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Eric Holder questions marijuana's legal status as he prepares to leave Justice Depart


Well-known member
Schedule V would be great, however pretty unlikely, I'm guessing it will be rescheduled to III.
This probably won't happen for a few years.


Active member
Incredible. Of all of the VALID points that Retro brought up, you being the one-issue voter that you are, consider semi-legal pot to outweigh all the rest.

I'm not a one issue voter at all.

I merely expressed my on topic opinion, ya know? It's pointless for me to address the other stuff here. I don't need the attitude.

If there's some part of post #22 you find objectionable, just say so & we can reason it out.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I'm not a one issue voter at all.

I merely expressed my on topic opinion, ya know? It's pointless for me to address the other stuff here. I don't need the attitude.

If there's some part of post #22 you find objectionable, just say so & we can reason it out.

We've been through this time and again. Every bit of egregious behaviour that the current administration has been responsible for, every Bush-era policy that has been continued and amplified, is dismissed by you because they have ignored Colorado's mj efforts. Perhaps I'm wrong, but that sounds like the definition of a one-issue voter to me.

paper thorn

Active member
Well, I for one like reading jhhnn's posts. We disagree on politics in general me thinks, but we agree on a lot of stuff concerning mj and mmj. But I like reading all y'alls posts. Even the fighting, as long as it's kinda civil.

Back on the OP about rescheduling:

politicians no nothing of our 'cause' and don't really care to. So Holder may get some credit for 'allowing' mmj and rec mj, but just like a lot of dispensary owners and workers who got raided after the 'lay off mmj holder memo' can attest to, he's not actually on our side. He's a politician.
And this talk of rescheduling is a way for the establishment to make us shut up because we think we're getting what we want, At least a lot of people in our 'movement' seem to get all friggen excited about the thought of rescheduling. so just take a second and review the 5 schedules of the Controlled Substances Act.

this is the list of examples from the Ddaver's OP:

Some examples of the drugs that are on each schedule:
Schedule 1: marijuana, heroin, LSD, ecstasy, and magic mushrooms.
Schedule 2: cocaine, meth, oxycodone, Adderall, Ritalin, and Vicodin.
Schedule 3: Tylenol with codeine, ketamine, anabolic steroids, and testosterone.
Schedule 4: Xanax, Soma, Darvocet, Valium, and Ambien.
Schedule 5: Robitussin AC, Lomotil, Motofen, Lyrica, and Parepectolin.

OK, All of us here agree that marijuana should not be in the company of the granddaddy of bad hard drugs, the big H, Horse, Joseph Bayer's 'Wonder Drug' Heroin.
So let's say you schedule 2 guys win the day:

Yeah man, Marijuana's only as bad as meth and cocaine. Great company to be in. FAIL
OK, so cooler heads prevail and we get schedule 3:

like Ty3's and steroids. I don't like this spot, I'm open to someone more knowledgeable than me,(i'm only going off of ddaver's examples) to explain how this one works for us, at least researchers and big pharma gets it right? good for someone doing agribiz grows.
Let's check out schedule 4:

now our sacred weed is available at the pharmacy next to the valium and darvocet. That'l help us home growers, cause everybody is allowed to manufacture their own valium right?
All right, maybe schedule 5 is the one:

I don't know if RobiAC is OTC? and I can't remember the Lyrica commercial I see all the time. Are these OTC or just the bottom rung of behind the counter drugs.

I guess if it is an OTC schedule, it would work? As long as we get to help write the regs and rules?

I need to go back and reread, 5's status was probably discussed by someone, but i forgot after the political stuff distracted me.


Rubbing my glands together
I'm not a one issue voter at all.

I merely expressed my on topic opinion, ya know? It's pointless for me to address the other stuff here. I don't need the attitude.

If there's some part of post #22 you find objectionable, just say so & we can reason it out.

I have to right a wrong here. I hit the rep button instead of the quote tab. Since there is no way to correct that I had to post this. So it is a rep in error on my part. Didn't want you to think in your wildest dreams that i somehow agreed with your post.
Now to the reason I was to hit the quote button=
There is no reasoning with you unless of course the one trying to do so is in full agreement with you. You're a one trick pony who loves the semen encrusted koolaid produced by the democratic party. Line and verse.
Just wanted to clear that up mainly because I didn't want you to have a stroke when you saw the positive rep hit from me. lol
I pretty much feel the same way about the republican party and their nut huggers too. Everyone agrees that the country is in sad shape and all they want to do is elect the same 2 parties that got us in this shit storm to begin with. totally stupid.
On the other hand, I see where the rep party is considering running that idiot Romney again. No chance he'll win. Peoples memory of him isn't that short, thus paving the way for another democratic president again. Seems as if the repubs are complicit in letting the dems continue to socialize us even further while they watch it happen from the sidelines without having to actually take any credit for getting us where they want us. Fuckers everyone.


Active member
I'm in agreement with Tony and stasis. Although Obama is far from perfect, I'd like to hear the argument about how things would be better cannabis-wise with a Romney presidency. People hate politicians because they are people like anyone else, with major flaws, but they are a currency or tool in the world of politics and you have to choose what's available at the time of need. Doesn't mean charges shouldn't be brought in the fast and furious mess if possible.


Rubbing my glands together
Things wouldn't be better with Romney. He's a total joke. And the fact that the repubs are actually encouraging him to run again shows that they are in on the joke too. He probably would have allowed it because of the states rights, but he more than likely would have cut off federal funding to CO and WA in the way of highway funds, etc to force the states to go against the will of the people just to show them that he is the one in charge.


Active member
I'm sure things would have been a lot worse with Romney-

I would not legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, and the reasons are straightforward: As I talk to people in my state and at the federal government level about marijuana and its role in society, they are convinced that the entry way into a drug culture for our young people is marijuana. Marijuana is the starter drug....The idea of medical marijuana is designed to get marijuana out in the public marketplace and ultimately lead to the legalization of marijuana overall. And in my view, that's the wrong way to go. I know that other people have differing views. If you'd like to get someone who is in favor of marijuana, I know there are some on the Democratic side of the aisle who will be happy to get in your campaign. But I'm opposed to it, and if you elect me president, you're not going to see legalized marijuana. I'm going to fight it tooth and nail.


He's an Eagle Scout Mormon- no booze, no cigarettes, no caffeine & especially no drugs. Straight Arrow. If he can't make you think the way he does, he'll just try to make it so that you have to act like you do.


The Dude
Things wouldn't be better with Romney. He's a total joke. And the fact that the repubs are actually encouraging him to run again shows that they are in on the joke too. He probably would have allowed it because of the states rights, but he more than likely would have cut off federal funding to CO and WA in the way of highway funds, etc to force the states to go against the will of the people just to show them that he is the one in charge.

I'm sure things would have been a lot worse with Romney-


He's an Eagle Scout Mormon- no booze, no cigarettes, no caffeine & especially no drugs. Straight Arrow. If he can't make you think the way he does, he'll just try to make it so that you have to act like you do.

So true!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
For me, it has become blindingly obvious that the state of legality for mj is so far down the list of priorities when selecting a President that it has fallen off the bottom. We survived their best efforts pretty handily over the last 45 years and will continue to do so, and public sentiment is going to continue to change things for the better regardless of the politician's efforts.

As much as I dislike Romney, I'm pretty amazed at the accuracy of his predictions during the debates which he was ridiculed for by the strutting peacocks currently in office. I think that his business background may well have served the country better than a lecturer on the constitution who has seemingly used that background to pervert everything that the document was the foundation of.

We desperately need a viable 3rd party.


Rubbing my glands together
Do you mean sorta like the way Obama and Holder do now?


We desperately need a viable 3rd party.

Preaching to the choir.
If a majority would vote for a third party in the upcoming elections it would send a clear message that we are tired of the cronyism, corruption, and bullshit. We'd have 2 years before the next election to see how things would shake out. To see how politicians would take to knowing that their cushy job could be taken away would be worth every minute of it. Then maybe, just maybe would things start to happen in DC that takes care of getting our country back on the right track. As it is now we are headed towards financial failure which will lead to revolution which is something that would tear the country apart and we may never recover.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
A third party in this country wouldn't change a fucking thing...would just be a third candidate lying to our faces...we are stuck, I'm afraid, for our lifetimes anyway, with the way things are.


Rubbing my glands together
A third party in this country wouldn't change a fucking thing...would just be a third candidate lying to our faces...we are stuck, I'm afraid, for our lifetimes anyway, with the way things are.

You are right. But it would be priceless to see the look on the dem or repubs face when the poll results tell them to take a flying fuckin leap into obscurity!


Active member
ICMag Donor
It's sad that people think that Romney and Obama were our only choices in the last election. It's sad that people don't think other parties have viable candidates, so they have to vote for the lesser of two evils. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Voting for the lesser of two evils means we're stuck with evil bastards every time.


Active member
ICMag Donor
A third party in this country wouldn't change a fucking thing...would just be a third candidate lying to our faces...we are stuck, I'm afraid, for our lifetimes anyway, with the way things are.

What exactly did Gary Johnson lie about in the last campaign? Oh yeah, you weren't paying attention to what he was saying. Nobody was I guess.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Romney wants the drug war to continue cause he has millions invested in the biggest rehad corp in the country if weed goes legal he loses out on big profits its always about money....always.....ive never met a mormon that actually followed the rules my whole entire family cousins & all is a perfect example yup including me lol

fake religious greedy scumbags will always put money 1st then preach hard to others to try & adjustify what they do & who they really are so that they dont feel guilty.the harder they preach the bigger the hipacrits they really are.

Schedule 1: marijuana, heroin, LSD, ecstasy, and magic mushrooms.
Schedule 2: cocaine, meth, oxycodone, Adderall, Ritalin, and Vicodin.
Schedule 3: Tylenol with codeine, ketamine, anabolic steroids, and testosterone.
Schedule 4: Xanax, Soma, Darvocet, Valium, and Ambien.
Schedule 5: Robitussin AC, Lomotil, Motofen, Lyrica, and Parepectolin

I cant believe the scheduling, mushrooms shouldnt be at #1 either & as far as soma & xanax goes my close friend is dead from taking a mix of those 2 & their scheduled at 4? what the fuck!
that whole list is seriously out of order! wheres the bath salts? amoungst many others chemical legal drugs?

and as far as holder he needs to just drop dead!
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Bob Green

I bet this fuck has some type of investments planned for cannabis...

Folks, when these fucktards start talking about legalizing our sacred herb, it has nothing to do with the good of the people...it has to do with them taking control...and fucking us up the ass in the process...for those who think its for the good of the people...bend over and grab yer ankles because a good fucking is about to commence...

Bend over here comes the CHANGE!


Active member
No one's wishing for Romney. I think that's clear. However this does not excuse the current administrations crimes.
A third party would be fantastic, but the corporate bribe artists would not go for it, and neither would the parties in power. If they were truly for democracy, they would welcome a third party.