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Every Soil Farmer Should Read This Little Book


Active member

Fabulous book on compost. Real compost. Not Rootz or BioBizz. The real stuff that you make for free.

This little book has been referenced here on IC Mag many times. I only just now read it. I now feel stupid for not having read this a long time ago. What a dumbass. Don't be a dumbass like me.

I thought so highly of the book on so many levels that I am compelled to encourage more people to read it. There is a larger message there.

It is short

It is fun

It is an easy read

It is an online book, free to everyone. Somehow very fitting.

Great Facts: The book was certainly factually informational. Great insight into composting. Very practical.

The Great Benefits: There are many great stories about the many benefits of using real compost. Plant health, disease and pest resistance, human health improvement. The works. Very entertaining.

The Great Story: I was really really enjoyed the background story about the author, Maye E. Bruce and her battle with corporate chemical manufacturers and the brainwashed "scientists" of the day. This was back between 1936 and 1946. Even back then corporate motherfuckers were extracting life from us.

Fuck a corporation. Make compost today.


thanks for yr post. I 'm trying to make compost for the first time and can't get my piles hot so this book might help.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
we're all just payin it forward friend :D



Active member
This book was simply affirmation that industrialization of our food supply is a BIG part of why we are so unhealthy. Why diabetes is an epidemic. Why there are a shocking and freakish number of autistic kids, why we are morbidly obese. We are getting sicker, not healthier. As a society our immune system is shot.

Of course this plays right in to the health care, big Pharm and lets not forget insurance. I really think if we stripped corporate chemicals from our bodies we'd reverse all of this. My personal rant...


3rd-Eye Jedi
This book was simply affirmation that industrialization of our food supply is a BIG part of why we are so unhealthy. Why diabetes is an epidemic. Why there are a shocking and freakish number of autistic kids, why we are morbidly obese. We are getting sicker, not healthier. As a society our immune system is shot.

Of course this plays right in to the health care, big Pharm and lets not forget insurance. I really think if we stripped corporate chemicals from our bodies we'd reverse all of this. My personal rant...

weve got a winner folks

Right fucking on brother right fucking on

heady blunts

prescription blunts
This book was simply affirmation that industrialization of our food supply is a BIG part of why we are so unhealthy. Why diabetes is an epidemic. Why there are a shocking and freakish number of autistic kids, why we are morbidly obese. We are getting sicker, not healthier. As a society our immune system is shot.

Of course this plays right in to the health care, big Pharm and lets not forget insurance. I really think if we stripped corporate chemicals from our bodies we'd reverse all of this. My personal rant...

uh oh now i have to do fave recommendation #3:

everyone with a human body should watch this movie:

it's crazy that all of this information is not common knowledge.

i believe that if everyone ate fresh, chemical free vegetables for at least 51% of their diet, we wouldn't be worrying about healthcare or insurance. we'd all just be healthy. sorry medical industry, so called "health-care" industry, more like the maintaining sickness industry.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
and now i realize i'd be remiss if i didn't give my fave recommendation number 4:

our very own DARC MIND turned me onto this one. GREAT EFFIN MOVIE!!!

they're both on netflix instant view, and DIRT! is on hulu as well!


Active member
Thanks again Heady. I saw Darc reference that cool movie but didn't know I could watch it on Hulu? I think that means it's free.


You are confusing what the term free is here. You still have to collect, move, and treat materials. This is not free. It requires time and effort. I would rather support local economy and waste recycling by purchasing compost from a vendor.

Originally Posted by rrog View Post
This book was simply affirmation that industrialization of our food supply is a BIG part of why we are so unhealthy. Why diabetes is an epidemic. Why there are a shocking and freakish number of autistic kids, why we are morbidly obese. We are getting sicker, not healthier. As a society our immune system is shot.

Of course this plays right in to the health care, big Pharm and lets not forget insurance. I really think if we stripped corporate chemicals from our bodies we'd reverse all of this. My personal rant...

This happens because people are retarded. Its like blaming laziness on pot. That simply is inaccurate. If we could only get rid of pot, then all those lazy hippies will go get a job! I wouldnt complain about this stuff anyways as we are living into our 70's now. Compare that to your 30's just a hundred years ago. Oh, yeah...I forgot, living way longer means you are actually unhealthy.


Active member
What can I say? I don't agree with you. Not at all. But please don't look at this as a forum to argue. The industrialization of our food supply has cost us dearly.


I wouldnt complain about this stuff anyways as we are living into our 70's now. Compare that to your 30's just a hundred years ago. Oh, yeah...I forgot, living way longer means you are actually unhealthy.

And how many more cases of cancer, diabetes, autism, etc do we have now compared to just a hundred years ago?? Living longer does not equate to living healthier. Lifespan increased because of medical advancements, ie not letting people die when nature wants them to. Just because someone lives to their 70's doesn't mean it's a healthier life for them.


Active member
The #1 reason people live longer is a reduction in accidents, as well as better care once injured. Years ago there were people living into their 90s same as today.

Clearly people are much sicker than ever before. Cancer, diabetes, autism. On and on. All increased. Corporations and the establishment that protects them will have you believe these affected people are simply fat and lazy. Same dialog was used for decades by Big Tobacco. It's all our fault because of personal choice. To agree with this is ignorant and exactly what large corporations want.

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