wants 30% sawdust, and I've heard that sawdust breaks down quick and acidic. So, if you start around 7-8 ph, MAYBE??? at the end of the grow 3-4 mo, the mix has settled, and the fluctuations (consistently propping ph) may HELP??? nute uptake? I dunno, keep us posted as to the results. Where do you get hoof and horn meal?

Johnny weedseed - 'Scuse me, do you guys carry hoof and horn meal?
clerk - Huh?
Weedseed - Hoof and horn, mannn.
clerk - Huh? (then they ALWAYS ask like they give a shit) Well what ya gonna be growing? I told a girl early queen yesterday when I was looking for castings hahaha She says "huh? o, ok. Never heard of castings, but miracle gro has a Shake n feed..."

Weedseed walks away smiling ear to ear...
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i was smoke'n with this old hippie guy, and he gave me his soil recipe...... equal parts, black magic potting soil, redwood humus, and sugar sand..... he said he mainly just grew red hair, and skunks......anybody remember red hair, haven't seen that in years...
oh well, just thought id pass it on :bashhead:


Active member
The soil mix I blended yesterday evolved over time thing as I've had to side by side several amendments/ideas before approving them to go into the general mix.

It improves with each run so I'm a happy organic fanatic.

My starter soil is clay loam topsoil. Now amended with -

Gypsum - for amending clay soils don't use it if you don't need it.
Compost - about 40% entire content is compost.
Pumice sand - about 5%.
Terra Preta Amendments - Charcoal 10%, Bones 2%, Pottery 2%.
Plus dolomite lime, blood and bone, kelp, granite dust, and scoria dust.

I then use compost teas. Caused myself some insect grief (sloppy) but very pleased with the results of the previous run.

Loads of tomatoes! ;)


Active member
1 part multi compost, 1 part corse grit sand, 1 part organic matter. if weights a issue then use perlite instead of sand. this mix is the sh#t man. here's a pic of what results iv'e had. :joint:

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