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EOTWAWKI - End Of The World As We Know It. Your plan?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
sounds like a plan....


I hate to tell you this, but even with your head turned, we know it's you Mr. Jack-in-the-Box :eek:


Active member
sounds like a plan....


haha we on the same level here.....got my AR and a bunch of Pmags and a few 30s stashed away.....couple bricks of 223 but always could use more...and got a mini14 for backup in case the AR fails for any reason..stocking up on 308, 40 and 45 as well.....and a SHITLOAD of .22 caliber best bang for your buck...

guns, ammo, canned food, water, medical supplies, im trying to stock up on painkillers like vicodin and hydrocodone because i think those will be hot commodities in that kind of market too.....anything that has a use and can bartered instead of worthless paper currency.....ammo really is the best bet once SHTF the price of ammo will skyrocket...its already through the roof at damn near .40 cents a round!

generally as long as you arent in the city you should be good....life wont change too much in the rural areas, plenty of fresh water from the wells and lakes, lots of game a big buck will feed a family for a long time...room to grow veggies.....but in the citys its gonna be bad once the whole welfare class of lazy entitled people realize the freebies are gone and the supermarkets go bare in mass panic buying (happened in japan)...they are gonna take to mass looting and pillage, emergency services will be stretched...cops will implement martial law, shit is just gonna be hectic as fuck in the crowded cities thats why im trying to close on this damn norcal rural property!!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
when the antibiotics run out...everybody's toast

Well, actually our favorite plant is a very potent antibiotic, as well as a topical pain reliever, healing promoter, and fungicide. There are also indication it has anti-viral properties.

I'm thinking a tube of oil will make Neosporin look paltry, to be honest.
Well, actually our favorite plant is a very potent antibiotic, as well as a topical pain reliever, healing promoter, and fungicide. There are also indication it has anti-viral properties.

I'm thinking a tube of oil will make Neosporin look paltry, to be honest.


Well-known member
sorry fambz!
BUT i wanna see folks do everything neccessery and wait couple a months for antibiotics to grow on treez... yadda yadda...

ps.: while dreaming of pilaging (hope spellin is rite) canned food, start stockin up some :)


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
AP- After Irene: When will the power come back on?

Some quotes, emphasis added by yours truly:

"It's like 'Little House on the Prairie' times," said Debbie McWeeney, who went to a Red Cross shelter in Warwick to pick up food and water after everything in her refrigerator went bad.

But the wait for power drags on, with an estimated 895,000 homes and businesses still without electricity, down from a peak of 9.6 million.

In Rochelle Park, N.J., Nedra Visconti said the town had learned a lesson from Hurricane Floyd in 1999, when looters took what they wanted. This time, Visconti has seen several law enforcement officers checking IDs on some streets. Nevertheless, she came out of her home to find someone trying to steal her husband's tools from the piles of water-damaged belongings in their driveway. She ran the would-be thief off by threatening to call the police. "I mean, what's wrong with people?" Visconti said. "Who does something like that?"

What would happen if there were no air drops, or relief trucks?

I'm not sayin' anything, I'm just sayin'... ;)



Active member
My plan will expand, but is in motion.

I am growing as much food as possible on my small plot of land.

I am transforming my body. I have hit the weights again, yoga and meditation.

I actually like the taste of healthy food now.

My thinking and mental clarity has improved massively.

In threads like this, alot of gun and weapon talk arises.

There are a place for them in a wisely devised plan.

But a healthy body, and a well fueled, lightening fast brain is a force of nature.


Stay safe.


how about we try things the OTHER way?!?!? just this once if things do collapse. . . .

everyone gets 5 acres of land, and 5 types of livestock of your choice, we all grow our own. the seeds are there, the sun is there and the time is there and by that time it would all be free. no having to worry about generators and all that other shit, all you need is the good ol farmers almanac and your good

no more taxes, if your here in the country then your here! no going back across borders or any of that shit.

people home school your kids.

i used to watch little house on the prairie and now that im older and all of this shit is going on, wouldn't it make sense to return to a simpler time? and now i think that show would have been even better if there was some mention of weed somewhere since hemp was well in use at the time

no bosses, work to go to, cars to break down all this other shit to worry about . . .

maaan fuck it, if this shit collapses and debt is rubbed clean im headin to the great out doors and sustain myself, hunting and gathering!

imagine disconnecting in order to connect . . . you feel me?!

If you do some research you will see that without fossil fuels there is no way enough food can be grown to feed 7 billion people.


didn't you start a thread like this before NT ? did it get closed ?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
didn't you start a thread like this before NT ? did it get closed ?

You're thinking of my poll, where the good citizens of IC voted a Zombie Apocalypse as the most likely candidate :D

That's the only other one I started that I remember that you might be thinking about.:dunno:


what do we have really alot of...

what do we have really alot of...

like I mean ALOT of, like 7 billion of...

can you say Alfred G Packer?

who needs to worry about food.

put another way, "Soylent green is people!!!", lol

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