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ErdPurt x PCK limited edition


ACE Seeds Breeder
Congrats for such beautiful harvest @b8man :D Great looking, colorful hashplant indica flowers!
Thanks a lot for chime in :yes: we need more feedback on ErdPurt x PCK.
I cannot recommend enough this Af Pak F1 hybrid to pure indica lovers.


Well-known member
Thanks all. It was a very happy plant throughout with massive wide leaves. They should be ready for a trim soon so will post more pics of how they turned out. Probably the prettiest plant I’ve grown.


Well-known member
Would love to hear about the smoke :)
It’s early days - needs about a 3 week cure. But so far it’s a very nice, comfortably strong indica which starts quickly with a slightly heavy head, a mild thought rush and pleasant body relaxing effects which if smoked during the day leaves you quite clear headed and able to converse clearly and if smoked in the evening develops in to a comfy, lazy, relaxed state. It hasn’t triggered any anxiety, which a lot of strains do and might help with sleep. It’s possibly my favourite indica I’ve grown - a really nice effect. And it’s delicious! Very glad I gave it a go.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks a lot for your positive feedback @b8man 🥰 touching to know you rate her as your favorite indica you have grown! Enjoy!


Well-known member
View media item 18715641

View media item 18715644

It's a really nice strain!

I got three phenos - one very pink/purple with good yield (pictured), one very hashy with small yield and one fairly resinous (crystally) one with some purpling. After a bit of a cure they've developed a beautifully relaxing effect with almost no hint of anxiety. The purple pheno is the only one in years i've been able to just puff away at without worrying about getting edgy or anxious. I've never grown anything that is just purely relaxing.

The purple pheno has a clear head and deep muscle and body relaxation. It's great after a hard day. Not couch lock but very happy to just stay still. Smells are dark berries, cough medicine?, coffee. The pinks generally look purple unless you shine a light on them.

The hashy pheno tastes of dark hash, coffee and berries - a very dry kind of smell. It tastes exotic and lingers on the tongue for ages. It reminds me of my Malawi x PCK and a bubba kush I grew. The effect is a little bit edgy and not quite as relaxing as the purple. A longer cure might bring out the chill in this one.

The crystal pheno is the same body relaxation of the purple but more stoney and a bit stronger. I wouldn't want to try and impress people after vaping this. Very nice for sofa and tv. In my notes i've written lazy weed. It smells similar to purple, if a bit stronger, but with a fuel like background when you grind it.

As someone who has grown TONS of hybrids and lots of strains which were supposed to be relaxing, I think this one is the first that actually delivers. For anyone with anxiety I recommend this strain - it's also the strain I'd give to first timers as it's a very comfortable, enjoyable experience rather than just being ridiculously high as seems the case with modern hybrids.

Well worth the grow effort guys. Thanks Ace!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Seriously good looking buds @b8man :smoke: thank you for taking the time to capture images of the flowers and for sharing your experience with your 3 Erdpurt x PCK girls. As you mentioned, it's genuinely calming weed with zero edginess, providing significant medicinal benefits against insomnia, restlessness, and muscle tension. The hashy, berry, and purple profiles are reminiscent of the classic hashplant type.

I hope your well-deserved harvest brings many joyful and relaxing moments!


Well-known member
I have 2 going. Just stepped up from 1l/qt containers.




ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for choosing ErdPurt x PCK fem for your current grow @Funkalicious :)
Pure indicas like these typically don't thrive in constantly wet soil conditions. This can lead to root rot and difficulties in nutrient absorption, possibly exacerbated by fluctuations in pH. I'd recommend transplanting them once the soil has dried out and ensuring you allow for dry cycles before waterings and feedings.


Well-known member
Thanks a lot for taking the time to share this with me dubi. I wish I was the only person responsible for Watering them hehe, sadly not the case. But doing my best and they seem resilient despite my abuse. I'll pot them up soon then. Excited to see how they get on.
Thanks for choosing ErdPurt x PCK fem for your current grow @Funkalicious :)
Pure indicas like these typically don't thrive in constantly wet soil conditions. This can lead to root rot and difficulties in nutrient absorption, possibly exacerbated by fluctuations in pH. I'd recommend transplanting them once the soil has dried out and ensuring you allow for dry cycles before waterings and feeding
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Active member
Hey @dubi (or anyone else who has an opinion on this). In a different thread you recently recommended ErdPurt and Lebanese as a good choice for CBD rich lines with a low smell profile. Low smell is important to me because I grow on a balcony and even though it's legal now I don't want to annoy the neighbors too much. How would you rate ErdPurt x PCK in this regard? Is it smilar to ErdPurt and Early Bubba or does the PCK bring a much stronger smell with it?
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Well-known member
Hey @dubi (or anyone else who has an opinion on this). In a different thread you recently recommended ErdPurt and Lebanese as a good choice for CBD rich lines with a low smell profile. Low smell is important to me because I grow on a balcony and even though it's legal now I don't want to annoy the neighbors too much. How would you rate ErdPurt x PCK in this regard? Is it smilar to ErdPurt and Early Bubba or does the PCK bring a much stronger smell with it?
I've grown my own cross of Erdpurt x PCK, so I'd assume it behaves virtually identically to ACE's. They did have a more intense smell than their parents, but not in a Skunk-in-the-face kind of way. The Erdpurt leaning phenos had some sour piney notes, while the PCK leaning ones were more flowery/earthy. On the most intense days, I could pick up a flower scents while walking around the garden. Nothing too overwhelming or even relatable to cannabis, though. I think you'll be fine.


Not ICMag Donor
Hey @dubi (or anyone else who has an opinion on this). In a different thread you recently recommended ErdPurt and Lebanese as a good choice for CBD rich lines with a low smell profile. Low smell is important to me because I grow on a balcony and even though it's legal now I don't want to annoy the neighbors too much. How would you rate ErdPurt x PCK in this regard? Is it smilar to ErdPurt and Early Bubba or does the PCK bring a much stronger smell with it?
They are definitely stinky and as the PCK dominates the cross, berry and grape aromas were shining through in most plants I grew.