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Escaped from the Padded Room - Phillthy's Creations


ICMag Donor
That makes it a 100% pure Silver lining to his pollen cloud Bro!

I don't want to speak too soon at all. I mean, I've run her a few times and a couple of her hybrids now so I've become rather familiar with her in many different regards...luckily even a bit of a concept on how she breeds.

After running the Venus and seeing how Swt#4 really kinda comes out as the stronger of the two in many traits in that hybrid you think of it as a bit dominant...

You take that and say well, Carolina Blue has shown some dominant features/traits several outcrosses - Chem IBL, Bluetooth, Digital Berry Bx1 ...

But the ways that Carolina is dominant is kinda the same way the Swt #4 showed prepotent in that - it really pulls the buds to the main stem...more single cola.

What made me say CB dominant male was that fact, the limited side branching...but in thinking back...that really may not be the case at all. Carolina has OTHER traits that I know come out...

The very narrow petiole, and a large round bulbous leaf (I highlighted this in another thread with pictures)...also the large center blade of the fans tends to kinda fold down funny...like a little curtsey...also purple veins in the fan blades, full purple stems with maturing, and actually a purple/violet color to the underside of the leaves... ALL these things have been seen in various combinations as a result of Carolina Blue outcrosses. So if REALLY seeking a Carolina type to breed with...try to find a single plant that posses as many of these as possible...


bench warmer

I'll need to pop some more Bluetooth to see more of these expressions.
Keep the info & pics coming Frank
Very informative :thankyou:


ICMag Donor
Grom Bx2

These are starting to sex under 24hr now. Haven't pulled the males yet. (There are other plants in here as well, but it's just a veg pic.

I will say they all smell just like white grape juice on the stem rub - VERY much like Grom. I have my eye on one I really hope is a lady...


Larry OG x SSCDH

Just watching these still. Not sure what to think but HIGHLY excited for them. Have them in about 7g of soil total...should make for a great plant.


ChemSour x SSCDH

These were root bound pretty bad in their 2g...and not the happiest. I found a single full pollen sack - albeit it purple stripped one - it was there. SO.....while highly excited about the potential for these as well, I am now watching like a HAWK. Especially since I already have a few cuts of that one lady in the cloner as it is a SERIOUSLY funky/stinky plant...


Will be flipping all these to flower end of the week. Can't wait to see what kind of nugs all these ladies give me!!!


heady blunts

prescription blunts
damn look at the surface roots on the left most plant in the last pic. gnarly!

i guess the new soil mix is doing pretty good so far huh df? :watchplant:


ICMag Donor
-Yeah, Heady - it was certainly the lime. Seems things are settling in now. Still see the burns of being planted in a hot soil ... no "cooking" time.

That one on the left is a cookie tree...hehehe...but yeah, I planted like that to kinda rinse free any of that old dirt and to stiffen up the base of that plant a bit. When roots are exposed, they harden off. There was no feeders on those roots anyway - all fried off from various toxicities...lol...so it was a no lose situation. -and it looks pretty gnarly, too! ;)

That is one of my 10g plants. I never did get the living mulch in there...wish I had. The water use / retention and the tilth would have been much better. Not use to larger containers and it only takes a couple to realize the benefits of a bit of ground shade and a firmer / sponge / full of life top layer with these big girls. Next time.

-Thanks for peeking in b_w. Looking forward to seeing what you do with some of your beans as well!



ICMag Donor
Sorted things out this evening and I think 6 Grom Bx2 to see into flower! I'll get some shots of the boys later before they get the axe. And on a positive note, the one I want isn't showing any mini balls yet...pretty sure it's a she. HONESTLY... I bet I can cut the other 5 down already, call it a day...and name it the keeper...lol.

I'll keep putting up shots of the ladies in the group as well and see how long it takes someone to tell me which one it is...hahahaha! Keeping in mind, there are 8 other plants of appropriate size in the last group shot that ARE NOT Grom Bx2...so, maybe in the next batch of photos...



legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr
tagged bruh that larry x sscdh sounds like something special cant wait 2 see her
great thread DF


ICMag Donor
Thanks Scoot - those plants have me really excited too...not gonna lie. The male SSCDH Phillthy used I have been trying to get seeds from for about 2 years, but these are the first crosses he's made with him ... FINALLY time to see what he can do.

He was all haze end of the spectrum - and crazy frosty - loads of stretch - but not lanky internodes. Seems too have passed a bit of his vigor on to the offspring as BOTH these X SSCDH hybrids have grown exceptionally fast.

I personally, think what is found in the ChemSour x SSCDH to be equally exciting. I expect the smoke from these ladies to be supremely potent. Phillthy's ChemSour keeper is no joke. It on it's own can cause white outs in a heavier puffing session - seriously. I KNOW if that ChemSour twists with any haze in any way - it is going be an incredible bell ringer. Keep in mind - SSCDH has REZ SSH momma - that cut has earned it's place as far as I'm concerned as a result of the years of success with SSSDH - we know it's potential in a gene pool.

Anway - I wanted to get a shot up of the garden - things are labeled and in place. I work in tight quarters so pictures of individual plants has been a bit sparse. I think as time progresses I WILL for the sake of showing these beans off more properly get shots of the individual plants and their different flower structures. Personally, vegging shots only compare so much..

This was day 1 flower - so thread forward march -


All the Grom Bx2 are in 3 gal - and have the lowers stripped. Kinda only shooting for the mains on these as you can tell the room is going to be too crowded for much undergrowth. All the x SSCDH crosses are in 10g smart pots folded down a bit - so about 7 gal total there.



ICMag Donor
Grom Bx2

Grom Bx2

One of these Groms is just like the mother - one of these Groms not like the rest - Couple these Groms shorter than the others - which one of these Groms does dank.Frank like best?


Ignore the numbers on the bags - they do not coincide to the pictures. Please forgive the rough shape and yellowing - at war with some 100x microscopic bugs now - hahaha - SCIENCE.




[continued next post]


ICMag Donor
hahahaha - yep - you know it - ALLLLLLL DAY #5. It's why I made a post stating I could pretty much call the keeper out the lot all ready - just chop the others down...hahaha. You can see my asterisk on the bag...lol

Kidding of course - I want to see what kinda funky expressions these ladies throw - but yeah man, #5 is on point! If you look closer, you'll notice it is the only one left with extra side branches still - hahahaha - clones - yes? lol

#4 however is the odd ball out that grew more like the males - but it is really stiff straight stems - almost like their square / blocky stems...but REALLY has a funk to it. Just smells a touch stronger than the rest - lotta stretch between the internodes - like an OG or something. Very curious what the differences will be...



ICMag Donor
Broad mites. End of story. Thought I was smarter than them - thought I could win. But alas - this garden is no more...


Sorry guys - I tried to showcase these beans - show you what Phillthy has in store for the Server Fund...

I still want this thread to keep going - I know there are plenty of folks that have genetics that have "Escaped from the Padded Room"

Get to sprouting those seeds - lets see the results!!



ICMag Donor
Yes...completely different family of mites...and 1000x worse. You need a 60-100x scope to see broad mites - and they don't really stick around on the bottom of the leaves...they focus on new growth...

They completely stunt a plant - prevent it from growing AT ALL - I've had plants in veg for 3 weeks that haven't grown single centimeter - the roots haven't spread out in the containers...

My whole garden - fucked.

Spider mites - are your best friend, by comparison...
